Month 8:16, Week 3:1 (Rishon/Pesach), Year 5935:216 AM
Gregorian Calendar: Friday 11 November 2011
11-11-11 and All That
Do Not Be Fooled by the Numerologists
We're fascinated by numbers, aren't we? I know I am. The Hebrews used arithmetic along with its operations - addition, subtraction, multipiclation, division, fractions, and so on. In Hebrew numbers were spelled out. Thus for 6 the Hebrews would write shesh (vv). Not until Judah's disasterous exposure to Babylonbian culture during the Exile did letters of the alphabet come to symbolise numbers and much else besides. Thus the single letters alef (a), beth (b) and gimmel (g) came to represent 1, 2 and 3, etc..
Numbers in the bible are either literal or symbolic (figurative, illustrative), the context revealing in which form it is used. Numbers can sometimes play an important part in prophecy. One thing the Bible does not employ is numerology in which occult mysticism is attached to figures, their combinations and totals. The kind of numerology which figures strongly in Judaism, and in particular the Kaballah, has its origin in Babylon and not Torah-observant Israel.
People are making a lot of the fact that today is the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 2011. For the superstitious and occult-included, 11-11-11 has some special, hidden, occultic meaning. It doesn't, any more than 10 October 2010 (10-10-10) or 9 September 2009 (9-9-9) did. I remember as a boy at school when 6 June 1966 rolled along (6-6-6) and playing with the numbers in my head but that day was no more significant than today's 11-11-11 - it was no 666 Beast Day. When next year rolls up and we come to 12 December 2012, the superstitious will be making a huge fuss about 12-12-12, probably 'noting' that the end of the world occurs 9 days later (according to the Mayan Calendar) on 21 December 2011, and noting also that there is no such thing as 13-13-13, since there is no 13th month, 'proving' that the world world has to come to an end!
The fact that numbers play a significant part in the occultic machinations of the power élites of our world is another matter. Because they are so immersed in numeric symbolism, they like to plan events around certain numbers and so play on peoples' superstition as they have done throughout time in primative cultures. We have long been needlessly fearful of the number 13 - and especially Friday 13th - for example, which most think to be an 'unlucky' number because of what happened on that day many centuries ago, namely, the mass arrest and murder of the Knights Templar by the Catholic Church who feared their wealth and power. However, as I have already pointed out before, the number 13 is actually a positive one in the Bible.
The psychic airwaves are filled with numbers. I have had many people coming to me over the years saying they have been plagued by the number 333. The number is actually a very positive one in Sctripture but unfortunately it has a diabolical signifance in satanism where it is used to denote total (demonic) control and is also the number of a particularly nasty demoness called Choronzon, being half of 666, a better known number because of its apocalptic significance in the Book of Revelation.
Occultists using black or white magic (to create or break spells, curses, etc., respectively - it's the same source), attempt to bend the psychic forces that connect us all using supernatural demonic powers, to influence or control people. As believers, though, we do not operate in the psychic (the invisible carnal, Adamic, fleshy nature) but the spiritual, which lies above the psychic realm, and are able to neutralise these effects by appeal to the power of Yahweh though the blood of Messiah. The numbers themselves have no 'power' - it is the dark forces that are invoked by occultists that are the actual source of the problems - people omnly open themselves up to them by believing in such lies as the claim that numbers are 'magical' in some way. So dismiss the lie which is the superstition and close those demonic doors - get deliverance ministry if you are having problems.
As believers in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) we need neither be paralysed by the fear that comes from believing lies, nor be distracted from our spiritual life by such things. Yahweh does not play number games with us. And whilst biblical numerics is a fascinating subject in and of itself, it is not remotely like the nonsense that is numerology. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 40, 50, 70, 1,000, 144,000, and so on, all have interesting associations but we are not to meditate on Hebrew letters or their numerical equivalents as kabbalists do thinking that by doing so we may access special hidden, saving or power-giving knowledge. That is for wizzards and witches whose fate is sealed if they do not repent. (Kabbalists, incidentally, do not worship the Elohim/God or the Bible, by the way, but Moloch, though many Messianics seduced into this devilry do not always realise it).
There is a biblical mysticism but it is not occultism. There is certainly a heavenly mathematics hidden up in the sacred tavnith or pattern of Creation but it is a knowledge that flows out of a saving relationship with the Messiah - which is by emunah (faith) alone - but never leads to salvation. Don't be deceived or attracted by Kabbalism (a major temptation in many Messianic groups who are blinded by all things Jewish), I-Ching, Tarot or any kind of occult art, even if it is cloaked with respectability because it uses Hebrew or quotes the Scriptures from time to time to give it a pretended legitimacy. Remember, satanists use Hebrew too!
Finally, 11-11-11 is just an accidental combination of numbers for the pure and simple reason that the Roman Gregorian calendar the world uses today is just one of many man-made calendaric systems. If we had used another one, like the Julian Calendar that came before the one the world uses now, it wouldn't have been 11-11-11 at all but some other combination of numbers (you can go and calculate it if you have precious time to waste). In Yahweh's own Creation Calendar it is the 16th day of the 8th month and probably the year 5935 so if you were superstitious it would actually be 16-08-35 ... which, of course, like 11-11-11, means absolutely nothing whatsoever.
So get a good night's sleep in Yah'shua (Jesus) alone and discover that tomorrow - 12-11-11 (or 11-12-11 if you're American, 11-11-12 if you're Swedish) - is going to be pretty much like it was today: just another day.