"As the deer (doe) pants for the water brooks (streams of water), so my soul pants after You, Elohim (God)" (Psalms 42:1). "A loving doe and a graceful deer -- let her breasts satisfy you at all times. Be captivated always with her love" (Proverbs 5:19).
The relationship to Father of a married person always runs in parallel and together with his or her relationship to Yahweh at all times in the same way that we are to pray continuously (Eph.6:18). They work synchronistically in the same way that to love Yahweh more does not mean to love one's spouse less, or to set one aside for the other. They're closely linked.
There is a hierarchy to be sure (Yahweh first) but the levels of loving are not mutually exclusive. You don't diminish your love for your spouse or your child or your sibling in order to love Yahweh more. Love is not a finite fixed quantity that ever needs rationing. Why not? Because an endless supply is available to us through Him. Rather you continually increase your love for both, giving Father the preeminence always. This is not learned in a day which is why we must find 'alone time' with Father and 'alone time' with spouses, children, and others to enhance the quality of our relationships (e.g. "Do not deprive each other (husbands and wives) except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer" - 1 Cor.7:5).
As you mature in your relationships and your centre is the Ruach (Spirit), so we learn to multitask with Elohim (God) and people. Indeed, this is how we pray continuously - without ceasing (1 Thes.5:17-18). Ultimate love requires that we learn to multitask the way our Father does by imaging Him on a finite, human level. Indeed if Yahweh is not present in our human relationships, guiding and empowering them, we have missed the point entirely.