The Apple Seeds
The 7-1 Vision
The First Vision - The Two Doors
On 9 January 2025 I saw two visions. The first consisted of two broad, completely flat and featureless white doors in a featureless white wall. The doors had no visible handles. The two doors were very close to each other, the hinges of each door facing each other. The door on the left, as if moved by an invisible hand, opened a crack, revealing a blazing fire behind it before closing again as quickly as it had been opened. Then the door on the right opened a crack revealing a bright white light behind it at which point the vision closed.
The Second Vision - The Apple and the 8 Seeds
It was then that second a vision opened, this time of an apple sliced in half from top to bottom. Everything around it was white. One after the other in rapid succession, seven seeds hopped out of the core and landed in an orderly way on the left side of the sliced apple in two vertical rows, one row consisting of four seeds and another of three. Almost immediately, a solitary eighth seed hopped out of the core and landed midway on the right side. This I have illustrated in the photograph above though the rows were much straigher and the seeds perfectly equidistant with mathematical precision.
Symbolism of the Core
An apple pith or core is made up of five chambers, each of which contains a pair of seeds, making potentially a total of ten seeds. In real life, though it has space for 10 seeds, the average apple consists of 7 to 10 seeds as a rule.
The Core is Grace
Some visions can have multiple layers of meaning but first we must deal with the exoteric or external. This is about myself in particular, at a particular time (now) but in general is describing a principle. The apple is 1 (one person, one concept) but has a 5-chambered pith or core - the 'essence' of the object which in this case is represented by the number 5. Why 5? Using biblical symbolism, 5 = 4 (creation) + 1 (beginning) = creation plus = new beginning = grace or favour. The general principle is grace (undeserved loving-kindness, unmerited favour) in the context of fruitfulness of a particular kind of fruit, the apple.
Most people, when they think of the Bible, think of the apple Eve was tempted with. But this is the occult version of the fall of man. The Bible nowhere says the forbidden fruit was an apple. What does an apple symbolise in Scripture, then? It symbolises timely advice (Prov.25:11), refreshing (Song 2:5), fragrant breath (Song 7:8), beauty and grace (Song 2:3), one who is favoured of Yahweh (Dt.32:10; Ps.17:8; Prov.7:2). These are the essential components of the fruitfulness being depicted.
Additionally, Yahweh has used a fruit that I eat every morning. My habit is to first slice the apple in half but cutting round the apple, making sure the blade of the knife does not penetrate the core. I then twist the apple, cutting the apple in two whilst leaving the seeds intact. Every morning I see my breakfast apple in two halves, then I carefully extract the
seeds for storage or preservation having first dried them out. They are each potentially a new apple tree. I have collected bottles of these over the years, one of which I shall present to my 7 children to encourage them to be fruitful and multiply - not merely children but giftings, talents, wealth, and so on. The vision is drawing on this particular habit of mine to reveal something the Father wishes to show me and those with whom I share the vision.
The 5 chambers can contain, in total, 10 seeds. 10 is the number of completeness of order. After the number 10, the numbers of repeat. It reminds us of the 10 devarim, words or mitzvot (commandments). A condition of this kind of fruitfulness is obedience to Father Yahweh's commandents which are divided into two lots of 5 - one lot is toward Elohim (God) and the other lot is toward our fellow man. This is the pair of 5's within the 10. Torah-obedience has a vertical component (to do with our relationship with Elohim/God in heaven) and a horizontal component (to do with our relationships with human beings on earth). The 10 commandments contains all the other commandments but are themselves summarised in the two great commandments to love Elohim (God) and to love our neighbour as ourself. And this kind of love is defined by Elohim (God) Himself, because Elohim (God) is love: 1 > 2 > 10 > many.
This idea of twinning or pairs is to be seen in the parable of the 10 virgins. 5 were wise (obedient/faithful) and were 5 foolish (disobedient/disobedient)- for every wise virgin there is a foolish one. Every choice we make can either be a right choice or a wrong choice. We have the choice to respond in one of two ways to every situation in life. We, our character, are the sum of our choices. (Note, by the way, only half the apple is visible). Every choice, little and large, matters. Right choices lead to peace and joy, wrong choices to discontent and unhappiness - to stability or instability. Our overall 'vibe' or sense if well-being is the sum of our choices.
There are therefore 2 sides to our character as represented by the two sides of the sliced apple. Our Heavenlt Father 'assembles' or 'lines up', as it were, the choices we have made and creates the circumstances so that we can put them to use for blessing of cursing. At 70 years of age, I am symbolically at the end of my life as defined by Scripture, with the peomise of an extra '10' (80 years old) if in good health.
Now we come to the mysterious part of the vision - what Yahweh does with the seeds - this is another layer of meaning. The numbers represented are 7 (on the left side) and 1 (on the right side). Left and right are important prophetic symbols, the left being negative and the right, positive - the left are the 'goats' and the right are the 'sheep'. Or can be, when the subject is the 'Day of Yahweh' or the 'Day of Judgment' (represented by the judgments of Yom haKippurim of Day of Atonements).
7 is number of completion or spiritual perfection or sets of complete cycles (like the repeating 7 days in a week). 1 is the number unity, primacy and beginning. 7+1 = 8 = completion + newness = resurrection (e.g. Is.4:1). This is what follows when a life is ended and the choices made during it examined.
The left and the first does not have to represent judgment - they can also represent a natural order of female and male, for instance. There are 7 assembles, congregations or churches in Asia Minor described in the Roman territory of Asia who typify both the Body (1) of Christ in that province as well as the Body of Christ as whole in that generation, on the one hand, and all generations, on the other (Revelation 2-3). Each congregation has strengths and weaknesses made up of the right and wrong choices made by each community. The 7 taken together therefore represent the 1, for the Body of Christ is depicted in the Book of Revelation as a single allegorical Bride consisting of many individuals (us, the obedient saved).
What are the 7 an allegory of? Human marriage itself, at least the plural kind whose purpose is made clearer by what this kind of marriage actually depicts, no better depicted than in Isaiah's prophecy of a general trend at the end of the 'end times', the culmination of which is the return of the Son of Man in glory at the time of the first resurrection. What is the trend or tendency? 7 women will seek to marry 1 honourable man with a shem tov of 'good name' so as to remove their shame (Isaiah 4:1). This will be the æon, age or era when the faithful 'branch of Yahweh' becomes "beautiful and glorious" and "the fruit of the land shall be the pride and glory of the survivors of Israel" (v.2), that which is "qadosh, set-apart or holy" (v.3), in a time of "cleansing" (v.4) following "judgment" and "burning" (v.4). This is the future day when the "cloud" and the "pillar of flaming fire" (v.5) return to guide Yahweh's people as in the first exodus under Moses in their journey to the Promised Land. In the case of New Covenant believers, this is the journey to the Holy City or New Jerusalem which, as has been revealed in the Book of Revelation, is a twin comprising a garden (Eden) and a city (Astara) - the City of Eden-Astara. The twin, 7-to-1, nature of this Garden-City was represented by the marriage of King David to seven wives, imperfect because it was married by adultery with Bathsheba, fallen type or what is to be a purified way of life in the Millennium for the elect of the House of Israel.
The 7 seeds, which are divided into 4 and 3, represent these 7 Davidic 'wives' or 7 'congregations' of Asia Minor which, when they are echad or 1, represent this millennial ideal, marriage hear being a tavnith or pattern of the ideal congregation. Today the Body of Christ is imperfect, married by wrong or 'adulterous' Bathsheba-like choices, but in the Millennium - in the Garden City of the New Jerusalem - it will be perfected.
This vision, then, represents my whole life in bringing forth this revelation both liberally and symbolically, albeit imperfectly, because of a combination of right and wrong choices, showing why we have need of a Saviour-Deliverer, Yah'shua the Messiah, to wash away oursins commiutted from lives filled with transgressions because, upon proper repentance leading to obedience and greater faithfulness. The kind of unity and wholeness we desire, which eludes us because of sinning, can only happen when the 7 components of living, as represented by the 4 and the 3, are lined up in their proper order after cleansing.
I have spoken of the mystery of the 4 and the 3 components of 7 many times in the past: the 4 represents the lower (the physical) and the higher (the spiritual) in resurrection unity, represented by the 1. The 7 is on the old earth side and the 1 the heavenly side, which become 1 in the resurrection, when the Old Creation is transformed into the New Cretaion by the atonement of Christ at the end of the age.
We all of us want to make sense of life which at times can seem futile, especially when we are going through the painful business of cleansing which the carnal man draws away from, resistening it as long as he can, forgetting the goal in all of this which is to make pure and whole. It's why Christ died for us. It's why nothing we do matters without Him.
Though only half the apple was visible in the vision, the seeds represented both halves. This 'halving' is necessary too as depicted in the two 3½ years of tribulation, the second half being the most trying of all. The first half of the Antichrist rule appears 'good' because its intend is clothed in fakery but the second half soon shatters the illusion. These two halves represent the times of being tricked and the times of 'waking up' to reality when we see things as they really are - the elect are not, ultimately, deceived, and gain clarity as they go through the really hard times, where as the unelect never do see because they don't want to. The elect want the truth no matter what, no matter how painful. That is why we are permitted to experience and pain because these separate the elect from the unelect. Which we end up being depends both on our 'choosing' (fence-sitting is simply refusing to choose...and is itself a choice...which equates with the unelect) and on our actual choices (when we come off the fence of neutrality).
There are many more levels to this vision as I think by now should be self-evident and I could spend many hours talking about these. But we shall keep this simple today. My jbob is simply to make you aware of yourself, of what Yahweh is doing, and to encourage you to persist on the Derech (Way). Know that adversity has a necessary purposes both in persuading us to choose was well is providing contrasts so that we can clearly distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. This does require some effort on our part - the true life assigned to us is not so simple as the childish 'once saved, always saved' deception which keeps us straddling the fence of choosing, essentially freezing or fossilising us on the fence of indecision. There has to be a response on our part - Yah'shua (Jesus) can't, and won't, 'do' that for us. He provides the way which otherwise is unavailable.
Hopefully with these keys you will see other levels and depths of this very clever picture. And there is more, lots more. The overall message is made clear by the first vision of the two white doors which brings me back to choices and how wrong choices (sinning) have to be dealt with (the left door) at some point. By confessing wrong choices and asking for forgiveness Father Yahweh is able to cleanse us which is what in large measure the 'baptism of fire' is all about. It is a cleansing.
Further Reading
[1] The Kingdom of Elohim (God) in the Gospel of Mark
[2] The Pearl of Great Price: A Parable
[3] The Showerhead & the Pearl: A Vision of the Millennial Kingdom
[4] The Holy Echad Marriage Page
[5] Eternal Echad Marriage
[6] Seven Laws of the King
This page was created on 15 January 2025
Last updated on 15 January 2025
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