Genesis - 1 Kings 12
by Christopher C. Warren, M.A.(Oxon)
Old Testament Essays (Genesis - 1 Kings 12) is a series of short lectures given to theology students between 1982 and 1983 studying for the Advanced Level Certificate in Education at London University when the author was then Principal of St.Albans College, Oxford, a private tutorial GCE (General Certificate of Education) establishment (not a part of Oxford University).
It is important to understand that the framework and style of writing is predominantly academic and scientific - these are not sermons. Multiple views are expressed including those not held by this ministry so as to give some idea how both non-believers and liberal Christians approach the Bible. At the time of writing, the author held to a neo-orthodox theological position.
The syllabus material covers the early traditions of the Hebrews to the division of the Kingdom and the religious ideas shown in these books without going into a detailed study of the Pentateuch (the first five books of Moses). Scripture quotations and essay materials have been updated (2009) to include the Divine Names (Yahweh, Yah'shua, Elohim, etc.) in accordance with the policy of this website.
The version of the Bible chosen for study was the Revised Standard Version (RSV), 1952 Edition, with references to other versions where this was felt would enhance the original meaning of the receptor tongue (Hebrew).
Bibliography of Study Materials
Main Texts (General)
1. Bernhard W. Anderson, The Living World of the Old Testament (3rd edition, Longman, ISBN 0 582 48908 3 Paper)
2. Ed. David & Pat Alexander, The Concise Bible Handbook (Lion Publishers, 1973, ISBN 0 085648 311 7)
3. G.W.Anderson, The History and Religion of Israel (New Clarendon Bible, Oxford University Press, 1976, ISBN 0 19 836915 8)
4. Werner Keller, The Bible as History (Hodder & Stoughton, 1974, ISBN 0 340 19045 0 Paper)
Specialised Texts
1. N.K.Sandars, The Epic of Gilgamesh (Penguin, 1977, ISBN 0 14 044 100 X Paper)
2. Harry Mowvley, Guide to Old Testament Prophecy (Lutterworth Press, 1979, ISBN 0 7188 2402 4)
3. David C.C.Watson, Myths and Miracles: A New Approach to Genesis 1-11 (Henry walker Ltd., 1976, ISBN 0 85479 601 0)
4. Ed. P.R.Ackroyd & C.F.Evans, The Cambridge History of the Bible: From Beginnings to Jerome (Cambridge University Press, 1970, ISBN 521 07418 5)
Reference Books
1. Rev.W.M.Clow, D.D., The Bible Reader's Encyclopaedia & Concordance (Collins, 1962)
2. Ed. J.D.Douglas, The New Bible Dictionary (Inter-Varsity Press, 1967, ISBN 0 85110 608 0)
3. Clifford M. Jones, The Cambridge Bible Commentary on the NEB: Old Testament Illustrations (Cambridge University Press, 1971, ISBN 0 521 09646 4)
4. Ed. G.Ernest Wright & Floyd V.Filiston, The Westminster Smaller Bible Atlas (SCM Press, 1976, ISBN 334 01768 8)
5. Robert Young, Analytical Concordance to the Holy Bible (Lutterworth Press, 1973, ISBN 0 7188 0018 4)

This page was created on 31 July 2009
Updated on 31 July 2009
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