Month 2:5, Week 1:4 (Revee/Shavu'ot), Year 5935:035 AM
Jericho V (Chamashee/Teruah)
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 8 May 2011
Mother's Day?
The Truth Behind Its Invention
Continued from Part 4
Having, as I do, a multi-national family, celebrating the world's holidays can cause a number of problems. 'Mother's Day' is a case in question since my family consists of people from Great Britain, Norway, America, Malaysia, Sweden, Armenia, Ireland, and a few other countries too. The British had their 'Mother's Day' on 3 April, the Americans have theirs today, and the Swedes have theirs on 29 May. Add to that all the different ways of addressing mother in our various languages - Mum, Mom, Mam, Mummy, Mommy, Ma, Mamma, Mammon, Mère, Mor, Mater, Mutti, and so on, and you can see how complicated it can get!
So who invented this 'Mother's Day'? Actually it was the British, who decided in the 17th century to make the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent a day for their mums...or moms...or mams...our mothers. It was originally called 'Mothering Sunday'.
In the 1600's (before some of the nationalities in our family even existed), the poor used to send their children to work as domestic servants in the homes of the upper classes, and once a year these children were given leave for a day so that they could visit their 'Mother Church' as well as their own mother. The day coincided with the middle Sunday or 40 day-long fast (from a favourite food) known as Lent, a disgusting pagan observation from Babylon that the Roman Catholic Church decided to make its own along with many other pagan practices and observances to make it easier for pagans to join their new religion. The Protestants simply carried on the tradition and so has the rest of the world, though changing the dates here and there for various reasons.
What was this disgusting tradition? Semiramis, the incestuous mother and wife of the antichrist Nimrod, King of Babylon, claimed she had been supernaturally impregnated by the sun-god (in fact, her son) and gave birth to Tammuz. One day while hunting, Tammuz was killed by a wild boar. Semiramis mourned for 40 days and at the end of which Tammuz was magically brought back from the dead. She proclaimed herself Queen of Heaven, founded a celibate priesthood to worship her son and declared its chief priest infallible. She memorialised her mourning in an annual 40 day period of denial.
This was the world's first counterfeit of the Biblical story of the Redeemer, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and grew into a mother-child cult that was duplicated in almost every pagan mythology before being transferred to the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches and thence to Protestantism. Both Tammuz (Ezek.8:14) and the 'Queen of Heaven' (Jer.7:18; 44:17-19,25) are condemned in Scripture though this has not stopped Christians worshipping both (Semiramis mutating into a counterfeit 'Virgin Mary') or the Jews from naming the 10th month after this blasphemous antichrist.
"But we are just honouring our lovely mothers!" is the howl of protest. Isn't that the same excuse given for celebrating Christmas - "we're just honouring the birth of Jesus and surely it doesn't matter that that was Nimrod's birthday??". Loving mothers should be honoured but why do it in the name or, or on the day of, a wicked, incestuous pagan goddess?
Lent is always 40 days before Easter, another pagan goddess known also as Astarte and Ishtar, and likewise condemned in the Bible. Yahweh nowhere commands us to abstain from a favourite food for 40 days and certainly not to honour our mothers at a time when Semiramis, or the demonic 'Queen of Heaven', is being honoured (whether deliberately or ignorantly) - what a dishonour to them! It was the Catholics who attempted to link the 40 Day Fast to Tammuz to Yah'shua's (Jesus') 40 Days in the Wilderness when He was tempted. His fast, however, was of a totally different nature and for a totally different purpose. The only time we are commanded to fast by Yahweh is at Yom Kippur.
Mothering Sunday is a part of the pagan-inspired Christian 'Liturgical Calendar' and always falls on the Day of the Sun, as measured by the Roman Calendar. Like Christmas and Boxing Day, it has become an important business day for the flower industry. It may seem awfully sweet and loving to honour Mum or Mom on the fourth Sunday of the Catholic month of 'Lent' but Yahweh has commanded us not to imitate the ways of the heathen in any way. Instead, He has commanded us to walk in His tavnith (pattern) so that we can be overcomers as Israel was when she marched around Jericho. And just as the Israelites didn't have a float honouring fathers as they marched around the Canaatite city, so we are not do go praising Mum on a day better left to Semiramis and the demons.
There are many ways we can honour our mothers but we don't need a government or a culture telling us when to, less a day that evolved from something completely different. If you think I am being picky or a kill-joy, consider whether you want to follow Yahweh or not and whether He is a kill-joy? Were the mothers of Israel less happy than ours are today for not having such a day dedicated to them rooted in paganism? Who says we even need such a day? Think about it. Just because Hitler instituted it in Germany in 1933 for every second Sunday in May (as in the interesting connection there) as part of his nazi motherhood cult (producing children for the Fatherland, for which they were awarded the Mutterkreuz or Mother's Cross - in broze, silver or gold, depending how many children they had), and still observes it, does not make it a 'holy day' any more than it is a 'holy day for mothers' in the USA because of the influence there of Anna Jarvis or anyone else who may have been about some philanthropic cause.
So why do people feel 'obligated'? What is the real reason? Peer pressure, pure and simple, something that Christians and Messianics are not to be influenced by! We are to be influenced only by Yahweh in our observations! Are you going to be one of Babylon's 'sheeple' or one of Yah'shua's (Jesus') talmidim (disciples)?
Go and honour your mother spontaneously when she doesn't expect it, and do it more than once a year! Do it often! Don't let the world dictate to you when you 'have' to do it. Why be a prisoner of the cult known as 'culture'? What is 'culture' anyway? Culture is what you do when you don't know why you're doing it anymore.
Declare your freedom from the world system and devote yourself entirely to Yahweh's tavnith (pattern)! Honour your fathers and mother as Yahweh commanded but not because Semiramis, a Pope or Hitler told you to. Selah.
Continued in Part 6
Comments from Readers
[1] "Thank you for sharing, your article is really good!" (DS, USA, 10 May 2011)
[2] "Great article on teaching truth. Sharing" (CS, UK, 12 May 2024)
[3] "Oh wow. This is a lot of history here - and I am glad to have learned it. Thank you... Wow, I agree, givs moms honor and respect and appreciation and gifts at random times!!! I think my favorite mom gifts were the wildflower bouquets and the drawings and mis spelling in the sweet homemade cards I received at random times from my sweet kids" (TH, USA, 21 May 2024)