Month 3:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5945:60 AM
2Exodus 8/40, (Omer Count: Sabbath #4/7)
Gregorian Calendar: Monday 19 May 2021
Rosh Chodesh 2021 III
Between the Menorah and the Cross - Two Visions
So what happened last night and this morning was this. I was desperately in search of pain relief and the rest that comes from adequate sleep and had tried a new medical stratagem that had failed. So by early morning I was desperate. As I arose at 8.40 am this morning after an essentially failed attempt to sleep more, Yahweh opened a vision up to me, one that filled me with astonishment. I saw a very large menorah or seven-armed candlearbre standing in a plinth. I could not tell what metal it was made of, it could have been of gold or brass, I suppose. Around it was darkness. There were no flames in the lamps at the top of each of the seven arms but rather there were sudden flashes of light all around it bursting onto the scene and illuminating both the menorah and the darkened surroundings. Out of the main body of the menorah streaks of bright light shot out, twisting and turning in no apparent direction that I could at first tell, but again illuminating the surroundings. And although the flashes and winding columns of fire were apparently random, I could tell there was an intelligence behind them, for together they created this awesome display. This continued anabated until the vision closed (see illustration at beginning of article).
Preliminary Interpretation
As I said, I was astonished and 101 questions poured out of my mind. Finally, when I myself had quietened down inside, I realised three things with great clarity:
- 1. This was a depiction of my own pain - physical and emotional - and my attempt to make sense out of it, for it is a lot easier to suffer if you know what or whom you are suffering for;
- 2. My own experience was itself a prophetic representation of the presently constituted Body of Christ - disorganised, disunited, and yet Yahweh was working here and there bringing forth this light in a blinding flash which lasted only a very short time, or this streak of inspiration, of lesser intensity, that lasted longer but which had no apparrent goal or end; and
- 3. As all this settled in my mind, I was given a picture of someone trying to kick-start a motorbike, leading to brief ignitions that then petered out until the final 'kick' caused the engine to roar into life.
(for an even deeper level of meaning, see Part XII)
Why Was the Menorah Unlit?
Now the thing about a motorcycle is that it is a carefully crafted piece of integrated engineering. You can't just throw together bits and pieces randomly and expect a Harley Davidson to appear. The Kingdom of our Elohim is no different but what we have in the present 'Body', so-called - a misrepresentation of Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians 12, incidentally, because the Body of Christ is not a patchwork quilt of unmatching denominations who sometimes barely fit together, if at all, on certain levels - is chaos. That is what I was seeing but the seven lamps of the menorah remained unlit. Rather, it was spluttering out bits of light and truth in ungainly fits that were not a part of a whole scheme. That is why denominations arise and fall, and new ones keep appearing, as each in turn tried to enact the Kingdom life but in a lawless, Torahless way. And that is why Christendom is continually changing. Yes, certain truths have remained constant throughout the centuries in most churches but that isn't enough. It's enough to keep flickering candles going but Yahweh wants a blazing menorah with seven lights burning in synchrony and all the time, as we're taught by the symbolic purpose of that candelstick in the former temple (see Mystery of the Holy Menorah).
Illustration from the 'Mystery of the Holy Menorah'
the pace-maker is the torah