
of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh

 The Temple School of the Zaqenim (Elders) is a branch of the School of the Nevi'im (Prophets) administered by the Chavurat Bekorot (Holy Order) for the training and instruction of the Enochian (Elders) and Miriyamic (Eldresses) Orders within the Local Assemblies (Branches & Missions) of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY).
Elders and Eldresses have their own schools and (where appropriate to their numbers and need) sub-schools known as the:
Schools of the Elders
- 1. School of the Apostles (see School of Patriarchs)
- 1.1. School of the Prophets, Seers & Revelators
- 1.2. School of the Evangelists (see School of Patriarchs)
- 1.2.1. School of Missioners (Missionaries)
- 1.2.1.a. International Missioners Class
- 1.2.1.b. Metropolitan Missioners Class
- 1.2.1.c. Local Missioners Class
- 1.3. School of Metropolitan Pastorates (Bishoprics)
- 1.3.1. School of the Elder-Administrators
- 1.3.1.a. Secretaries Class
- 1.3.1.b. Treasurers Class
- 1.3.1.c. Clerks Class
- 1.3.2. School of the Local Pastors & Pastorates
- School of the Elder-Teachers
- Priesthood Order Schools Class
- School of Israel Class
- School of Goyim Class
I ADVANCED STUDIES OF THE BIBLE: Prophets of the New Covenant |
1. God's Call to the Prophets (ASB-001#A01) |
1. The Kingdom of God in the Gospel of Mark (SE001/0797) |
2. The Rock on which the Church is Built (SE002/0999) |
1. The Vision -- Introduction |
2. Church Government |
3. Singular or Plural Leadership? |
4. The Seven Laws of the King |
5. The Ministerial Pitfalls of King Saul |
Phronemic Studies on the Gospel of Mark
1. General Introduction (GM01) |
2. Introducing the Gospel of Mark (GM02) |
3. The New Era Begins (Mark 1:1-8) (GM03) |
4. You Make Me Very Glad! (Mark 1:9-13) (GM04) |
5. The Galilean Ministry Starts (Mark 1:14-20) (GM05) |
6. Authority and Power (Mark 1:21-34) (GM06) |
7. Prayer, Celebrity & a Leper (Mark 1:35-45) (GM07) |
8. The Son of Man & the Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12) (GM08) |
9. Levi's Toll (Mark 2:13-17) (GM09) |
10. Fasting, the Temple & the Bride (Mark 2:18-22) (GM10) |
11. The Sabbath Controversies (Mark 2:23-3:6) GM11) |
V PHRONEMA The Mindset of the First Believers |
1. The Jonah Enigma: IV. Canons Within Canons (PHR01)
2. Ancient Connections I: The Phronema, the Word & Life (PHR02) |
3. Ancient Connections II: Ordinary Meals That Became Sacred (PHR03) |
4. Ancient Connections III: Pesach, the Master's Supper & Sukkot |
5. Ancient Connections IV: Mark, John & the Lost Agapé Feast |
Introduction |
1. How Yah'shuah Brings Life to Men |
2. Symbolism of the Miracle at Cana |
3. The Samaritan Woman at the Well |
4. The Significance of Yah'shua's Healing Miracles |
5. The Doctrine of the Shepherd |
6. Background of the "I Am" Passages |
7. It is To Your Advantage that I Go Away |
8. The High Priestly Prayer of John 17 |
9. The Theology of the Last Supper |
10. Who was the Author of John's Gospel? |
11. Rivers of Living Water |
12. The Ruach haQodesh and Truth in 1 John |
13. Loving the Brethren in the Gospel and First Epistle |
14. The Trial and Crucifixion of Yah'shua |
15. Two Signs Compared: the Feeding of the Five Thousand and Raising of Lazarus |
16. The Resurrection Narratives and the Person of Yah'shua |
17. Yah'shua, the Temple and Torah in the Fourth Gospel |
18. Jewish Ideas and Teachings in the Johannine 'Word' |
19. The Advocate, Antichrist and Truth in 1 John: Contemporary Usages & New Senses |
20. Light and Love in the Johannine Epistles |
21. Similarities of the Second & Third Epistles to the First Epistle and Gospel of John |
VII OLD TESTAMENT ESSAYS (Genesis - 1 Kings 12) |
Index of Articles |
Introduction |
1. The Exodus as the Foundation Event of the History of Israel |
2. Significance of Aaron, Jethro, Joshua, Eleazar and Balaam in the Pre-Canaanite Era |
3. The Reflection of the Ideas and Teachings of the 10 Commandments in the Religious and Political Experience of Moses in Egypt and Sinai |
4. The Relationship Between Yahweh and Israel as Set Forth in the Mosaic Covenant. Has the Biblical Account Been Influenced by Ideas Later than the Time of Moses? |
5. Does the Concept 'Moses the Lawgiver' Adequately Express Moses' True Rôle? |
6. Is the Book of Joshua an Idealised Account of the Complex Process of Settlement? |
7. The Philistine Threat: Might Israel Not Have Survived Without an External Threat? |
8. The Religious Significance of the Judges Samson and Deborah |
9. The Religion of Baal and its Influence on Hebrew Religion from the Time of the Settlement to the Reign of Saul |
10. The Relationship Between the Prophet Samuel and King Saul of Israel |
11. Bringing the Kingship to Full Flower: Saul Compared with David |
12. The Reasons for David's Success in Empire-Building |
13. The Significance of Jonathan, Joab and Hishai |
14. Was Solomon's Reputation for Widsom Justified? |
15. Would Israel Have Been Better off Without the Kingship of Solomon? |
16. The Military Achievements of Saul and David and How They Contributed Towards Establishing a State in Israel |
17. Five Towns of Israel: Bethel, Gilgal, Hebron, Shechem and Shiloh |
18. A Discussion and Comparison of the Two Creation Accounts in Genesis 1 & 2 |
19. The Meaning and Significance of Covenant as Found in the Patriarchal Sagas |
20. A Critical Study of the Sacral Character of the Kingship in Ancient Israel |
21. The Function and Nature of the Priesthood in the Period Genesis 1 to 1 Kings 12 |
22. The Significance of the Temple in Hebrew Thought During the Period of the Monarchy up to Solomon |
23. Significant Religious Ideas in the Stories of the Judges |
24. Why the Need for Judges Arose During the Settlement Period: Samson and Deborah |
25. The Importance of the Covenant Idea in the Period Genesis 1 to 1 Kings 12 |
The Apocalypse/Book of Revelation - 75 part series (BOR) |
1. Preface to the Book of Revelation: Vision of the Book of Revelation (E) in Rosh Chodesh 2021 IX (BOR01) |
2. Book of Revelation I: A. The Apocalypse Beatitudes (BOR02) |
3. Book of Revelation II: B. The Apocalypse Beatitudes (BOR03) |
4. Book of Revelation III: A. The Four Methods of Interpretation (BOR04) |
5. Book of Revelation IV: B. The Four Methods of Interpretation (BOR05) |
6. Book of Revelation V: The 7 Ruachot & the Lesser Yahweh (Rev.1:1-8) (BOR06) |
7. Book of Revelation VI: The Ancient of Days & Son of Man (Rev.1:9-20) (BOR07) |
8. Book of Revelation VII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 1. Ephesus (Rev.2:1-7) (BOR08) |
9. Book of Revelation VIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 2. Smyrna (Rev.2:8-11) (BOR09) |
10. Book of Revelation IX: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 3. Pergamum (Rev.2:12-17) (BOR10) |
11. Book of Revelation X: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 4. Thyatira (Rev.2:18-29) (BOR11) |
12. Book of Revelation XI: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 5. Sardis (Rev.3:1-6) (BOR12) |
13. Book of Revelation XII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 6. Philadelphia (Rev.3:7-13) (BOR13) |
14. Book of Revelation XIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 7. Laodicea (Rev.3:14-22) (BOR14) |
15. Book of Revelation XIV: Between the Present & the Future I - Bishops, Pastors, Koinonia & Unity (BOR15) |
16. Book of Revelation XV: Between the Present & the Future II - Clement & Ignatius, the Judaising Heresy & Hyper-Grace (BOR16) |
17. Book of Revelation XVI: Between the Present & the Future III - Syriac Ignatius, Polycarp & the Patriarch-Apostles (BOR17) |
18. Book of Revelation XVII: John, His Gospel and the Apocalypse (BOR18) |
19. Book of Revelation XVIII: An Introduction to Chapters 4 & 5 (BOR19) |
20. Book of Revelation XIX: The Glory of the Throne Room I - The 24 Elders (Rev.4:1-6a) (BOR20) |
21. Book of Revelation XX: The Glory of the Throne Room II - The Four Living Creatures, Part A (Rev.4:6b-11) (BOR21) |
22. Book of Revelation XXI: The Glory of the Throne Room III - The Four Living Creatures, Part B (Rev.4:6b-11) (BOR22) |
23. Book of Revelation XXII: Why the 'Set-Up' of This Existence? (BOR23) |
24. Book of Revelation XXIII: The Glory of the Throne Room IV - The Lion & the Lamb, Part A (Rev.5:1-7) (BOR24) |
25. Book of Revelation XXIV: The Glory of the Throne Room V - The Lion & the Lamb, Part B (Rev.5:8-14) (BOR25) |
26. Book of Revelation XXV: Satan on the EBORh - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part A (BOR26) |
27. Book of Revelation XXVI: Satan on the EBORh - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part B (BOR27) |
28. Book of Revelation XXVII: The Seven Seals I - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Rev.6:1-8) (BOR28) |
29. Book of Revelation XXVIII: The Seven Seals II - Seals 5 & 6, MBORyrs, Vengeance, Natural Disasters & Mars (Rev.6:9-17) (BOR29) |
30. Book of Revelation XXIX: Interlude I, Part A, Sealing the 144,000 - The Lamb's Élite Warriors (Rev.7:1-8) (BOR30) |
31. Book of Revelation XXX: Interlude I, Part B, The Great Rescue - The Great Multitude (Rev.7:9-17) (BOR31) |
32. Book of Revelation XXXI: The Seventh Seal & Silence in Heaven - Golden Censer & EBORhquake I (Rev.8:1-5) (BOR32) |
33. Book of Revelation XXXII: The Seven Shofar Judgments I: The First 4 Plagues Begin (Rev.8:6-13) (BOR33) |
34. Book of Revelation XXXIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments II: The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 1) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-12) (BOR34) |
35. Book of Revelation XXXIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments III: The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 2) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-12) (BOR35) |
36. Book of Revelation XXXV: The Seven Shofar Judgments IV, The 6th Plague & 2nd Woe - The Fiery Riders (Revelation 9:13-21) (BOR39) |
37. Book of Revelation XXXVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments V, Interlude II, Part A - The Little Scroll (Revelation 10:1-11) (BOR37) |
38. Book of Revelation XXXVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part B - The Two Witnesses: Part I - Measuring Rod & Temple (Revelation 11:1-2) (BOR38) |
39. Book of Revelation XXXVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part C - The Two Witnesses: Part II - Moses & Elijah (Revelation 11:3-14) (BOR39) |
40. Book of Revelation XL: The Mystery of the Court of the Gentiles with a Word on Christmas and Hanukkah (Rev.10-11) (BOR40) |
41. Book of Revelation XLI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part A (Revelation 11:15-19) (BOR41) |
42. Book of Revelation XLII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part B (Revelation 11:15-19) (BOR42) |
43. Book of Revelation XLIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Woman and the Dragon, Part A (Revelation 12:1-6) (BOR43) |
44. Book of Revelation XLIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Woman and the Dragon, Part B (Revelation 12:1-6) (BOR44) |
45. Book of Revelation XLV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Angry Dragon, Part A - A Study on Satan & Yahweh's Archangels (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (BOR45) |
46. Book of Revelation XLVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Angry Dragon, Part A - Last Exodus & Cast Down From Heaven (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (BOR46) |
47. Book of Revelation XLVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The First Beast, Part A (Revelation 13:1b-10) (BOR47) |
48. Book of Revelation XLVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The First Beast, Part B (Revelation 13:1b-10) (BOR48) |
49. Book of Revelation XLIX: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast, False Prophet & 666, Part A (Revelation 13:11-18) (BOR49) |
50. Book of Revelation L: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast, False Prophet & Dark Lamb, Part B (Revelation 13:11-18) (BOR50) |
51. Book of Revelation LI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast & Triple-Helix DNA, Part C (Revelation 13:11-18) (BOR51) |
52. Book of Revelation LII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part A: The True Followers (Revelation 14:1-5) (BOR52) |
53. Book of Revelation LIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part B: Firstfruits, Firstborn & Purity (Revelation 14:1-5) (BOR53) |
54. Book of Revelation LIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part A. Babylon & the Call to Endurance (Revelation 14:6-13) (BOR54) |
55. Book of Revelation LV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part B. The Great Harvest (Revelation 14:14-20) (BOR55) |
56. Book of Revelation LVI: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments I: Preparing the Final Plagues (Revelation 15:1-8) (BO56R) |
57. Book of Revelation LVII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments II: The First Four Plagues (Revelation 16:1-9) (BOR57) |
58. Book of Revelation LVIII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 1 (Revelation 16:10-21) (BOR59) |
59. Book of Revelation LIX: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 2 (Revelation 16:10-21) (BOR59) |
60. Book of Revelation LX: Babylon the Great, Part 1 - A Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 17-18) (BOR60) |
61. Book of Revelation LXI: Babylon the Great, Part 2 - The Whore Rides a Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17:1-8) (BOR61) |
62. Book of Revelation LXII: Babylon the Great, Part 3 - The Seven & Ten Kings (Revelation 17:9-18) (BOR62) |
63. Book of Revelation LXIII: Babylon the Great, Part 4 - Babylon's Plagues (Revelation 18:1-8) (BOR63) |
64. Book of Revelation LXIV: Babylon the Great, Part 5 - The Judgment of Babylon (Revelation 18:9-24) (BOR64) |
65. Book of Revelation LXV: Our Messiah Returns to the EBORh - A Preliminary Overview of Chapters 19 & 20 (BOR65) |
66. Book of Revelation LXVI: Yahweh's Victory Celebration, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb & the Womanolatry of Babylon Exposed (Revelation 19:1-10) (BOR66) |
67. Book of Revelation LXVII: The Beast Defeated, Part 1 - The Military Messiah, Royal Wives and Thighs (Revelation 19:11-21) (BOR67) |
68. Book of Revelation LXVIII: The Beast Defeated, Part 2 - Messiah's Conquest & Victory Through the Cross (Revelation 19:11-21) (BOR68) |
69. Book of Revelation LXIX: The Millennium - Reigning for 1,000 Years (Revelation 20:1-6) (BOR69) |
70. Book of Revelation LXX: Satan's Last Rebellion & Imprisonment (Revelation 20:7-10) (BOR70) |
71. Book of Revelation LXXI: The Great White Throne Judgment - Salvation by Faith or Works? (Revelation 20:11-15) (BOR71) |
72. Book of Revelation LXXII: The Great Millennial Debate - with Notes on Hell, TBORarus & Darbyism (Revelation 20:1-10) (BOR72) |
73. Book of Revelation LXXIII: A New Heaven & a New EBORh & the World After the Millennium (Revelation 21:1-5) (BOR73) |
74. Book of Revelation LXXIV: The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:6-21) (BOR74) |
75. Book of Revelation LXXV: Elohim & the Lamb are There (Revelation 21:22-22:7) (BOR75) |
76. Book of Revelation LXXVI: 'I am Coming Soon!' (Revelation 22:8-21) (BOR76) |
1. Ephesus, John the Apostle, and NCAY (RMC-01) |
2a. The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection (RMC-02a) |
2b. The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection (RMC-02b) |
2c. The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection (RMC-02c) |
2d. The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection (RMC-02d) |
3. The Three Epistles (RMC-03) |
4. The Holy Mystery and Gift (RMC-04) |
List of Contents & Main Index (32 chapters) |
Introduction |
1. Marriage and Celibacy |
2. Rabbi Yah'shua |
3. The Gospel Law |
4. A Marriage at Cana |

This page was created on 13 October 1997
Updated on 16 May 2024
Copyright © 1997-2024 NCAY - All Rights Reserved