The most important rôle of a husband or a father, one that predominated in ancient days and is neglected today, is that of family priest. In Ephesians 5:25-29 we are told that the husband is to the wife what Christ is to the Messianic Community (Church). One important rôle is that of the priest, NOT other men (which would constitute spiritual adultery).
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the messianic community (church) and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious messianic community (church = allegorical wife), not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be qadosh (holy, set apart) and without blemish" (Eph:5:25-29)
This is the true pattern or tavnith of biblical order. I have seen so much destruction of families occur when wives and children move from under their husband's and father's headship and covering to turn to others for leadership, including pastors! It is one of the factors that in our postmodernist times has led to confusion in gender rôles both in the messianic community/church and in society generally. The husband is his wife's pastor and teacher and the father the pastor and teacher of their children until the sons come of age and the daughters marry.
As Christ, in the primary sense, is the Messianic Bride's Navi (Prophet) (Lk.13:33; Ac.3:22-23), Cohen (Priest) (Heb.3:1) and King (Rev.17:14) from the moment of rebirth, so likewise, in the secondary sense, is a husband to his wife when marriage covenants are entered into. The local pastor, by voluntary association, is similarly the husband's prophet, priest and king but not his wife's or children's for as long as they are under their father's authority (sons, until they come of age, and daughters before they marry husbands). In the Millennium, when Christ reigns, these father-husbands, who are faithful and obedient servants, become "kings and priests" over the nations (Rev.1:6-9).
There will be no final redemption of the Body of Christ as the allegorical Bride of Messiah until this proper order is restored, and so it falls upon the Remnant to set this godly example.
Further Reading
[1] See the Sex, Romance and Marriage website