Month 10:20, Week 3:5 (Chamashee/Teruah), Year:Day 5939:286 AM
2Exodus 1/40
Gregorian Calendar: Saturday 10 January 2015
Judgment of the Messianic Movement
Continued from Part 5
You have not heard much from me since the end of October 2014 and there is a reason why. Though I have been quite ill this is not the main reason for my silence. Major projects have been put on hold and though I have fought hard, because of a lack of strength, to complete one or two of them I have not been given the anointing to continue. So I have stopped to pray, to wrestle, to get even more spiritually hungry and to listen to Elohim (God).
Events and Judgments of Yahweh - a Brief Review
The accelerating world crises will not have escaped your attention. Things which I, and others, have been telling you for years were going to happen are now visible and on the not-too-distant horizon. The messages I have brought have not, by and large, been welcomed because this is a time of Yahweh's Judgment or Mishpat. First, the JUDGMENT AGAINST THE NATIONS, then the announcement that the SECOND EXODUS had begun, then the JUDGMENT AGAINST THE UNITED STATES AND ISRAEL, then the general JUDGMENT AGAINST BELIEVERS, and then the JUDGMENT AGAINST THE POTENTATES. Many more important messages were given last year and most recently an important revelation about the Sh'mittah (Sabbatical Year) and Yovel (Jubillee) so the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) are quite clear what sacred time we are entering into in the Divine Calendar and so they can identify the end-time powers at work in the world. If you are new to this ministry, and have been led here by the Ruach (Spirit), you need to go over these materials and others as Yahweh leads you.

Today I bring you a new message from Yahweh, the sixth part of the current series of Mishpatim or Judgments. It was short but intense. A vision opened up to me of a menorah, the seven-armed candlestick originally commanded by Yahweh to be set up in the Mishkan or Tabernacle. It is a vitally important symbol with prophetic meanings on many levels, being a fractal of Yahweh's sacred tavnith or pattern. In each of the candle-holders were lit plain-looking candles of differing length, some having evidently been burning longer than others. Indeed, the whole menorah looked very plain and unspectacular - 'well-weathered' might perhaps be the best way of describing it. And then suddenly, there was this loud 'cracking' at the base of the trunk that almost made me leap out of my skin and within literally one second the menorah broke and fell on its left side, the candles still apparently burning but which I knew would very quickly go out.
Judgment of the Messianic Movement
As crisply and as rapidly as that candlestick snapped I knew the interpretation. This signifies the fall of judgment of the Messianic movement of all stripes collectively - from Messianic Jews, Messianic Israelites, Nazarene and Nazorean Jews, and all those who claim to believe in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and to be obeying Torah, including the anti-Paulist Ebionites, assorted ultra-messianics and every messianic heresy under the sun.
From Individuals to Messianic Associations
It will begin with each individual, then move to each family, and then to each congregation and messianic association. Judgment begins in the House of Yahweh always, and it must therefore begin with those claiming to both follow Messiah and His Law before going out to those who only claim to be followers of Yah'shua the messiah (Jesus Christ) but not His Torah.
How Have We Treated Others?
This will be a complete judgment, not just on belief systems but also - and primarily - on behaviour too, how messianics have treated one another, how they have treated antinomian Christians, and and how they have treated those of other religions or of no faith. We will be judged as whether we have behaved toward these as Messiah would have done or as Talmudists and others do and have done. The Ruach (Spirit) will search us for the record of our ahavah (love), emunah (faith), obedience and studiousness so that we may know where we stand in our 13-fold relationship to the Messiah we profess:
Is Our Gospel Life in Balance?
We will be judged for the way we have juxtaposed Salvation, Wisdom and Torah in our lives and ministry for this will show whether we have allowed the Ruach (Spirit) to properly balance us or whether we have made hobby-horses of one side of the Besorah (Gospel) to the diminution and perhaps even total exclusion of another or the others:
Our Fruits and the Nine Character Tests
We will therefore have our fruits carefully examined, and especially those of the Ruach (Spirit) to see if they are present:
"The fruit of the Ruach (Spirit) is ahavah (love), simcha (joy), shalom (peace), patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Gal.5:22-23, NIV)
and we will be given the nine character tests as individuals, as families, as congregations and as associations.
Judgment From the Core Outwards
Judgment will begin at the centre, which is Ahavah or Love, and end in the minutae of the mitzvot (commanmdments).
Judging Others
For not infrequently messianics have been too harsh in their judgment of Christians, but also messianics of other beliefs, and as a result have tended to puff themselves up, leading to the sins of arrogance, pride and making comparisons for the purpose of self-justification. We are not to compare ourselves with others for the purpose of making ourselves out to be right. All this Yahweh will judge, and has already judged.
The Judgment Has Begun
This Mishpat Yahweh has already been made and is now working its way into the hearts of individuals, families, congregations and messianic congregations. Sadly, like all sinners, they will be convinced of their self-righteousness, parading their Torah-obedience or (even more idolatrously) their undying allegiance to Judaism and/or the State of Israel (nor realising, because they have come under the control - to varying degrees - of the spirit of Moloch, what they are doing). Those who make teshuvah (repent) will come out of 'messianism' and into the spirit of the Final Gathering which is already underway and will gradually gather apace under the auspices of the last generation.
Christendom Next
What I speak of today is not the judgment of Christendom - the churches, which one supposes comes next, so we may not - and should not seek to - find comfort in comparing ourselves with their own apostacy. This judgment is only for those who claim to be Messianics or Nazarene Jews. Yes, many messianic ministries will fall quickly (some are already on the brink), others will disintegrate more slowly, but the messianic movement will, as it currently exists, disappear as Yahweh's final Work becomes empowered and visible. Those who fail to embrace it will either turn to Judaism for their salvation or to other groups, be they orthodox Christians where counterfeit gifts are manifested, New Agers where other other signs will be manifested, or indeed to atheism if they decide to reject the Messiah and Elohim (God).
Yahweh is gathering out His people from amongst the messianics and will continue to do so (and as He is doing so from amongst the churches and will continue to do so) but today does mark a sifgnificant change in status of this group of believers calling themselves 'messianics' in Yahweh's eyes so long as they cling to false teachings or behave in a way that is contrary to the Derech Mashiach or Way of the Messiah. They are in for some rude awakenings and various golden calves get cast down. A particularly harsh judgment will fall on those who reject the divinity of Yah'shua (Jesus), reject His chosen apostles (like Paul), reject the Scriptures and canonise the false ones of the Pharisees (like the Book of Enoch and Book of Jasher), pursue the occult kabbalistic works of false mediaeval Jewish prophets, or of modern counterfeit prophets like Joseph Smith, Jr. who, under nefilim guidance, wrote the Book of Mormon. We're in the final count-down of the end of an era, nothing is going to be the same again. All our lives are going to be turned upside down and inside out. This is the season of Mishpatim - get right with Yahweh, come out of Babylon in all her forms, and gather with His people. Amen.
Continued in Part 7