Not according to most Protestants. For these ALL religion is 'bad' whereas Christianity isn't, they say, a religion at all but a relationship with Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)...or a 'way of life'. But are these two opposites? So is ALL religion 'bad' as these particular Christians claim?
That rather depends what you mean by 'religion'. In its primary sense, a religion is a system of faith and worship - all believers have that. It is also the recognition of a personal Elohim (God) who is entitled to our obedience and worship - all believers recognise that (or should). A 'way of life' for a believer is a combination of all of the above. Does not the apostle James confirm this in James 1:27 when he defines what pure, undefiled religion is, namely, that it includes taking care of widows and orphans? The issue, then, is not of 'religion vs. a way of life' (or a relationship with Christ) which is a misnomer but of pure and undefiled religion vs. impure and defiled religion?
The idea that all kinds of religion are somehow bad and something else is good (like faith, a personal relationship or a way of life) - the one excluding the other - is a false dichotomy created by antinomian or lawless Christians who balk at the thought of living Torah-obedient lives in Christ...which is what, after all, makes religion "pure and undefiled"...if you believe the apostle James (as you should...if you're a believer). Those who have faith leading to a personal relationship with Messiah are by definition religious, but in the right as opposed to wrong way. It is our relationship with Him, which is the starting point in true Christianity, that leads to religious activity in the outer sense. Our salvation leads us to obedience to the mitzvot (commandments) and to live the prescribed way of life of the faithful, namely, the Torah of our Heavenly Father, Yahweh.
I agree that Christianity is a way of's our religion, as the apostle James said.
(24 October 2024)