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Month 12:29, Week 4:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5941:354 AM
2Exodus 4/40
Gregorian Calendar: Friday 16 March 2018
The Elijah Prophets
Despoilment & Judgment of the Kings


    Shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. May the grace and shalom (peace) of our Master, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), be upon us all.

    The New Year and a New Journey into the Valley

    Finally we have arrived at the last sabbath of the current year but also it is the end of the penultimate phase of this Messianic Evangelical movement. Literally. The time of waiting is, and isn't, over, which I know sounds a little mysterious but I'll try to explain. Something very new and exciting began a few days ago, and that is what I must briefly talk to you about today before we ussher in the New Year in two days' time. We both know, and don't know, where we're going. In a minute I will share some of what we do know. What faces us, and indeed all the Remnant, is not, as Oswald Chambers once put it, "a question of black and white or right and wrong, or being in communion or out of communion; but a question of Elohim (God) taking us by a way which in the meantime we don't understand". We can only be led by the hand through this next but very important stage in our spiritual journey as we descend into the valley beyond the crumbling Messianic and Evangelical Houses. That part of our mission is most definitely over.

    Dealing With Visible and Invisible Worlds

    For me, personally, the processes that are underway are completely baffling, and for someone like myself who has a scientific upbringing, not being able to micro-map can be tough. In matters of the spirit and heart we cannot map because these operate on the basis of emunah - faith or trust, alone. Scientists are by training, sceptical, and when dealing which what is visible and measurable, you have to be, but that is not how relationships work. So I have two modes - the scientific (which can upset a lot of irrational people) and (I hope), the spiritual (which upsets the sceptically-minded). But that is a part of our dual-nature, for we must deal with both visible and invisible worlds. Close one or the other down, and you're in trouble, because they have to work as one.

    Avoiding Unnecessary Classifications

    The artistic, creative side may dominate over the scientific in some people, and the opposite in others. But we do have both. Yahweh gave us two-sided brains and we're supposed to use both of them. It's very dangerous to classify people as either 'right-' or 'left-brainers' - we are supposed to learn to use both. Personally I don't even like the classification because once you start defining people, and occe they start defining themselves, they can can actually retard their development. We are whole beings and Yahweh wants to perfect the whole through Messiah. And that's the thing: some things we can systematically train up, others require that we take leaps of faith.

    Principles and Personalities

    There has always been a danger - and will continue to be a danger - that 'Messianic Evangelicals' will be defined by a particular set of people and their personalities. To some extent, that is inevitable. We are the sum of who we are. But others will come and that will change. And Yahweh will want to - and does want to - change us continually. We must not limit Him by trying to define this work based on our own limitations, issues or personality types. The Body is supposed to be diverse but it is not supposed to be defined by a spirit-flesh mix. The flesh has to die and that is a warfare that must be waged relentlessly. The moment we, as a spiritual community, allow ourselves to be collectively defined by personalities and not by Yah'shua (Jesus) is the moment we start to become an impediment to what Yahweh wants to do with us. There has to be constant change resting on a foundation of Eternity. Fossilisation is the worst thing that could happen to us.

    A Colourful Kaleidoscope of Biblical Writers

    Having said that, it is true to say that people colour everything. That's fine. Every writer in the Bible 'colours' the whole. Imagine the Scriptures without a Paul or a David. The 'flavour' would be very different. I have known people who reject this or that person (like Paul) and their spirit changes as a result...and always for the worse. They become impoverished. They rip out the Pauline writings and they lose something infinitely precious (see Anti-Paulism). Just the loss of 1 Corinthians 13, that amazing chapter on ahavah (love), would impoverish us spiritually. Imagine losing the Psalms, or even just Psalm 23! Yahweh stitched up the Bible with certain inspired characters - His revelation passed through their personalities and we have been blessed by both. The Bible consists of divine concepts and principles worded and coloured according to the personalities of the writers. Look how different John is from the other Gospel writers!

    A Mixed Bunch

    What a mixed bunch of personalities Messianic Evangelicals are! And whilst our fleshy natures are an irritating impediment, and always will be, the colouring of our Elohim-created characters is a part of an exciting kaleidoscope. But we dare not sit still.

    The Shaking of Trees

    For the last few years I have been saying that the penultimate Judgment starts with us, and that is so true. It has been a shaking time, a time for every rotten apple to be shaken off every Messianic Evangelical's tree, even if that means there are no good ones to be found - there's always the next season! If you've messed up, you have the promise of a new season - a new year. So we can look forward to Aviv because it means we've been given another chance.

    One Shavu'ot Anointing, Seven Sukkot Anointings

    I said that NCAY is about to change and I meant that literally. Yahweh is preparing us for anointings - not suddenly, as at the first messianic Shavu'ot, known inaccurately as 'Pentecost' (which is a Greek word describing an erroneous calendar calculation), really the Feast of Weeks - but step-wise. Shavu'ot (Weeks) is a single day-long moed (appointment). When the Ruach (Spirit) fell on the first New Testament qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones), it happened just like that - wham! The final Sukkot (Tabernacles) anointing, which is the anointing of the end-time Remnant, is not like that. Sukkot (Tabernacles) is an seven day-long festival - this anointing comes in seven stages - wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, wham! - each one mediated by one of the seven Ruachot Qodeshim (Holy Spirits). So if you're expecting a one-off event, you will be confused, especially if you get the first or Rishon anointing and conclude, 'that's it!' A lot of people will think that and charge ahead only to be stopped short when the Second or Shanee anointing is needed. You have got to get your doctrine right in order to be prepared properly.

    A Word From Psalm 68

    We're going to begin with a Davar (Word) that Yahweh gave me three days ago - for me, for you, for all of us, and for those who will join us. It is from Psalm 68, verses 11 through 14. You can follow if you like only I am going to expand it because no one version gets it completely right. This will be a composite translation so that you get the full scope.

      "Yahweh proclaims - He gives, He announces - the 'omer (not the davar, not the besorah) - the good news (NEB), the command (NRSV, NASB), the word (NIV, KJV, NKJV), the promise:

      great is the company of those [women] who proclaimed it - who bore the tidings (NRSV): 'The kings of the armies, they flee, they flee!'

      The women at home divide the spoil,

      though they stay or linger (NEB) among the sheepfolds -

      the wings of a dove covered or sheathed (NEB) with silver,

      its pinions or feathers (KJV) with green or yellow (NEB), shining (NIV), glistening (NASB) gold.

      When El Shaddai (the Almighty) scattered the kings there, causing them to flee headlong (NEB),

      snow fell on Zalmon (the southern peak of Mt.Gerezim)"

      (Ps.68:11-13, NRSV ground text)

    The Return of an Anointing

    That is quite a vivid picture, isn't it? The imagery is stark - a silver dove with gold feathers, for one thing. Now these are the words that Yahweh gave me from Psalm 68 but I did not know what they meant until the day after when He awakened me and I found myself in spiritual combat with the Enemy. And then something happened. An anointing I once had, which disappeared several years ago, suddenly returned and I enjoyed great liberty in the Ruach (Spirit) as I prayed! I knew, then - because Yahweh doesn't give you something unless He intends you to use it - that this was preparation for a new phase of spiritual warfare.

    The Samaritan Woman Parallel

    I have to say that when I read these verses in Psalm 68 that my mind went back to the Samaritan woman at the well. These verses feature women prominently, you will have noticed. First they declare, "The kings of the armies, they flee, they flee!" and then we find them in their homes dividing the spoil. But first let's rehearse that story of the Samaritan woman before we resume the Psalm 68 study:

      "Now He had to go through Samaria. So He came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there, and Yah'shua (Jesus), tired as He was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.

      "When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Yah'shua (Jesus) said to her, 'Will you give me a drink?' (His talmidim/disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

      "The Samaritan woman said to Him, 'You are a Judean and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Judeans do not associate with Samaritans.)

      Yah'shua (Jesus) answered her, 'If you knew the gift of Elohim (God) and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and he would have given you mayim chayim (living water)."'

      "'Sir,' the woman said, 'you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this mayim chayim (living water)? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?'

      "Yah'shua (Jesus) answered, 'Everyone who drinks this mayim (water) will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the mayim (water) I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the mayim (water) I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal chayim (life).'

      "The woman said to him, 'Sir, give me this mayim (water) so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw mayim (water)."'

      He told her, 'Go, call your husband and come back.'

      "'I have no husband,' she replied.

      Yah'shua (Jesus) said to her, 'You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.'

      "'Sir,' the woman said, 'I can see that you are a navi (prophet). Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Judeans claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.'

      Yah'shua (Jesus) declared, 'Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain (Mt.Gerezim, of which Zalmon is the southern peak) nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Judeans. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in ruach (spirit) and emet (truth), for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. Elohim (God) is spiritual, and His worshipers must worship in ruach (spirit) and in emet (truth).'

      "The woman said, 'I know that Messiah' (called Christ) 'is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us.'

      Then Yah'shua (Jesus) declared, 'I who speak to you am He'" (John 4:4-26, NIV).

    What Yah'shua Offered the Samaritan Woman

    Before we understand what the women are doing in Psalm 68 we must first understand why they are doing it. They do what they do because of what Yahweh first does for them, and what Yahweh does for them is what Yah'shua (Jesus) offered to the Samaritan woman - ruach (spirit) and emet (truth). Don't forget these two. They go hand-in-hand. Truth without spirit is dead, and spirit without truth is chaos. The two work together in synergy, like two atoms held together by a single bond. They - and they alone - produce mayim chayim - living waters, that which produces eternal chayim (life).

    Two Kinds of Woman

    One final thing you need to be aware of is that the 'women' in Psalm 68, like the Samaritan woman, are both literal women (with male counterparts) and they are symbolic of the Body of Messiah (Christ) as a whole. So on one level they represent wives and daughters in relation to their husbands and fathers, and on another, they symbolically represent the Messianic Community or Messianic Israel, the Body of Believers, consisting of men and women.

    A Liturgy Recounting an Historical Event

    So with the account of the Samaritan woman's encounter at the back of our minds, let's return to our passage in Psalm 68, and see why Yahweh was most emphatic about my talking to you about it this morning. First a quick overview, as we don't have time to study it all. This whole Psalm is a liturgy - or proscribed, formal worship - celebrating the glorious and triumphant rule of Israel's Elohim (God), and begins in the first verse thus:

      "Arise, O Elohim (God), and scatter your enemlies. Let those who hate Elohim (God) run for their lives. Drive them off like smoke blown by the wind. Melt them like wax in fire. Let the wicked perish in the presence of Elohimn (Elohim). But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in Elohim's (God's) presence. Let them be filled with simcha (joy)" (Ps.68:1-3, NLT).

    Recounting the First Exodus

    This psalm echoes the First Exodus, the triumphal march of the children of Israel from Mount Sinai, in the days of the navi (prophet) and Torah-giver, Moses, to Mount Zion, in the days of King David.

    Birth of the Kingdom of Yahweh

    The events at Mount Sinai - at that first Shavu'ot (Weeks, 'Pentecost') - marked the birth of the Kingdom of Yahweh among His people, the establishing of the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of Yahweh's Throne, and in Jerusalem saw the establishment of Yahweh's redemptive Kingdom on earth, the Royal City.

    A Foreshadowing of Messiah's Resurrection and Kingdom

    The first believers,the early Messianic Community (Church), taking their cue from Ephesians 4:8-13, rightly understood this psalm to foreshadow the resurrection, ascension and present rule of Messiah and the final triumph of this Kingdom over the hostile world. And that is 100 per cent true on one level.

    Prophecy of a Future Second Exodus

    But on another level this is also a prophetic foreshadowing of the Second, Last, or Final Exodus. Our 'Jerusalem' is not that carnal City of Hagar in the Middle East currently belonging to the Israeli Republic, a city of servitude, but the New or Heavenly Jerusalem.

    En Route to the New Jerusalem

    I stress both titles because the 'heavenly' aspect is ours for the taking right now if we walk obediently in holiness as we are supposed to walk in Messiah. However, this is also a literal city that is to decend out of Heaven in the last days and occupy the spot where the spiritually dead City of Hagar stands today. That is our final goal, our destination whether as mortal or immortal physical beings. That is where the Remnant is headed both 'within' and 'without', both spiritually and temporally BUT this can only happen viâ a latter-day 'Sinai'.

    A Second Sinai

    And what happened at Sinai? The Torah (Law) was given at Shavu'ot (Weeks), the lifestyle that Israel - both pre-Messianic and Messianic - is to live by. And it is accompanied by an endowment, an anointing, a spiritual immersion or baptism in fire which results in a New Birth - being 'born again' in Messiah (Jn.3:3ff.). Shavu'ot (Weeks) in all its aspects is therefore critically important. The Israelites didn't get to Mount Zion or Jerusalem in the promised land by bypassing Mt.Sinai, and neither will the Remnant qualify to receive the spiritual Sukkot (Tabernacles) anointing, nor will she come up to the New Jerusalem, until she first comes to the latter-day 'Sinai'. I remind you of this to keep everything focussed and in sharp perspective.

    Yearning of the Remnant for the Sukkot Anointing

    So the Messianic Kingdom that we seek is not yet fully manifested, as we all know. Up until now it has only manifested the Shavu'ot (Weeks) endowment, and we await the Sukkot (Tabernacles) endowment, the fullness of the revelation and manifestation of spiritual power of this Millennial Messianic Kingdom of our Saviour. All the Remnant yearn for this. Those who are not of the Remnant are content with what they have, do not think there is more, and do not seek it.

    The Course of the Festivals

    Each year begins at the spring equinox, on Aviv 1, the first month, the New Year, beginning at Pesach (Passover) and advances through each festival viâ numerous sabbaths and new moons until it arrives at the final moed (appointment) at Sukkot (Tabernacles), which itself unfolds stage by stage, represented by seven days, until the fullness has come. This has been going on for thousands of years, ascending like a giant spiral come to a final point - the start of the Millennium.

    The Second Exodus Has Begun

    Four years ago the Second Exodus began. That was in 2014. All of you assembled here today were there at that historic occasion. Several of you wrote testimonies of what happened. There are, I would estimate, about 35 more turns of that spiral until the earth reaches its goal and the current Age ends. So this final part of current history is going to take the better part of two to three decades, maybe a little more, only Yahweh knows. The more Satan's power grows in the world because of the wickedness of men, so the power of the Remnant must grow proportionally to meet it, resist it, and overpower it. Psalm 68 - and in particular the verses I was directed to - tells us a little as to how this is going to come to pass.

    The Experience of 2014

    What happened in 2014? Well, my appraisal of that time, when Messianic Israel was redicated, was that we became aware of the qadosh (holy, set-apart) nature of Yahweh in a way that we had never experienced before. One of the brethren exclaimed that he had never experienced such holiness in all his life before that day! In all those many assemblies we had, it culminated, you may remember, with a presence of the Ruach (Spirit) in a way we had never known before. This was not the complete anointing! It was 'merely' the first awareness that the talmid (disciple) gains as he stands on the threshhold of the Qadosh (Holy, Set-Apart) Place the Sanctuary. We became aware of something amazingly - fantastic - that suddenly lay within our reach but we never got any further. Not all who were there remained with us. We smelled, as it were, something emanating from the heavenly kitchen, and we wanted it. But we could not enter, even if we thought we had entered, because we were still too dirty, still lacking too much in emunah (faith). We always over-estimate our standing with Elohim (God)! Well, these four years have revealed starkly to us just how much cleansing still needs doing and how tenaciously we still cling onto sinful tendencies. I can at least speak for myself in that regard. So we got a little peek of what lay beyond and for a very short while stood in the Qadosh (Holy, Set-Apart) place.

    What the Women Do

    So, to recollect again, the women in Psalm 68 represent both wives and daughters and us collectively as the Remnant Body. What, then, are the wives and daughters going to be saying and doing in respect of their husband's ministries? And what are we all going to be saying and doing in respect of our allegorical Heavenly Husband's ministry in the years ahead? Now, sadly, some translations fudge or obscure these verses, some even denying that it was the women who cried out in ecstatic joy, "The kings of the armies, they flee, they flee!" They are watching their husbands and fathers at war. But this is also us, collectively, witnessing Messiah defeat His, and our, enemies. So let us be clear what two things the women will be doing:

    • 1. They will proclaim the defeat of the Enemy; and
    • 2. They will divide the spoil of the defeated kings.

    Both of these things they will do "at home".


    So let me read those three verses again using another version, this time a paraphrase which captures the sense well:

      "Yahweh announces victory, and throngs of women shout the happy news. Enemy kings and their armies flee, while the women of Israel divide the plunder. Though they lived among the sheepfolds, now they are covered with silver and gold, as a dove is covered by its wings" (Ps.68:11-13, NLT)

    The Silver Doves With Golden Wings

    Why do you think the plunder from these defeated kings is described as 'silver doves with golden wings'? It is a picture of enjoying wealth. This is what the men bring back from battle. This is what Yah'shua (Jesus) blesses us with when He defeats our enemies when we call upon Him to do so by emunah (faith). Doves, of course, are symbols of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), and that is what Yahweh fills us with when we are properly submitted. The Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is female, and that is why it is the women who receive the booty likened to silver doves with golden feathers. There's more in this picture than meets the eye but the main point is that faithfulness in spiritual warfare brings spiritual prosperity.

    Victory of the Saints

    There is so much packed into these verses. What victory is being spoken of in the first instance here? Anciently, victories against Israel's enemies, of course, but a key to understanding this psalm and its relevence to our day and to the Second Exodus is the enthronement of Yahweh in His sanctuary. In the New Covenant this means that Yahweh is enthroned in the hearts of the saved and in the saved Remnant. This is victory over both demonic powers and their human agents. This was accomplished by the cross, by the atonement at the Meridian of Time, and it is accomplished in every generation as believers overcome Satan and the flesh and walk in the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), drinking mayim chayim or living waters, participating in eternal life.

    The Real and Fake Remnants

    Always remember there are inside and outside components. Yah'shua (Jesus) said "the Kindom of Elohim (God) is within you (in your hearts) and among you (surrounding you)" (Lk.17:21, Amp.V). It manifests inwardly by grace through emunah (faith) and manifests outwardly by works. We have to do something with what Yahweh has given to us through the cross. It is here that our agency comes into play. And the Remnant must manifest the works of the Sukkot (Tabernacles) anointing. If they don't, then they aren't the Remnant. It's as simple as that and it is by this means you will be able to discern between the real Remnant and counterfeit claimants. There are plenty of people out there claiming to be the Remnant and most of them are false.

    A March in Two Stages

    Historically-speaking - that is to say, what is observed outwardly as representing the inward Kingdom Yah'shua (Jesus) spoke of - there are two visible stages and they are represented by:

    • Stage 1. The march to Mount Sinai; and
    • Stage 2. The march to the Promised Land and to thence to Mount Zion in Jerusalem.

    The Power of the Sinai and Jerusalem Manifestations

    You all know what happened on Mount Sinai and you all know what happened when Solomon dedicated the completed Temple in Jerusalem. There were incredible manifestations of Yahweh's presence VISIBLY, AUDIBLY and with incredible POWER. There was no mistaking what was going on. They were every bit as tangible as the dividing or parting of the waters of the Yam Suf or the 'Red Sea' (actually the Gulf of Aqaba) and the miracles of provision in the wilderness: manna from heaven, the splitting of the rock that produced enough water to create a lake in the middle of that desert, and much else. We'll be recounting these things later at Pesach (passover).

    The New Millennial Passover Liturgy

    We are told in Scripture that the Final Exodus will be even more spectacular than the First Exodus, so much so that at Pesach (Passover) in the Millennium it will be these modern-day events that will be recounted in place of the miracles and signs of the First Exodus of yesteryear.

    Believing is Not Seeing

    Although physical signs are not, obviously, 'the main thing', or even any 'thing', when it comes to salvation, they are significant. Indeed we are told that those coming to salvation since the Ascension are more blessed than those who physically witnessed the resurrection because emunah (faith) is not by sight. Remember Yah'shua's (Jesus') words to doubting Thomas:

      "Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29, NIV).

    Signs and Judgment

    Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons, dramatic signs are ordained by Elohim (God) at different times in earth's history for a particular purpose. Some are to strengthen the emunah (faith) of believers, some are to convert unbelievers, some are signs for all the malakim (angels) and some are signs for Satan and the wicked to let them know that the time for accountability and judgment has arrived. What's important is that Yahweh has ordained them and that they will be signs accompanying the true Remnant. Personally, I am glad it will be this way, then the charlatans and imposters will be the more readily exposed. It won't just be a matter of thrashing theology or demonstrating personal holiness.

    The Elijah and Elisha Phases of the Moedim

    Now the Sukkot (Tabernacles) anointing takes place in seven steps, corresponding to the seven annual festivals themselves, according to divine tavnith (pattern). Of these the fourth, or Shavu'ot (Weeks), is the 'hinge' festival, the summer moed (appointment) dividing the spring festivals off from the autumn (fall) ones. One thing I was shown two days ago was that these two halves represent Elijah and Elisha, respectively, with Shavu'ot (Weeks) being the point at which toqef (authority) was, is, and will be passed from Elijah to Elisha, and from the penultimate to the last generation - the one-fold and two-fold Spirit of Elijah periods, respectively:

    • Stage 1 (Spring). The Elijah Stage or empowerment of the leaders of the penultimate generation; and
    • Stage 2 (Autumn/Fall). The Elisha Stage or double empowerment of the leaders of the final generation.

    The Timing of the Phases

    I can't say how these two periods are going to be divided up because I have no idea. The mid-point might be 20 years into the Last Exodus, or it might be more or less. That will depend when Yahweh takes the leaders of the penultimate generation home, I suppose!

    Why the Elijah prophets Have to Arise Now

    So here we are today, living at ease, relatively-speaking, at the edge of that murmuring volcano which is the world, though now the ground is beginning to rumble and shake, and increasing numbers are starting to get alarmed. It seems the news gets worse every day as the world tumbles into the Antichrist system. These are not at all unlike the Ahab and Jezebel period of time in ancient Northern Israel. In spite of Trump throwing a few spanners into the Illuminati works here and there, by and large the agenda of the élites, at least in the social realm, continues to advance, as they try to totally redefine reality. That means that Elijah nevi'im (prophets) have to arise now. That means we - me and you - have to get our baptism of fire, anointing or empowerment because we know things don't end now - we know that a major Judgment is imminent, and it isn't the Great Tribulation Judgment. If you think the world is bad today, then you have no idea what's coming during the Elisha phase of the end. If the last generation is going to need a double anointing, then mine at least needs its anointing, even if it is only half that of the last generation's.

    Mass Murder of Humanity Planned and Executed

    So why do we need a Psalm 86:11-13 cycle implemented pretty much immediately? Because the élites are trying to murder us with chemical posions, psychotropic drugs, and micro-radiation. They want to kill about 90 per cent of the population. The Bible says they will manage around half the world population by the time they have finished.

    The Dying Cash-Cow

    They're trying to destroy us econonically too. Look at the cost of living - it's becoming prohibitive and more and more people are going broke and being driven onto the streets in the once affluent West. Our friends in the Third world don't believe us when we tell them we are poor and think we are just being stingy because we can no longer support their projects, many of which are ostentatious and influenced by false Prosperity theology. I keep telling them the Western cash-cow is pretty much dead but they won't believe me. Many of them, as soon as they realise you don't have any money, are soon gone.

    Economic Struggles

    We also have increasing numbers of terrorists in our midst. One in three to four Swedish women will be raped, according to statistics. On 1 January our beloved Marxist pink communist government announced a new energy tax, to 'save the planet' from an imaginary man-made catastrophe, increasing our electricity bill so much that electricity has become unaffordable. And of course they want to curb wood-burners too...because that's increasing the 'carbon footprint'. Not so long ago the governments sent us a leaflet saying how much wood we were allowed to burn per household! All of this is breaking our back financially and the way things are going we here will be bankrupt by the end of Sukkot (Tabernacles) this year. And all of this before any economic collapse. It looks as though we are all going to have to rethink at how to survive. I envy those of you living in warm climates because I don't know how we will survive another winter. So I am not even sure we will be able to maintain an internet presence the way things are going. We don't ask for economic support and haven't done so for at least a decade or more - we know how everyone is trying to keep going themselves. Nevertheless real hardship is mounting and we are not as young, healthy and strong as we once were.

    Despoiling the Enemy

    Why am I saying all of this? Because where there is a legitimate need, I believe Yahweh steps in. When evil men and women rob their citizens of liberty, wealth and health, and therefore their lives, as Pharaoh did to the captive Israelites, Yahweh delivers. The Scriptures tell us that the Returning Messiah comes as a Conqueror just as Yahweh is portrayed as the Conqueror of those kings who opposed His people Israel in Psalm 68. The Elijah Nevi'im (Prophets) among the Remnant do exactly the same - they bring the Judgment of Yahweh to the wicked kings of the earth by calling down fire from heaven, while their wives announce Yahweh's victories from home and then divide the spoil of the kings their husbands have brought down. As in ancient Egypt, so in modern Egypt.

    What the Wealth is For

    But be careful not to read too much into Psalm 68. This is not a licence for any belief in the false 'prosperity' teachings. This is not about the Remnant enriching themselves. What do you imagine this wealth is for? Why do you suppose the women are handling it? What's it for? It is not for the purchase of jewely, cars, jet planes, Armani suits, or luxurious mansions. It's not for frivolous use. It is for the purpose of financing the Second Exodus, financing global evangelism, keeping the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) provided for and for the gathering the twelve Tribes and the building the Twelve Cities of of Refuge. Thirty of more years' work needs to be done, and towards the end the Remnant will have to face opposition the likes of which has never been seen before. Hence the double portion of the Spirit of Elijah for the Elisha qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones).

    The Signs of Egypt and Cush

    Let me end now with two signs which are given at the end of Psalm 68. Let's look at them:

      "Let Egypt come with gifts of precious metals; let Ethiopia (Cush) bow in submission to Elohim (God)" (Ps.68:31, NLT).

    Now we understand well enough that while Egypt, like Babylon, was a literal place of enslavement, both also represent the world system which is an enslaving social and economic power. When Yahweh punished Pharaoh for his oppression by creating the plagues, Pharaoh begged Moses to remove his people out of his land, and the Egyptians gave them precious metals and other valuable things so that they would be well and truly gone out of their lives, no longer to be tormented. What was it that broke the camel's back for those Egyptians? Death of the firstborn.

    Good News for Africa

    What about Cush or what is better known as Nubia? What is that mentioned? Because this is a revelation of a mass conversion of Africa which is here represented by Cush which lay south of Egypt! Contrary to what modern black 'social justice warriors' and 'Black Israelites', Egypt and Nubia are entirely different races. Modern Nubia is mostly Moslem today and the remainder animist and Christian. I believe this to be a dual prophecy. On the one hand this bespeaks of mass conversions of Moslem Africans (and possibly by extension the Arabic, Indian and Indonesian Moslem world too) but the whole African continent of which Egypt is a kind of anchor point. Half of Africa is dominated by Islam and Pagan Animism. This is very good news! But this mass conversion will not come about until the power of Elohim (God) is revealed in the Elijah nevi'im (prophets) who will also have the task of overthrowing false 'Christian' prophets working in false spirits. What a time this will be!

    Consume the Advertsaries

    Brethren and sisters, listen up! Without the Spirit of Elijah, we are doomed. I mean it. It is the time of judgment for the Egyptian/Babylonian system's Ahab's and Jezebel's who runs this devilish world. A few of the élites may repent but the vast majority of them long ago crossed the final dividing line and are hell-bound, and they are no more about to repent than Jezebel was in her day. Now if you want to go and preach to these people, you're welcome to go and try, if you're tired of living, that is. Otherwise the command will be issued to consume the Adversaries.

    Prophets for Families

    You fathers, if you are guard and protect your families, you had better pray for the emunah (faith) and worthiness to receive this anointing, for even if you are not called to go and warn Ahab and Jezebel as Elijah was, or execute them, there are certainly plenty of local power-crazed leaders who would love to destroy your family, by whatever means of state at their disposal. You must be able to call fire down and protect your loved ones. Every father, every husband, has to be a navi (prophet) for his own family.

    Calling Down Fire

    If you're one of those sceptics who don't think such gifts really existed (because you are liberally-minded), or if you're one of those believers who think that such gifts were only for 'then' and are not needed any more, because you think that fathers and husbands should offer the other cheeks of their children and wives (because you're a cessationist), because you think this is what Yah'shua (Jesus) meant by "loving your enemy" (Mt.5:43), then I grieve for you, for you are condemning you and your family to no redemptive end. (If you don't understand - or think you understand - what Yah'shua (Jesus) meant by "offering the other cheek", then you need to read Turning the Other Cheek). Yes, there may be a time we are called to lay down our life, and there will be many many martyrs, as we know from the Scriptures. However, Yahweh wants a Remnant alive, as He wanted the children of Israal alive and extracted out of Egypt, not massacred by Pharaih, and that is what must be done. So you don't believe in Elijah nevi'im (prophets) calling fire down from heaven any more? Then your emunah (faith) is weaker than some evil people who know otherwise, because their comrades have been burned up, and that will be to your great cost.

    No Escape, No Rapture, Just Trial by Fire

    I have shown you the prophetic tavnith (pattern) and I know what Yahweh started doing with me two days ago. It's up to you to find out the rest for yourselves, as there is no gathering yet to Israel, and it's every family for itself until the Final Gathering begins. There is no rapture for any cowardly escapists who think so highly of themselves. There is a fire to go through, a cauldron to be seriously warmed up in, so that your emunah (faith) can grow and be deepened, so that you can throw more of yourself into the arms of Elohim (God) in utter dependency. For it is written:

      "The humble will see their Elohim (God) at work and be glad. Let all who seek Elohim's (God's) help live in simcha (joy). For Yahweh hears the cries of His needy ones; He does not despise His people who are oppressed" (Ps.69:32-33, NLT).

    This is the Time

    As for the élites and their stooges, may Yahweh have mercy on them, because I for one do not desire to see anyone destroyed, yet this is a time of Judgment for them, this is a time given to Yahweh's people so that they may accomplish the final evangelism push throughout all the unreached areas of the world and then to gather the elect into the places of safety. This is the last labour of my generation and the apprenticeship time of the last generation.


    Sisters, be ready for you will proclaim with loud voices the message of our Elohim (God), and all that the Enemy has stolen - Babylon's ill-gotten gains - will be repatriated and assigned to you by your husbands and fathers to attend to at home.

      "Our Elohim (God) is an Elohim (God) who saves! Yahweh-Elohim rescues us from death. But Elohim (God) will smash the heads of His enemies, crushing the skulls of those who love their guilty ways...Your procession has come into view, O Elohim (God) - the procession of my Elohim (God) and King as He goes into the Sanctuary. Singers are in front, musicians are behind; with them are young women playing tambourines. Praise Elohim (God), all you people of Israel; praise Yahweh, the source of Israel's life. Look, the little tribe of Benjamin [1] leads the way. Then comes the great throng of rulers from Judah [2] and all the rulers of Zebulun [3] and Naphtali [4]. Summon Your might, O Elohim (God). Display Your power, O Elohim (God), as You have in the past. The kings of the earth are bringing tribute to your Temple..." (Ps.68:20-21,24-29, NLT).

    May you be blessed in Yah'shua (Jesus) our Messiah. Amen.


    [1] Modern-day Norway
    [2] Modern-day Northern Ireland and others
    [3] Modern-day Netherlands, Flanders and the Afrikaaner nation
    [4] Modern-day Sweden, Finland and Estonia

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    Last updated on 16 March 2018

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