Month 5:5, Week 5:4 (Revee/Shavu'ot), Year:Day 5936:123 AM
Gregorian Calendar: Monday 23 July 2012
2012 London Olympics
Secret Plans of the Élite Revealed
"[Yahweh] has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His ahavah (love), in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins" (Col.1:13-14, NKJV).
The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games (the 30th Olympiad) begins at 9 pm GMT (2100) and is scheduled to end somwhere between 12.30 (0030) and 1 am (0100). This is the third time the venue has been London, the first occasions being in 1908 and 1948, the only city to have hosted the games three times. The official mascots, one-eyed Wenlock and Mandeville, along with the opening ceremony, are loaded with occult symbols. Though I had assumed that the London Olympics would, like all previous ones before it, be a pagan affair, I have not really given them much thought until now. I am sure lots of articles and videos have already appeared - and will appear over the days to come - showing what most in the know already know, so I wanted to share some of the insights that I have been receiving. I thought it as well to do so a few days in advance of the first day of the games.
Firstly, we must ask ourselves: what is so special about 27 July? For most people this day will mean little but for Jews and others on seven counts, for on this day:
- 1. The rebellious generation died completely off in the Sinai desert in 1312 BC;
- 2. Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Babylonians in 423 BC;
- 3. Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Romans in 69 AD;
- 4. The Jews were expelled from England in 1290;
- 5. The Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492;
- 6. The zealot Bar Kochba rebellion was defeated by the Romans in 133 AD; and
- 7. The Treblinka gas chambers were turned on in 1942.
Many have already noticed that the four elements of the strange London Olympics logo when unscrambled spell out the letters of the word 'Zion' - why?
Even those who are aware of these things probably don't realise is that 27 July is also a major event in the calendar of devil-worshipping satanists. Beginning a week before on 20 July, preparations for human sacrifice (including kidnapping the victim) known as the 'Da Meur Grand Ritual' are made, culminating in the actual climax of a murderous blood ritual around midnight, exactly 5 weeks and 1 day after the summer solstice.
I want to suggest also that the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics centres around the occultic number 333 which symbolises total the élite over the new slave class. Before explaining why, may I invited the reader to read the following articles I have written for some background information:
The number 27 (the day of the opening ceremony, 27 July) for occulic numerology is 2+7=9 which is 3+3+3 (333). Notice that the Opening Ceremony begins at 9 pm (3+3+3 again), is supposed to finish at midnight (though they are allowing an extra ½ hour in the program)...wouldn't be surprised if it ends at 0003 or 0033 (the satanic mass will start at midnight). These Games are saturated with 3's, 30's, 33's, 9's (3+3+3) and multiples thereof. This is the 30th modern Olympiad. In their own warped minds, the corporate élitist occultists are declaring - brazenly - that they are taking complete control of society: economics, government, social life, medicine, food, weather, gun-control, education - everything. This is their bid for World Corporate Covernment. In Rio de Janiero the UN (precursor to the One Word Government) has managed to get croney governments all over the world to sign a treaty giving it more power, new internet censorship laws are being pressed forward, and when one is rejected another is put up to replace it. Like Hitler bullying Czech President Hacha to give territorial concessions in 1938 at the threat or be on the receiving end of military intervention, so the global élite is bullying governments who are in turn bullying their citizens to fulfil their devilish agendas.
So what is the 30th Olympic Opening Ceremony all about? It is a Ceremonial Dedication to the Gods of the Their Global Régime and a calling down of more demonic power for themselves through sacrificial offering. Whether they will stage a False Flag event to justify even more dictatoral powers for government - like a major terrorist attack (a dirty nuclear bomb or biological weapon release would do 'wonders' for their propaganda machine) or an alien invasion - remains to be seen. They're running out of time and they know it. If they don't pull off their coup d'etat it's going to be another generation before they're in a position to do so again.
Do they have a Plan B? Absolutely. If you are in any doubt about that, see the short cartoon video that's gone viral on the internet called, I, Pet - Goat 2, which, using brazen occult symbology, shows that they realise (and I am sure their people at the top have always known) that their own Bush/Obama Deception would ultimately fail and be exposed and that they would have to turn the 'good cops' into 'bad cops' and raise up a new 'good cop'...which is their New Age Christ or Antimessiah/Antichrist. When one horse they're backing fails to win, they pretend that they are the 'good cop' or 'good guys' opposing their former protegé. Playing on strong anti-Islamist feelings which they have themselves generated by creating false terrorist attacks, I, Pet turns on the radical Islamists and promotes the mystical sect of Sufism and their whirling dervishes. At the same time they turn on 'hypocritical' 'exoteric' Christianity and destroy that too (because like radical Islam, it is a 'danger' to the human race by painting all believers with the same brush) but instead of promoting the True Messiah, they promote a false Egyptianised one whose beliefs are nearly identical to the Islamic Sufis and all other religious esoteric groups. In short, they will be creating a One World (Occultic/Satanic) Religion to 'replace' all the 'corrupt' exoteric ones by merging the esoteric traditions of all religions into one which they will claim are basically the same tradition, as theosophists since Blavetsky et al (one of Hitler's mentors) have indeed been teaching for a long time. And they would be right - the root of all false religion is basically the same - pantheist, legalist and reincarnationist.
And so the final separation will occur with the True Messiah with His Messianic Evangelical-type Emunah/Faith, and False Messiah (Antimessiah/Antichrist) with his Satanic religion that will unfold, past the thousands of layers of lies, and blossom in iniquity - coming to full maturity and exposure - during the last 3½ years of the Great Tribulation.
I expect the top élite overlords know they are going to fail this time and that this is part of the Plan. And even if they don't know (which is conceivable), Satan almost certainly does, and has included this failure in his calculations. This doesn't mean there isn't going to be tribulation for there will be plenty as we are already witnessing in the oxymoronic 'Arab Spring' with its bloody NATO-aided civil wars.

Those aware of what's going on are now wondering if there's going to be another false Flag attrocity at the Olympics. The Illuniati Card game, which 'predicted' the Twin Towers destruction and other events, shows a picture of something like Big Ben exploding, an event that has not yet taken place. I would like to suggest that in view of all the unmasking of False Flags going on what the élite might do this time is to create the conditions so that genuine terrorists are given an open ticket to do something nasty in the Games so that they could then 'prove' it was actual radicals responsible and not the élite themselves posing as radicals. By exploiting the Stockholm Syndrome phenomenon - of crooks getting sympathy for themselves by actually doing something 'good' (like capturing real terrorists actually responsible for a major crime and not themselves), they could score a propaganda coup by an unconventional method (for them). Is there any evidence that this might be one of their strategies?
The headlines of this week's British newspaper, The Telegraph (Expat edition, July 18-24 2012, No.1095), reads:
Private Security Firm Paid £284m Admits It Can't Cope
Would the government - and it's controlled press - ever permit such a headline and article knowing how some might react to it if it were trying to prevent genuine terrorism? Wouldn't they know from years of propaganda experience (especially in war time) that you don't tell the enemy your weaknesses but try to present a façade of strength and readiness to dissuade him?
If you were a terrorist looking for an opportunity to strike at some big Western target while there are millions of visitors from abroad, wouldn't such a headline encourage you? And what if such a headline were a 'signal' or 'green light' from a purported terrorist 'sympathiser' telling them that the way has been cleared for them? However you interpret it, it doesn't look good. And remembering that satanist ceremonies demand blood - whether at the Opening Ceremony or during the Olympics (it's the same to them) - what a 'gift' of human life it would be to Satan?
I am, of course, merely speculating - playing the detective, which is what, of course, an authentic government concerned with authentic security would do. Such detective work would not, of course, be welcomed by a crooked government. My concern is a vision I saw some months ago of a devastated part of London where not a building was standing, where there was no rubble in sight either, where the ground was dry and parched - completely flattened - while all around was 'normal'. I am concerned that it might point to the Olympics, though I don't know as I wasn't told. Or it might be symbolic. But given all that's been going on (and there was a massacre the other day at a movie theatre in Aurora at the premier of a new Batman film, 'conveniently' just before the US Senate is due to debate proposed new legislation on gun control that the UN is demanding), we have to seriously consider all possibilities and make measured judgments.
Why do the four elements of the London Olympics logo spell out the word 'Zion'? Why would the élitists want to do this? The Iranians have already spotted it and complained. The answer I, believe, is to be found in the worldwide agenda of the Zionist leadership itself which serves and fuels globalist interests.
There are a number of good videos that delve deeper into the occultism of the London Olympics, and especially the medals that have been struck, which are worth reviewing.
I'll not be attending the Olympic Games and wouldn't even if I could afford to. It has long been dedicated to pagan gods and they are being honoured once again, more and more openly and by people who know are not ignorant of what they are doing for whom this is not mere 'art' or 'culture' but an act of overt devil worship. How can any believer participate, even as a spectator, in anything so wicked and insulting to Yahweh-Elohim?
We will see what happens. And even if there are no terrorist attacks, they will have contributed to the strengthening of the militarisation of Britain and the further consolidation of the emerging police state...unless Yahweh intervenes. A good reason to pray...
Recommended Reading
[1] The Pagan Roots of the Olympic Games: Why Believers Should Have Nothing to Do With Them