The Logo & Coat of Arms
of the New Covenant
Assemblies of Yahweh
Official Logo of the New Covenant
Assemblies of Yahweh (since 2005)
The MLT/NCAY Logo (above) consists of a golden lion-rampant with a royal crown holding a royal sceptre in its right hand and a sword in its left. It usually appears on a royal blue blackground. This is the third and current design variant, a combination of the first and second designs (see below), and incorporates a crown circled by 12 jewels representing the 12 Tribes of Israel and a slightly modified sceptre replacing the firstborn cross at its apex with a more traditional depiction.
The evolution of the Messianic Evangelical Lion Logo is rather complex as more than one version have co-existed at the same time. The very first lion logo began appearing in New Covenant publications as early as 1992 at the beginning of the NCCF (New Covenant Christian Fellowship) period. This lion has no crown or sceptre but held the banner of the then New Covenant Christian Fellowship (NCCF), the precursor to NCAY (see right). Today the flag part of this lion-and-flag combination is the banner of NCAY Local Missions. The original version first appeared in NCAY's periodical, the New Covenant Christian Witness (No.1, August 1992, p.2), though at the time the lion had a less complex tail format and was uncrowned. This design at length evolved to incorporate the contemporary design of the Messianic Evangelical Lion (see top) and is one of the three variants of the NCAY Logo. This particiular banner-carrying form was popular in the missionary field and was often used by evangelists moving into a new area where no missions had been organised. The Patriarchate has considered adopting this as a Missioner (Missionary) Logo in the future.
Another variant of this design also appeared briefly in NCAY publications between November 1993 and June 1995 consisting of the simpler lion format (without crown or septre) on a shield or crest of a diagonal black, white and blue tricolour. Finally, another lion design (called the 'Second Variant'), crowned and sceptred, superimposed on the tricolour crest arranged diagonally from bottom left to top right, first appeared in Church publications around December 1995. This would eventually be removed from the tricolour shield as the stand-alone logo of NCAY on a blue field.
Another lion design (without crown and septre) without any background appeared for the first time in about May 1994 along with the older version. The first appearance of the 'Second Variant' crowned and sceptered lion in a Messianic Evangelical publication was in January 1996, 15 months after the vision received by the Presiding Patriarch describing it (NC&C 358), in what was still an NCCF publication. The logo was adopted as the official logo of the New Covenant Assemblies following its reorganisation and renaming as the New Covenant Church of God or B'rit Chadashah Assemblies of Yahweh (NCCG/BCAY) in April 1996.
The logo appears on the NCAY Banner and especially on banners connected with the Patriarchate.
Around 2005 another design appeared in conjunction with deliverance work and spiritual warfare and, whilst not at first the official logo, became so popular that it began appearing more and more often on Messianic Evangelical websites and discussion groups. In place of the sceptre is a sword - the sword of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit):
A variant of this design has appeared prominently on the main website for many years:
A number of devices were designed to incorporate this lion including what became the main logo of the NCCG.ORG website prior to the major overhaul:
Two offical lion logos are in use today:
- 1. The Logo of Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT), the Central Assembly of NCAY in Sweden, and of all NCAY's (below, left); and
- 2. The logo of the international New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY) without MLT (below right)
Officials logos of MTL (left) and NCAY (right)

This page was created on 4 July 1999
Updated on 9 March 2017
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