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    D3. Choronzon:

    The Dark Side Demoness of 333

    We write about particular demons and demonesses on this website as we are led to by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and as we encounter them in the ministry. As Christians it is not necessary to know about all the various demons there are because there are billions of them. Most of the knowledge needed for deliverance is of a general nature.

    As any General will tell you, whilst it is important to know some general things about the enemy troops, the key data is always your opposite number. The Battle of Waterloo was won by the British and the Prussians because they outwitted Napoléon, not the French soldier. The Briton Wellington, the Prussian Blücher, and the Frenchman Napoléon were the key players because they determined the overall strategy.

    As delilerance ministers we are interested principally in the key players. On the one side is Yahweh, our Heavenly Father ("Wellington"), Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), the Deliverer ("Blücher"), and the Adversary, Satan ("Napoléon"). Napoléon, like Satan and his chief demons and demonesses, had Marshals and Generals. The Battle of Waterloo was won in the end because one of Napoléon's Generals made a blunder while the Emperor was taking a rest.

    Our interest is in key demons and demonesses who have power and control in our early 21st Century. I and my fellow ministers have consistently noticed certain demonic 'marshals' appearing again and again because they dominate our society and its particular vices and weaknesses. We have spoken already of Hecate, with whom are associated a cluster of other demonesses known as the "wives of satan" called Eisheth (Isheth) Zenunim, Lilith, Agrat bat Mahlah, Naamah, Astarte, and Prosperine, about whom we shall speak more of as the situation merits. Seven in all, they directly mirror the sevenfold Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). They are counterfeit female deity.

    Choronzon is the female half (333) of the Beast (616, 666) described in the Book of Revelation and goes, like so many demons and demonesses, by many different names. Because she is an associate aspect of the Beast, she is often described in male terms. She is known as the "Lord of Hallucinations" and is viewed by occultists as the chaos latent or manifest in the ego. Because she is a part of a group of demonesses she can either manifest as a single demon or group of demons. Her characteristics directly parallel those of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) only Her diametric opposite. Thus she is known as the "demon child of wisdom and understanding", parallelling the Ruach's (Spirit') own title and function as Hochma (Wisdom). Choronzon is the supreme demon of Thelema (will), the occultic order founded by the late arch-satanist Aleister Crowley. Hence the occultic motto, "Love is the Law, Love under Will". In all the female demon counterfeits of love, love is a servant of the will or ego, the diametric opposite of the Christian paradigm. Many metaphors may be used to describe the characteristics of Choronzon but perhaps the best would be a "stagnant pool" filled to the brim with psychic sewage.

    The numerology of Choronzon is of especial interest to us in this ministry. The Hebrew of Choronzon is ChVRVNVN which is 333. In Greek numerology 333 corresponds to a kaleidoscope of negative words such as akolasia (dispersion, incontenance, debauchery, wantonness), akrasia (self-indulgence, lack of self-control), epikranthen (make bitter, become bitter, be harsh or embittered), orgilon (quick-tempered, prone to anger, passionate), ediati (the why), ekataba (the fall), eparthenoi (the conceit of apparent purity), demosia (the public acclaim that causes public figures to begin inflating their egos), paidiske (maiden, female slave - seductive aspect), and eaeidelos (unseen, dark).

    The fallen, carnal nature of all mankind has a correspondence with Choronzon, one of whose functions is to catalyse the inherent chaos within us. As a demoness, she is quick-tempered (typical of most demons, in fact) and passionate without self-control, and is thus known in some circles as the Obscene Gardener of Bitterness. When the soul refuses to forgive wrongdoing and the carnal aspects of hate and bitterness take over, Choronzon is there, invited in by transgression of the Law of Forgiveness which Christ taught. If there is bitterness or hatred in a soul, then it's a good bet that somewhere, and to some degree, Choronzon is involved.

    Satan is a master at playing with our unseen fears, and Choronzon is his primary agent waiting in ambush within. One of the peculiarities about Choronzon - yet not so peculiar when you consider that all demons are anti-life, since they possess none of their own and must rob it from disobedient humans - is that she has no substance - she is an empty shell simulating life, as is true of all counterfeit spiritual activity. Like all demons, Choronzon tears people apart inside and then feeds off their life force which leaks out rather like a damaged nuclear reactor. This 'spiritual bleeding' leads to a kind of 'spiritual anaemia', draining the soul of its will to live. If Choronzon had a motto it would probably be: "Let my total will be done" ... at the expense of your own, of course.

    Choronzon was regarded by Aleister Crowley as "the first and the deadliest of all the powers of evil", and in that observation he was probably right, as we shall see. Choronzon - also known by some in an anagrammatical form as Noznoroch - is a notorious shape-shifter. She is the sole inhabitant of the Abyss between Kether and Daat in the Kabbalistic system and her force is the diametric opposite of the force of occultic magic, a kind of spiritual "anti-matter". In this respect she is similar to Hecate who, in the final act of destruction which she presents as a kind of state of Nirvana, oneness, or enlightenment, simply sucks up the soul like a vacuum into a darkness of nothingness. That is why I describe her (and the other 'wives of satan') as anti-life - she is am empty shell which she presents as a substantial universe, but which in truth is nothing. Presenting her world as deliciously attractive and freeing, it is not until the victim is in her vortex that he realises that he has been tricked and that his ultimate destination - if he doesn't break out - is a kind of spiritual 'black hole'. Those who have been sucked into this 'black hole' and are delivered from it believe that they "are" the darkness and are dead. Yet it is an illusion, as are all demonic ploys. That structureless world is known by Kabbalists as qilpoth. It is no more or less than hell's sewage vessel.

    This state of oblivion is presented to victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) as a kind of 'counter-paradise'. By latching on to the dark side of the ego or 'false self', Choronzon and her allies like Hecate create the false illusion that the false self is the true one. And quite naturally the soul, deprived of consciousness of the true self, believes that there is no hope and that the Christian portrayal of Yahweh's world is all illusion. That way they are tricked into remaining in darkness because they fear that by leaving it everything will collapse - or to use the expression of some survivors of SRA that I know, "there is no safety-net" beyond what they know. That is another lie. When Yah'shua (Jesus) is invited into the soul to transform it, He also holds it together and is the safety-net.

    We should pause now to consider more about the numerology of Choronzon, as well as her logo, which consists of three triangles (3+3+3=333) (see left). You will recall that Hecate's symbol consisted of a triangle with a cicle around it (see right). These reflect the functional differences of Hecate and Choronzon, even though their activities overlap and function rather like a choir.

    Another symbol used by Choronzon is similar to that of the planet Uranus (the old version) but minus the circle at the bottom - )+(. This symbol was even seen on the underside of a UFO over San José de Valderas, Spain (see right). Yet another Choronzon symbol is the lightening flash popular amongst fascist and various occult organisations.

    Choronzon has been described as a kind of entropic agent of decay. This demoness causes everything that she touches to whither and decay, whether on the mental, emotional, spiritual or physical planes. She causes age and illness to accellerate so that the body begins to look worn out and old. Thought processes become confused often leading to insanity. Even being around someone who is influenced or controlled by Choronzon causes them to experience her dissolving influence, which is probably why friends and acquaintances are usually repelled and melt away. Only those who have a proper covering of the Ruach (Spirit) are able to withstand this spiritual suction machine of dissolution.

    Occultists who are aware of Choronzon have been deceived into believing that she is someone they must "overcome" in order to "ascend" to a plane of mythical enlightenment and immortality. But true to demonic form, Satan uses one set of demons to oppose others to create the illusion of "white" vs. "black magic" or other sets of opposities. Demons help noone. They are not interested in human beings as anything other than sources of energy to be parasitised or vampirised, and take perverse pleasure in deceiving them. Satan has set up mythical 'paths to enlightenment' which lead to destruction either in this life or the next, for it matters little to him whether they discover the truth of his deception here or there, so long as he has them in his power. Choronzon may be used as part of the theatre of demonic illusion and convince occultists that she is a 'power' to be overcome in their spiritual 'ascent' to some 'higher plane', not realising that all the planes are a part of the clever transient scenery purporting to lead to some 'reward' for loyalty. As you will have read in the story of Hecate, the loyalty of humans to demons is never rewarded except with greater enslavement or destruction. Crowley may have believed that he 'overcame' Choronzon as part of his journey to some 'higher plane' but the truth is he is one of the greatest fools of them all - for he is utterly trapped and powerless now.

    So what does Choronzon do? By messing around with mental, emotional and physical processes, she simply blocks off the natural God-given functions of reason, feeling and health. The effect of Choronzon is to create within a person confusion and give the impression that he is quite stupid. A person possessed of this demoness will alternate between thinking that he is extremely intelligent to being very stupid indeed. The person may have great depth and insights into certain aspects of life but has little or no idea of what the whole consists of, and cannot tie them together because key thought and feeling channels are deliberately blocked. In short, they are unable to integrate their diverse thoughts and feelings. In the case of MPD (Multiple Personality Syndrome), this anarchy is maintained between the various alters who cannot see their way to finding wholeness and integration. There are just so many gaps in mental and emotional knowledge caused by this intruding demoness and her legions of helpers that they see no hope of ever being one again. Fear replaces certainty upon which demons naturally play with great skill, convincing them that only they can "hold the show together". Removing them through deliverance is the first or integral step with the process of integrating the ego on the basis of truth and not lies.

    Choronzon is cunning and dangerous to an extreme. She is able to subtly manipulate people while appearing to make overtly crude attacks. Whilst she will often retreat from an attack that uses the Name and Blood of Christ, she rarely gives up and returns at another convenient time and usually in a more inciduous and unexpected form. A characteristic of this demoness is that she passionately hates ordered thought, ordered speech, and ordered behaviour. Thus she is dedicated to the task of creating disorder and anarchy. She hates rules, commandments, and systems which might bring order, harmony and system to the soul within.

    Choronzon rarely appears threatening to the victim and frequently gives the impression that she is incapable of doing much harm. By this deception she is able to consolidate her control. But the act of just listening to her is enough to accellerate the planting of the seeds of dissolution in the victim. Every flaw and illusion in the victim will be painstakingly strenthened thereby, causing the victim to believe in his own self-image carefully crafted by the demoness. By this means the victim is deflected from what he must do to retain control of his mind and reason, namely, turning to Christ for salvation and casting out the demons present. The mind thus infected by Choronzon will gradually decay and the total possession of the victim will simply be a matter of time, irrespective of how strong-willed the victim may believe he is. For the victim will be unaware that his own will has been subverted to the will (Thelema) of the demoness, like a virus taking over the duplicating apparatus of the cell in order to multiply itself and create chaos (cancer) in the process.

    Choronzon is dangerous precisely because she almost never manifests physically, her craft being to make the victim think he is in peffect control over his own mind. When she does manifest, is is usually only as a voice, though sometimes she manifests as thousands of voices to give the impression that thousands of demons are present.

    The True 333

    We have now seen Choronzon, the dark-side image of the true 333. What is the true 333? It is the image of the True Elohim or Godhead, consisting of Father (Yahweh), Son (Yah'shua/Jesus) and Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), of which the latter is seven-fold, making a total of 9 Persons. Choronzon is a mirror imitation of the live-giving, commandment obedience-requiring, ordering and sustaining Elohim (God). See, A Concealed Mystery: 333, Theomatics and Gematria.

    The Hebrew word corresponding to 333 is sheleg, meaning 'snow', a common emblem of purity, light, and truth. The whole Gospel of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is the diamatric opposite of the work of Choronzon, Hecate, and all the other demonic hosts. They have no life, light, or power of their own, because they are anti-life, though they create the illusion that they possess it. They don't.

    Indeed, it is no accident that the symbol for Choronzon - the three triangles arranged in a circle - is the very same symbol employed to denote the danger of radioactive material. You don't notice the effects of radioactivity on you until later when it's maybe too late. Choronzon is the same. She is well concealed, and deadly, which is why she is rightly called "the first and deadliest of all the powers of evil".

    What You Have to Do

    Most people who are influenced or possessed by Choronzon have no idea that they are. Only those who are under the influence of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), her opposite, can see through the illusion. Many Christians believe that Choronzon or one of her companions is the Holy Spirit! Choronzon is anti-Law, anti-Torah - she loathes order of any kind. She, Hecate, Eisheth Zenunim, and the rest of the counterfeit Holy Spirits promote a lawless gospel, thus making churches influenced by her become easy prey for satanists. Whatever the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) does, she imitates. But she abhors order, discipline, and structure.

    Victims of SRA almost certainly have Choronzon along with the legions of other demons that afflict them. Amongst these she creates the false illusion of "dark order" and structure, when there is none, for it is just a shell, the core of which is total anarchy. Sometimes when victims of SRA penetrate this shell and see this core chaos, they fly into a panic and retreat back to the surface of illusionary safety of this shell. They know, however, that the shell could collapse at any time and so they are desperately searching for a safety-net. The terror of this illusion is often enough to prevent victims from going through complete delivery.

    Three things need to happen to complete deliverance when the deliverance minister comes to the level of Choronzon's control. He will find it very hard to convince the victim of the necessity of this path because of the total terror within at moving out of this artificial universe which has so thoroughly dominated and controlled his life. In MPD victims, there will usually be a set of alters who have been subverted by Choronzon in such a way as to prevent deliverance at this final level from taking place. Choronzon will not want to be exposed, because with the final illusion out of the way, the hold of lies upon the victim will be destroyed forever.

    These are the three steps to final deliverance where Choronzon is involved:

    • 1. Casting out Choronzon and associated demons;
    • 2. Inviting Christ to reveal the Truth about the victim's self and life;
    • 3. Inviting Christ to Heal and Integrate the Soul

    I. Casting out Choronzon

    This will take the form of standard deliverance as shown in the section, Prayers of Deliverance, but modified to take Choronzon into account. In MPD victims, unsaved alters must first be fully delivered using this procedure. Following that, some saved alters may also need deliverance from Choronzon, preferably (though not always) through the core alter. Resitance to final deliverance will probably be the strongest of all sessions, the dark-side alters defending the shell of illusion tenaciously because they feel insecure. That is why they must first be delivered.

    II. Discovering the Truth

    Once this has been done, prayers for inner healing may begin.

      "Dear Father in Heaven Yahweh-Elohim, in the Name of Your Son, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and by the Power of His Blood, I ask you now to reveal to me my True Self, the truth of who I really Am, the truth of my past and present, and the truth about all those who would seek to deceive me, so that I may be freed from all delusion. I know, because Your Son tells me, that the Truth will set me Free. I invite Yah'shua (Jesus) into my soul for this purpose. Amen."

    What results will probably be very disturbing, but it is necessary that all illusions are shattered before complete healing can be effected. Once you know the truth of who you really are (and not the lies that the demons have fed you), you can go on to the last stage of healing.

    III. The Healing of Christ

    Once the truth is shown you by the omniscient power of Yah'shua (Jesus), that same power can be used to bring forgiveness, peace and comfort into your life, especially if you are the victim of abuse. Typical of SRA is the fed lie that the victim is responsible and beyond redemption. Christ will shatter that lie. End with this prayer:

      "Dear Father in Heaven Yahweh-Elohim, in the Name of Your Son, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and by the Power of His Blood, I ask you now to grant me forgiveness, healing, and inner peace. Amen."

    The vacuum left behind by the departed Choronzon must be filled by the order and structure of the Gospel life in Torah. Victims of SRA will have had their lives governed by a satanic calendar. This must be replaced with Yahweh's Sacred Calendar that includes the Festivals of Israel, the weekly Sabbath, the simple Ordinances of the Gospel (Heb.6:1-2), and so forth. Nature abhors a vacuum. Don't let Choronzon back in again.

    333: New World Order Total Control

    Research into satannic coven activities since the writing of this article has revealed that 333 is being used as a New World Order (NWO) hypnotic key word for total obedience. I get many emails from people who tell me that they keep on seeing the number '333' wherever they go. Here is a typical example:

      "My name is ***** and it's getting out of control. I started to notice a certain number(333) all around the place, on the clock, t.v., radio, people talkin about it, just all over the place. And I was like this is wierd I can't stop hearing and seeing this 333. Then one day somebody told me it was the sign of the trinity and when you saw that number your life is on track. I'm catholic and I love god to the fullest so I thought maybe he was tellin me signs. But then i thought maybe it wasn't god. I logged on trying to find out what 333 really meant but now I stumbled upon this and I just want to know what it means seeing it all over the place. If anyone has an understanding or knowledge to whats going on please . Please. Please. Email me back because I'm going crazy. Thank you and God bless."

    This number is being programmed into people by satanists and is currently saturating the psychic air waves in preparation for mass control by antichrist forces. If you are experiencing this phenomenon in the way described above, know that it is NOT from God! Go into immediate prayer, bind the powers that are transmitting this and other numbers (usually triplets) in the Name of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and by the power of His blood, and ask that Yahweh erase any unconscious programming from your mind through the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit).

    The true 333, which is not a number but a word, Sheleg, is a call from Yahweh to live a life in purity and holiness in obedience to His Torah by faith in His Son. Beware of occultic numbers!

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "Thank you for the wonderful article on 333. As an Intercessor, I find the Lord will use any means to communicate to me, and your article was very helpful. And I prefer Hebrew translation of numbers. I visited a messianic church in Tel Aviv, when I was in Israel last July, and it was lovely service. I like your doctrine, and it seems to agree with what I know in my heart. These are magnificent times! I am excited to be alive, and to witness the men of valor coming to fruition, and the Melchizadek order soon positioning themselves!" (JD, USA, 16 December 2013) Janet of South Dakota, U.S.

    This page was created on 10 March 2003
    Last updated on 17 December 2013

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