I am a Pentecostal. No, I don't mean that I belong to the modern 20th century man-made denomination calling itself 'pentecostal' nor do I engage in lawless, unbiblical practices. I do not speak in gibberish - I am not a 'batalogian'.
I am a Pentecostal because I believe in the Moed or Appointment that Father commanded we attend each summer that the Hebrews first experienced at Sinai and called SHAVU'OT. I believe in what Father commanded on the first Shavu'ot by the Mountain of Yahweh, which is that we who believe in Him, and trust Him, and obey Him submit to his way of life given in the mitzvot (commandments) of Torah, the national constitution of Israel.
I am also a Messianic Pentecostal because I believe in what Father did on the first Messianic Shavu'ot 2,000 years ago when in obedience to His instruction, given through His Son, Yah'shua (Yeshua, Jesus), the first talmidim or disciples tarried or waited in Jerusalem for an endowment, enduement or anointing that would equip them to go into all the world as faithful witnesses. We must each wait on Him for His calling and instructions.
I am a Messianic Pentecostal because I believe, like the first believers in Acts 2, that this spiritual endowment, enduement or anointing gives me the supernatural power to intelligibly communicate the Gospel, not in my own power or in my own words, but in His power and His choice of words, in absolute truth.
I believe in the tongues of Acts 2 which was indisputably the ability to speak supernaturally in foreign languages, not for my personal edification, but for the edification of those lost in the darkness of the world - and I have been doing that, in English and Norwegian, since I became a believer in 1977.
So, yes, I am a Pentecostal. But I am also a Baptist, not because I belong to a denomination going by that name established in the 17th century, but because I believe in the mitzvah (commandment) that we fully immerse confessing regenerated believers in water (baptism) as a witness to the world that I belong to Christ.
I am also a Seventh Day Adventist, not because I belong to a denomination going by that name established by a woman in the 19th century, but because I believe in the mitzvah (commandment) that we assemble as believers each sabbath day to worship our Heavenly Father, rest from work, receive instruction and become ever more united to His children through Him. I do so on the day He commanded in His Creation Calendar, not on the Roman Saturday or Sunday.
I am also a Presbyterian because Father established presbyters or elders in the Messianic Community, to lead guide and teach by word and by example how believers are to live in a way pleasing to our Father.
I am also an Episcopalian because Father established bishops by His apostles to preside over the elders, but I do not believe in man-made archbishops, cardinals and popes who exert an authority Father never gave to man.
I am a Congregationalist because I believe in the Kehilah, assembly, fellowship, koinonia or congregation in which to grow together with other faithful believers.
I am also a Catholic because I believe in the Universal Church or Body of Christ.
I am also Orthodox because I believe we should follow the orthodoxy or correct doctrines taught in Scripture.
And, yes, I am also a Jehovah's Witness because I bear witness of Yahweh (not 'Jehovah') as commanded by Yahweh in Isaiah 43:10.
You get the idea....and yet I belong to none of the man-made denominations or their false teachings and traditions using these names.
I'm a Christian, Evangelical, Messianic, Believer, follower of the Way, Talmid, Disciple, etc., for the same reasons. For convenience I call myself a 'Messianic Evangelical' as that best describes where I stand and where I am, not because I am trying to create a new denomination, but in order to be best understood. I don't give a fig what denomination you belong to or promote. I care where in relation to our Heavenly Father and His Son Yah'shua (Yeshua, Jesus) you are spiritually, how you handle His Davar (Word), and how you treat other people.
I accept you where you are even if I don't necessarily accept where you are currently and temporarily going. We are all where we are for whatever reasons and I would like to walk with you in our Father's company.
May Father Yahweh bless you!
(11 July 2024)