Month 2:6, Week 1:5 (Chamashee/Teruah), Year:Day 5940:35 AM
2Exodus 3/40, Yovel - Year 50/50
Gregorian Calendar: Thursday 11 May 2016
Jericho March VI 2016
Crushing the Serpent's Head
Continued from Part 5 (Jericho March 2016)
Continued from Part 33 (Complete Jericho Marches)
The Vain Confidence of the Enemy
I think it would be true to say that currently the Enemy and his human servants are pretty confident that everything is currently going their way, thouigh the ones at the very top of the Hierarchy know that some pillars of their anticipated Order are teetering. In some respects, it is true, things are going their way, but in other respects it absolutely is not. Further, they will, in a few years down the line, almost get their desire for total global domination, and become even more puffed up and conceited than ever before, notwithstanding the judgments that are soon to meeted out to them. By then another generation of duped adherents will have arisen and pretty much 'forgotten' what happened to their people in our day.
Today's Jerichoites are Mocking
So today's satanists, luciferians, wizzards, illuminists, theosophists and others are not at all unlike the King of Jericho and its inhabitants who thought their city was impregnable. Day after day the Israelites marched silently around their thick walls and high parapets while the monarch with his soldiers and civilians mocked and laughed at the 'religious crazies' making no attempt to assault their walls. In human terms the Israelites were totally ill-equipped, having had no more experience of warfare than a group of ex-slaves suddenly thrust into the desert of Sinai. Yes, they had to deal with the odd Amalekite raider. Yes, they had experienced victories on the East Bank of the Jordan against the Canaanite inhabitants of Gilead, but they had never encountered such a sturdy and impregnable fortress at this one which initially met their horrified eyes.
The Remnant's Fighters
The size and military power of the enemies of Yahweh's blood-purchased people are irrelevent to men and women of Yahweh of emunah (faith) who are resting on the staff which is the authority if Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). In Joshua's day Jericho was a piddly little fort by modern standards. This and the final generation must not only face far larger obstacles but in smaller numbers. That is a reason Yahweh keeps the numbers of the spiritual fighters of the Remnant small, to demonstrate His power. Accordingly, a far greater portion of emunah (faith) is required along with Joshua-men capable of leadership.
Joshua the Faithful Servant
Joshua's forte was his emunah - his faith and faithfulness under, and to, Moses. He had been the apprentice of a true navi (prophet) and served without waivering once through all the trials, tribulations and rebellions. He, the Edomite Caleb and Judahite adoptee (and presumably their families) alone were in the company that faced Jericho. Whether Joshua was of mighty stature like Caleb, who was renowned for his physical strength, we do not know but this Ephraimite was most certainly of tremendous spiritual stature. When the pre-incarnate Messiah appeared before Him as the Malakh (Angel) of Yahweh's Presence, he submitted to Him without murmuring and got his marching orders. Gone too was the murmuring and disposition to rebel of the first generation. Joshua had under his military arm an army of younglings who, in spite of one or two mishaps like Achen, would soon prove their worth and show their spiritual steel.
What We are About to Face
I am pretty sure none outside the Remnant, and perhaps even some of the Remnant themselves, yet realise what we shall be facing tomorrow, nor understood what has been going on the past five days. Most people are carrying on as normal. That is not a luxury the Remnant can indulge in, though.
A Plane APpears
As if to show off and insult me at noon this afternoon, as well as to leave me and my family another poisonous gift, I had an uninvited and unwelcome visitor, though he was too cowardly to confront me face-to-face and preferred the 'safety' of being several thousand feet above me. (They have tried 'full-frontals' on ground-level before). There are plenty of chemtrails in this part of the world as everywhere else. Usually they criss-cross the sky in straight lines and cover large distances. At noon yesterday a military plane appeared and turned his ariel chemspray apparatus on and off three times in order to spray patterns in the sky, at first to the side and then immediately above our heads, before scooting.
Pictures of the Visitor

Serpentine Movements and a Final Challenge
The last picture shows the final overhead pass of the aircraft. Having created a loop, it turned off its chemspray, repositioned itself and turned on the spray again briefly, and then off again after 2-3 seconds, leaving the Hebrew letter taw (t, equivalent to the Greek 'omega' and the English 'z'. In other words, the gauntlet was being thrown down along with a prediction as to the outcome of the contest - taw, omega or z - the 'end'...for me, all of this being preceded by snake-like movements to herald the Serpent and his victory.
Friday the 13th and the Last Day of the Jericho March
Add to this the fact that tomorrow, the seventh and last day of the Jericho March, falls on a Friday 13th in the Gregorian calendar, about which both satanists as well as ordinary people not grounded in Yah'shua (Jesus) and His Davar (Word) are very superstitious. Indeed, Satan-worshippers assemble every Friday 13th, which is usually about three times a year, in order to wage war on their enemies.
New Recruits to the Slaughter
You would have thought that they would have learned their lessons from their previous encounters in which they got an exceedingly bloodied nose as well as suffering high losses, though that was many years ago, and a new generation and bunch of recruits have almost certainly entered the covens all to eager to prove themselves and thereby climb the ladder of the bloody hierarchy. The Remnant must expect many such encounters so that its spiritual steel may be tempered and its emunah (strengthened), particularly the up-and-coming last generation.
Yahweh Uses the Weak
I have long begged Yahweh to put an end to the slow chemical poisoning and intended genocide that is being perpetrated against unsuspecting civilians and He reminded me today was that, in spite of my illness, that he has always given me the strength and empowerment for every and any assignment He has given me to which I have been obedient. That holds for every servant of His. He does rather like using the 'weak' things of this world to prove that He is Omnipotent (All-Powerful) and to ansure that no human agency can ever take credit for supernatural displays through their hands:
"Elohim (God) chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; Elohim (God) chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him" (1 Cor.1:27-29, NIV).
Remembering Elijah's Miracles
We talked about the navi (prophet) Elijah the other day and were reminded how he, in his old age, was granted toqeh (authority) and power to call down fire from Heaven to destroy Ahab's soldiers, consume a sacrifice in honour of Yahweh on Mt. Carmel to expose the false prophets of Ba'al, call upon rain to end a drout he had also been commanded to start, run at incredible speed, outpacing Ahab's chariot (1 Ki.18:46), and much else besides.
Anointings Present and Future
The Remnant of my generation is to operate in the Ruach (Spirit), power and anointing of Elijah in fulfilment of the closing verses of Malachi. The next and last generation is to operate in a double portion of the same Ruach (Spirit) as was received by Elijah's apprentice, Elisha - the fullness of the Sukkot anointing. This power cannot be operated by man's will but only by Yahweh's command. We began this Jericho March with such an anointing (see Staff of Authority and Power) and it would not at all surprise me if we end it in a similar or even more dramatic way. Certainly tomorrow is a day of judgment and we shall know its form on the day. I have nothing to say in advance beyond this. Personally, I would not care to be on the receiving end of what's coming and therefore I make one last plea for teshuvah (repentance) across the board, from the Remnant itself who are procrastinating still (such as know who they are) and all the way across the spiritual spectrum to the very heart of darkness in the Enemy's covens, for there are a few there who are called to salvation and will respond affirmatively once they see who Yahweh really is, and not the 'old weakling' they have been lies to about.
A Personal Threat and a Believer's Response
A final remark and a warning. Two days' ago an anonymous writer sent me a picture of a snake coming out of a woman's hand with the view, no doubt, to either threaten, intimidate, or scare me. They obviously are unaware, of dismissive, of the Davar (Word) which says, "Yahweh confides in those who fear Him" (Ps.25:14, NIV), "Fear Yahweh, you His qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones), for those who fear Him lack nothing" (Ps.34:9, NIV), or:
"Nations will see and be ashamed, deprived of all their power. They will lay their hands on their mouths and their ears will become deaf. They will lick dust like a snake, like creatures that crawl on the ground. They will come trembling out of their dens; they will turn in fear to Yahweh our Elohim (God) and will be afraid of you" (Mic.7:16-17, NIV).
The Imminent Judgment
Are not the nations about to be judged? Are not wicked princies in high places about to be cut down, and is all the evil done in secret not about to be exposed? You had better believe it!
A Poisonous Snake Killed
Yesterday a (literal) poisonous snake entered our yard - our 'Courtyard' - the first we have seen this year (we don't see them often), which my wife caught in my absence and which I killed with a bullet through its head once I got home. As I mentioned to you yesterday, the Remnant must be both gentle and tough, depending who is being dealt with. Like a true Christian or Messianic wife, the Remnant must be strong as well as tender - tough against the enemies of Yah but tender and gentle with Yah's people and all those honestly seeking His salvation.
I am going to my bed tonight in complete shalom (peace), keen to see what Yahweh will do. The Enemy was defeated at Calvary and remains defeated as far as I am concerned. Tomorrow, be prepared to come against anyone and everyone coming against you personally or your families, against your extended families, friends and Missions, and - as Yahweh only directs to His nevi'im (prophets) - against the powers that rule the nations and do evil by their people, and against those waging war against our Elohim (God). In case you are new here, this has nothing to do with any expected 'rapture' (there isn't going to be one - ever - no hiding place for cowardlöy escapists), the Great Tribulation and the Final Judgment of the Nations (that's some years down the road yet) or the Second Coming of Messiah. For more of what is actually happening, see the Mishpatim Yahweh. We will be assembling throughout the day tomorrow at different times. Please join with us in the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and may Yahweh bless you through Yah'shua our Messiah (Jesus Christ). Amen.
Continued in Part 7 (Jericho March 2016)
Continued in Part 35 (Complete Jericho Marches)