You cannot legislate Christianity into national prominence. This is what Constantine did to the Roman Empire. It solved the problem of Christianophobia (at least for the dominant denomination) but turned it into a state institution (the modern neo-conservative, Kingdom-Now idea).
The Good and the Bad Fruits of Christian Nationalism
Many of the things happening in the USA now (February 2025) are good (like ending the bias against, and persecution of, Christians) and is a backlash against Marxist oppression of the former Biden régime (that's still going on in the UK and EU) but if this goes further and becomes Christian Nationalism, it'll be exchanging one form of totalitarianism for another. We see it in Russia which has produced a mixed bag of fruits, some good and some bad.
Authentic Christianity is Organic
Here's the point. For Christianity to be authentic, it has to be organic, starting at grass-roots with individuals repenting and changing their way of life. It has to evolve gradually or become corrupted. When Israel/Judah merged the state apparatus (monarchy) with religion, it led to the inevitable apostasy. What we are in effect seeing happen now is another attempt at a Constantinian Revolution where politics and religion dangerously coalesce. At best this can give us a breathing space from the Marxist/Atheist/Left/Woke onslaught; at worst it will turn eventually into another form of totalitarianism because THE STATE CANNOT REPLACE REPENTANCE. If it does, disaster is sure to we know it will because it has been prophesied. All state régimes are inherently corrupt.
Trump & Putin
I believe what's happening may in part explain the vision I had of Trump's left side of his head crumbling to dust. He is in reality but a temporary strongman, like Putin, though Putin will doubtless outlast him. What happens when he is next voted out of office and the Marxists get back in? A violent backlash and an even worse disaster than the USA recently voted to leave behind.
Heretical Christian Advisors in the White House
I hope nobody here gets sucked into this religious nationalism. You just have to look at Trump's Christian advisors in the White House, led by heretical Paula White (Health-and-Wealth Prosperity teacher) to know where this is going. As I feared, little is changing, or will change in the long term. There's no use destroying (or trying to destroy) one Deep State and then replacing it with another (the DS has ALWAYS had factions vying for power).
Replacing One Deep State Faction with Another
Be under no illusion. No governmental economic policy can succeed until the massive DEBT of TRILLIONS is paid off WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE without dismantling the entire financial system and disbanding the Federal Reserve. What this means is that, in spite of all the MAGA ('Make America Great Again') rhetoric, the world economy WILL collapse (including the USA - see the Fall of the USA prophecy) and provide the same kind of 'opportunities' that despots waiting in the wings have been longing for. What happened in 1929 - the Wall Street Crash followed by the Great Depression - is going to REPEAT but it's going to be ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE WORSE.
A Short-Lived 'Golden Age'
I said it last time, and I'll say it again: 'The Donald' Cannot Save You (or even Farage/Reform in the UK if it ever wins). The USA WILL collapse like other Western nations. The best he can do is buy some time so that believers can evangelise freely once again before Trump's 'Golden Age' turns into a new and final antichrist Dark Age. This means you must STILL prepare and do so DILIGENTLY because INFLATION WILL WORSEN:
Further Reading
[1] Book of Revelation Study Course
Comments from Readers
[1] "Haven't seen forced conversions under Constantine. Am on a 24/7 prayer wall. The Spirit of God prompted me to pray exactly into this issue; not just outward cleansing without having repentance... that's a sorely needed foundation. Not having a house swept clean ..left empty & not filled with Holy Ghost. I believe God is so much more than we think or know.
I believe this is an awakened church (in part) that has experienced revival (in part per capita) who pray..repent & seek healing of thier land. 2 Cor 7:14. (Reformation) God had a critical mass. (Abraham pleading for numbers in population about to be judged). I don't believe in Christian nationalism (nation first then God) & have seen that brush stroke paint the whole momentum. God is answering prayer..providing a template for every nation to follow if they will. The church is the pillar & ground of all truth in every nation. Go ye there into all the world & teach all nations..baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you.. All I desire to see is the plumbline of heaven (using just weights & measurements in His Son Jesus) coming to bear on the earth. Your will be done/on earth/like heaven. I love Psalm 2. Shalom" (LF, Sweden, 12 February 2025)
Response by the author: Well, no - no two rulers are exactly alike nor are the circumstances. I speak of generalities. Yahweh allows all sorts to rule the nations, anointing some to bring punishment and others to bring blessings, and yet others mixtures of the two. The people get what they want....and deserve, as Israel got King Saul. We don't always understand too well the workings of the Divine Hand in history but it is most definitely there, steering nations on the course they were ordained in the direction of the grand consummation. It's always more complex than we can fathom but He does show us generalities. So I more or less agree with you. In all of the mix is grace, the heavenly blessing to the righteous in any nation, staying the hand of judgment until either there has been a full ripening in iniquity or a mass repentant like Jonah's Nineveh. Trump is a mixed bag, as the vision Father gave me recently showed. But even His controllers are steered by the Most High, yet all are allowed to exercise their agency and take the courses they choose provided they don't interfere with the main Plan. Finally a passing thought. Have you seen Elon Musk's recent tweet in X where he writes: WE'RE GOING TO REPROGRAM THE MATRIX? And that's the problem: it's not a reprogramming of the matrix that's needed but getting out of the matrix altogether. THAT'S what Trump's allies' agenda is.
This page was created on 12 February 2025
Last updated on 12 February 2025
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