Month 6:26, Week 4:4 (Revee/Shavu'ot), Year:Day 5940:173 AM
2Exodus 3/40, Yovel - Year 50/50 - Teshuvah 26/39
Gregorian Calendar: Tuesday 27 September 2016
Leaving the Cities
Last Hour Counsel for Urbanites
Time Running Out
With time rapidly running out and with so much about to happen between now and the secular new year, I am meeting people who are starting to panic, especially those who have not believed our witness and done nothing, as the facts present themselves and the accusation 'conspiracy' is overturned by real-time events.
To Those Who Have Done All They Could
Of greater concern to me are those who have believed and have responded as best they could whilst being frustrated by their lack of finances or other problems legitimately preventing them from doing more. To these I would say this: if you have heard, and believed and obeyed to the very best of your ability and can reasonably do no more, yet finding yourself far from where you so much want to be in terms of safety and preparedness, then all you can do is this: hand over your life - completely - to Yah'shua (Jesus), without reservation, and express your willingness to Him to do anything He asks of you and go anywhere, and with whom, He wants you to go, and He will take care of you and open the doors that need to be opened so that you can both make your escape as well as get established in a new life and prosper while the rest of the world disintegrates.
The Time for Manoeuvering is Practically at an End
It should now be obvious, to anyone who has been carefully following world events, that the élites have zero intention of calling off their plans for world dominance. They intend to go full out to accomplish their goal of building a global totalitarian state and by whatever means remaining to them to try and do so. They will no more give up than Hitler ever intended to surrender. Though they shall be prevented in their ultimate quest, this will not be a 'clean' defeat. There will be serious social, political and economic repercussions for both good and wicked people, if the good aren't listening to, and obeying, Yahweh. That is why you have been admonished, for so long now, to make serious spiritual and material preparations for the dark times ahead. Sadly, the ability to do much of that now has largely gone and the door will, I suspect, close any day now.
Secular and Religious Vultures
Another warning. Whenever there are upheavals as are now unfolding, the unscrupulous - both secular and religious - will seek to profit therefrom. Revolutionaries, money-racketeers, doomsday cults and false teachers out to gain a following (and oftentimes money) by feeding off people's fear, appear like frenzied vultures so seek advantage for themselves or their causes. They are around to pick the remaining wealth off the poor and dispossessed by offering them false hope in exchange for their allegiance. So be aware of the plethora of false teachers capitalising on 'end-time fever' nearly all of whom would view any major political disturbance as portending the Great Tribulation and Second Coming. These two things are a little further down the road yet.
Save Your Families
Right now the important thing is saving yourselves and your families from the potentially of the devastating consequences the present unfolding crisis so that you can arise financially and spiritually independent of the new order that will replace the current one. If you are still in the cities, you need to be ready, at a moment's notice, to leave for the provisioned places in the countryside you ought to have prepared beforehand for your family or in cooperation with other families. If you are already set-up in the countryside, so much the better. We have seen how violence can suddenly erupt in cities, which has been as nothing so far compared to what is coming where civil war conditions are simmering and waiting go be sparked off by premeditated provocative actions orchestrated by the élites.
Constant Preparedness
Those of you who have become reliant on help and tips viâ the internet need to be prepared, in some countries and areas, to do without these for a period of time. In short, you have be tuned into the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) which is why spiritual preparedness is now of the utmost priority. I do not know when this will happen, or to what degree or where - I only know that I must urge you, in all sobriety, to be ready like the children of Israel on Pesach (Passover) night awaiting the word to move out. Timing is critical - you need, if you are leaving city departure to the last minute, to be instantly responsive to the Ruach's (Spirit's) command so that you do not find yourself trapped within a cordon set up by the state preventing your leaving. So it is more than possible that this ministry and witness may be offline for an unknown period of time in the near future.
Finally, please understand that I am not saying, nor have I ever said, that everything is suddenly 'going to happen' on one day (e.g. 1 October). Indeed, I suspect this crisis is going to last a long time and unfold by degrees even if each unfolding seems catastrophic. I know only a few things up to a week or two before next new year in the spring of 2017. If you need personal counsel I will do what I can, short of giving 'dial-up revelation' (which I won't do), you can contact us. May the Master of the Derech (Way) be with you.