Vive la Difference!
The Uniqueness of Individuals, Families & Nations
No two people are at the same place both before conversion and afterwards. Yet we all have the same basic needs and Father Yahweh has crafted a Kingdom way of life called Torah-obedience that is designed for all.
Yet we are not identical, nor should we try to be. Not only is every individual unique both in make-up and gifts, but we all have different, if overlapping, callings in life.
That is why the Creator designed us as individuals, marriage partners, families, clans, tribes, nations and families of nations. He does not want an homogenised humanity as certain atheistic philosophies demand (the motivation for that being control because Satan is terrified of diversity and independence).
As anyone who has come from a large family knows, even siblings, though related genetically, can have huge personality differences and pursue all sorts of different career paths. That is the way it is supposed to be. Not only that, but even TWINS can grow up very differently depending on the environments Father Yahweh calls them to live and serve in.
And it's all good. Yes, we share the same Saviour, kingdom laws of living, morality, and ethics. And yes, husbands and wives can be beautiful soulmates who compliment each other in marvellous ways, but even they are different.
We were made to be complimentary both in marriage (complimentarianism), the home, the messianic community (church) and society as a whole. We were made for fellowship and community. But we must be allowed to grow up differently according to our divinely given predispositions. Just look at the diversity of flowering plants, both above ground and below, and you'll see what I mean.
Vive la difference! Praise Father Yahweh the Creator of such beautiful diversity!
This page was created on 9 March 2025
Last updated on 9 March 2025