The Blood Banner
A mistique surrounds this the oldest of Messianic Evangelical banners which now no longer exists. It was known colloquially as the Blood Banner but never displayed in public. The original banner was torn into three parts, the photograph on the lower left showing two thirds of the original. The central and end portions, containing the Firstborn Cross, were last heard of in the United States and are no longer believed to exist. The remaining third portion was originally found in the Kadesh-biyqah temple (below right) before it was destroyed in a fire. The photograph in the centre shows the original tricolour before it was divided.
The Blood Banner in its three parts
The division of this tricolour banner may have something to do with the ministry's number, 333, and is a prophetic sign on many different levels. There is also a New Covenant proverb which says that when the three parts are re-united that the heart of Zion will be at rest. Both the photographs are from the Oxford era (1986-88).

This page was created on 12 April 2000
Updated on 8 March 2017
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