The Temple School of the Patriarchs is the educational arm of the Chavurat Bekorot or Holy Order for all the Apostles and Evangelists (Sub-Apostles) of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY), as well as the Nevi'im (Prophets) and Missioners (Sub-Evangelists/Missionaries). It has two separate divisions for the male and female apostles and evangelists known, respectively, as the Order of Abraham (12 members) and the Order of Judith (144 members). Most of the education of the Apostles, Evangelists and Prophets is oral and given by the Presiding Patriarchate in the temples of the 12 international Firstborn Colonies where its members are based. Education of Missioners mostly takes place locally. Whilst the male apostles and evangelists principally minister outside these colonies (serving the local assemblies - branches and missions), the female apostles and evangelists (evangelines) principally serve within them.
Schools of the Patriarchs
- 1. School of the Apostles
- 1.1. School of the Nevi'im (Prophets), Seers & Revelators
- 1.2. School of the Evangelists
- 1.2.1. School of Missioners (Missionaries)
- 1.2.1.a. International Missioners Class
- 1.2.1.b. Central/Metropolitan Missioners Class
- 1.2.1.c. Local Missioners Class
1. The Patriarch-Apostles are the 12 special emmisaries of the Master Yah'shua (Jesus) upon the earth at any one time who have the responsibility to govern, evangelise for, and educate the international Assembly of Yahweh. The world is divided into 12 Apostolic Fields each with a capital Firstborn Community collectively respresenting the 12 Tribes of Israel. Each apostle is a tribal head and lives in one of the firstborn communities. Three of these 12 apostles, constitute the Presiding Patriarchate, and one of these is the Presiding Patriarch who is the proxy head of the International Community for the Messiah. Each Patriarch in each firstborn colony is assisted by up to 12 Matriarch-Apostles, making a total of 144, who mostly minister within the these colonies.
1.1. Although there is no 'office' of 'navi' (prophet) or 'seer', these gifts are to be found scattered across the Central and Local Assemblies (Branches and Missions) and their members, and their government is the direct responsibility of the Apostolate. The School of the Nevi'im (Prophets) is largely an oral school and teaching dispensed by the apostles.
1.2. Each of the 12 Patriarch-Apostles are assisted by 12 Evangelists or Sub-Apostles in each field, making a total of 144 Evangelists, each of which has responsibility for an Evangelical Area. Each Evangelical Area is divided up into Bishoprics or Mother Assemblies (called Metropolitan Assemblies if they are in towns or cities) which are then subdivided intoLocal Assemblies (Branches & Missions). Up to 1,728 (144 x 12) Evangelines (Female Evangelists) may assist the Evangelists in their work internationally or at home.
1.2.1. In addition to governing, directing, and educating the Evangelists (Sub-Apostles), the Apostolate authorises the Evangelists to appoint Missioners (Missionaries) or Sub-Evangelists to assist them in their work. These appointments may be within Evangelical Areas (1.2.1.a), Central/Metropolitan Districts (1.2.1.b) or Local Missions (1.2.1.c). Training of Missioners is the responsibility of the Evangelists. Missioners operate as either pairs of Elders or married couples (Elders and Eldresses).
Though Nevi'im (Prophets) and Missioners come under the educational mantle of the Apostles, they do not belong to the Apostolic Priesthood Orders of Abraham and Judith but to the Eldership (Enochian and Miryamic Orders) in their respective Central/Metropolitan Districts and Local Assemblies (Branches & Missions) and remain under the jurisdiction of their respective Bishoprics and Pastorates.