Women & Appearances
by Lahry Sibley
Appearance is a turmoil of thought processes. Many women seem to have this insatiable fanaticism going on that compels them to dress and decorate in a way to make themselves sexually alluring to the general public, with an emphasis on attracting men in the process. How shallow the heart, that sees value only in its appearance that fades day by day, in spite of all our best efforts.
When a woman leaves the house dressed to look her most alluring to the opposite sex at large, it is a passion rooted in adultery. And if a man lusts for her, he commits adultery with her.
I've even asked why many church women seem to find no guilt in dressing to expose a great portion of their breasts, whether they be married or not. I've even asked on occasion, why do you do that? They simply reply that they want to be attractive. Attractive for what? To whom? For what purpose? Fornication? Adultery? Why? They don't seem to be able to find an honest answer for that, and being seductive appears to be a passion of life for them. It's not like they would respond to someone who falls for the bait. They just seem to find it amusing just to know they can, regardless of what effect it has on the person who may be lusting after her, or just the opposite.
Reproduced with the kind permission of the author
Further Reading
[1] The Sex, Romance & Marriage website
[2] Meet Cleon: Demon of Makeup & Women's Self-Glory
This page was created on 12 February 2025
Last updated on 12 February 2025
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