The Banner of New Covenant Zion
The Banner of Zion
The Banner of New Covenant Zion consists of a simple horizontal tricolour of black, white and blue, and is the simplest as well as being the oldest banner of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahwweh (NCAY), hearkening back to the time when Lev-Tsiyon was a youth.
The concept behind the tricolour is also very simple but can only really be understood relative to another banner, which is sometimes simply known as the Banner of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and is a simple tricolour of black, white and red:
The Banner of Yah'shua the Messiah
The black of this banner represents the sin of mankind which is forgiven and cleansed to white by the red blood of the Lamb through emunah (faith) in the Name of Yah'shua (Jesus).
The Banner of New Covenant Zion is really the human equivalent of the Banner of Yah'shua the Messiah, the black representing the opposition and suffering the Messianic Evangelical (New Covenant Christian) must experience as he "works out his salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil.1:12), the white is the purity which comes from acceptance of the redeeming blood of Messiah through emunah (faith), and blue the especial gift of Messiah to the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY), which is emet (truth), ahavah (love), hochmah (wisdom) and daat (knowledge), typified by the many revelations and prophecies which NCAY has received (for example, the Olive Branch).
To these might be added a third banner, which is a combination of the two others:
The Tribulation Banner
This is known amongst Messianic Evangelicals as the Tribulation Banner and differs from the other two inasmuch as it incorporates a purple stripe, signifying royalty, being a combination of the blue and red stripes - it is Yahweh's people fully and finally redeemed through emunah (faith) in tribulation, becoming a completely Royal Priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Elohim (God).

This page was created on 4 July 1999
Updated on 7 March 2017
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