To avoid embarrassment, please follow the dress code rules below while you are visiting with us.
1. General: Dress modestly with a view to giving Yahweh glory and not to get personal attention. Avoid all sexually-explicit, tight clothing. Keep skin exposure to a minimum. Dress as though you were going to meet Yah'shua (Jesus) personally. We prefer clothing that does not have advertising or other worldly expressions (as T-shirts with captions, etc.). Avoid offensive symbols. Keep jewellry to a minimum, no piercing (nose, tongue, lips, eyebrows, etc.) unless you are an investigator who has not yet made a decision of Messiah and/or the Torah lifestyle. If in doubt, keep it plain and simple:
1. The qodeshim (saints) may dress as they please
provided they do so with a view to being modest, clean, tidy and to glorify and honour Elohim (God).
2. Elohim looks first and foremost at the heart of the Believer and will equally respect a person in rags as one in a fine suit or dress.
3. The qodeshim should revere Elohim and not seek to exalt themselves in their manner of dress, nor use clothes to draw attention to themselves and thereby distract the eyes from the spiritual to the carnal.
4. If the way a person dresses causes distress to a person weaker in the faith then, following the admonition of Paul, he should do all that is reasonably possible not to cause that person to fall by adapting himself to the needs of the collective Body.
5. Additionally, those weak in the emunah (faith) should be nurchured and brought, by non-compulsive means, to a higher understanding of the Besorah (Gospel) so that all may live according to the dictates of their conscience. (On Dress, Music and Dance)
2. Men: We do not usually follow the business suit-and-tie code here but you are welcome to dress in that manner if that is normal for your culture or if you prefer it. Trousers or long robes are perfectly acceptable. No tight pants and no shorts. Short-sleaved shirts are fine, but not sleeveless vests. Men should not cover their heads in meetings, so no hats, skull-caps or prayer shawls on or over the head, please. Men who are full members (confirmed/ chrismated/Bar Mitzvah'ed) should wear tzitzit (tassels).
3. Women: We prefer women to wear long, loose-fitting dresses but if you wear pants they should be baggy (not tight-fitting), extend to the ankles and should be worn together with a long, loose-fitting shirt, blouse or pullover/jumper that extends well below the hips. No low-neck or tight-fitting tops. Head-coverings should be worn at all meetings (this does not extend to girls under 12 or those who have not yet taken Bat Mitzvah covenants) or when prayer is offered (such as at meals). Head-coverings are preferred, but not obligatory for guests, at all other times and occasions.
4. Swimming Attire: If you go on swimming trips with members of MLT (to the nearby lakes in summer), please be modest and cover as much as possible. Women/girls should not wear bikinis or thongs but full one-piece bathing suits that minimise form and cover up as much as possible. See Aqua Modesta, Junee Suit Bathing SuitHydrochic & Princess Modest Swimwear for maximum coverup ideas and Modest Swimwear for minimum coverup ideas. Men/boys should wear baggy boxer-type bathing suits. Use your common sense! Please do not bathe in your underwear as some visitors have been wont to do in the past.