Reflections on the
50th Anniversary of
the Second Word War
Between 1939 and 1945 millions of Europeans, Americans, Africans and Asians gave up their lives for freedom. 1995 marks the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. On the TV, in magazines and in newspapers we remember those who gave their lives to fight invasion, occupation and oppression.
Western Europe, North America, Australasia and (recently) South Africa have enjoyed freedom from political and military bondage for half-a-century. They are free and democratic countries. Their citizens have the freedom to choose to do so many different things and to speak freely what is in their minds and hearts.
And yet there are many who say we live in a cynical age -- that people don't believe anything any more. We are about to enter a new century -- the 21st century. What will it be like? What kind of philosophical system will Britons, Americans, Canadians and others live under? Will it be an age of cynicism? I don't believe so. If the latter part of the 20th century is anything to go by then people won't believe in nothing -- they will believe in ANYTHING. Think, for example, how many people today believe in global warming or the coming ice age -- two totally opposed ideas -- yet so many of our environmental laws are based on these speculative assumptions.
Ours is not an age of unbelief. It is an age of arrogant gullibility. Just think how many people embraced fascism and communism. Do you remember the euphoria we felt in the West when communism fell? Do you remember how the 'free world' proclaimed that a new era of peace and stability was about to start? Well look what's happened! Instead of states going to war with each other we find civil war increasing everywhere. This is what Martin van Crevold, military historian whose views on the future are highly respected, recently said:
"...war in the 21st century is already around us. It's called Bosnia. It's called Somalia. It's called Angola, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Sri Lanka. It's called Rio de Janeiro .... [wars in the 21 century] won't be fought between states, but between and against other organizations. .. corporations ... tribes ... clans" (Newsweek, April 17, 1995, p.54).
In short, we can expect increasing anarchy. Wars between nations are solved by peace treaties. But modern civil wars like Angola, Cambodia, Somalia, and Bosnia seem to have no end. Politics and international diplomacy will not solve these conflicts, despite the best will in the world. Even Norway's diplomatic coup, in bringing Palestinians and Israelis together to the peace table, will not achieve lasting peace so long as there are organisations like Hamas and right-wing Jewish groups who have sworn to destroy each other's aspirations to statehood.
Why has this chaotic situation occurred? It is because a tiny minority of intellectuals introduced a deadly doctrine called relativism in our late 20th century. And they have introduced it with such a passionate conviction that almost everyone has accepted it without really thinking about its consequences. What is relativism? Briefly stated it's this: "There are as many truths as there are people". Or to put it another way: "Follow your feelings. Believe what seems right to you. Do as you please."
This doctrine is an odourless, deadly gas that now pollutes every free society on earth. It is neither political nor economic -- which is perhaps why it has been so successful -- but it has poisoned our culture and will eventually kill it altogether.
Ordinary people know this. The chances are that you, the reader, know this to be true, even if the intellectuals in positions of power don't. Freedom cannot grow -- or even survive -- in an atmosphere of relativism. The ecology of liberty is far more fragile than the physical environment of earth.
Freedom needs sound families, common decencies, and the unafraid respect of one human for another. It needs small acts of virtue, tangled loyalties, and undying commitments. This is a truth.
A free economy, too, demands something special: women and men of enterprise and risk, willing to sacrifice present pleasures for rewards that may only be enjoyed by future generations. They must have vision, discovery, and invention. This is a second truth. This is what Britons, Americans and Australasians died for in 1939-45 -- not for themselves, but for the future generation -- our generation.
Can there be a free society of people who habitually lie and cheat, who can't be counted on, who flout the law? Can freedom survive where, as long as they are fed and entertained, people are content to be dependent?
Humans are the only creatures who enjoy the ability to master their passions, their bigotries, and their ignorance. Where millions of people are guarded by an "inner" policeman -- a conscience -- the number of real policemen can be few. But among people without self-restraint, there aren't enough policemen in the world to make society civil.
With our ample wealth and abundant private liberties, are we not ashamed of the culture we have created -- its shocking crimes, its loss of virtue, and the decline of common decency? Can all our forebears' bloodshed and suffering, in the cause of liberty, have been for this?
Three great lessons have been learned from the 20th century, often at fearful cost:
First, truth matters. One single truth, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn said upon receiving his 1970 Nobel prize for literature, is more powerful than all the weapons in the world. The martyrs of our time -- victims of fascism and communism -- have shown again and again that human dignity lies in fidelity to the truth.
Second, despite its faults (and there are many), democracy is better for individuals and minorities than dictatorship. Only where there is the rule of law, limited government, and checks and balances can people enjoy civil liberty.
And third, despite its faults (and there are many), belief in God is better than atheism for the emotional and mental health of a people. When atheistic communism fell in Eastern Europe, there was an explosion of religious fervour as spiritually hungry people sought to fill the vacuum in their lives left by communism.
Everyone who has escaped poverty -- both physical and spiritual -- and found true liberty has an obligation to serve as a witness to history.
That is what we, from NCAY, are doing today, in distributing this leaflet to you. We have lived in inner poverty and found what it is to be rich and free. And we would like to share our experience with you if you'd like to come and hear us.
No one promised that free society would endure for ever. A cold view of history shows that tyranny is the more frequent condition of the human race. Free societies have been few and not often long-lived. Without proper nourishment, our free society will pass across the darkness of time like a splendid comet, burn into ashes and disappear.
For ours to survive we need an intellectual, cultural and religious awakening. As human beings need air, so does liberty need virtue and truth. The free society is a moral society or it is not free at all.
An Invitation
NCAY is desperately interested in what decent, ordinary people want deep down but are often too afraid, because of the pressures of the dominant counter-culture of relativism, to make their hearts' desires known: truth, freedom, and a return to a Christian society.
NCAY is not connected with any particular Christian tradition and therefore feels free to uphold truth and morality wherever it may be found in churches, secular organisations or individual people. We are willing to discuss all issues and to hear your questions and concerns and to share with you are vision of the coming age and how we can best prepare for it. If you would like to know more, write in or telephone for more information, or come along to one of our meetings.
Nearly 20 years have passed since this tract was originally written and the world has become an extremely dangerous and unstable place indeed. We have come to the brink of a Third World War between NATO and Russia. The West has declined morally and economically to such an enormous degree that 1997 seems tame by comparison. Indeed, the world has so ripened in iniquity that only Judgment remains for what once was can never again be retrieved. 70 years have passed since the Second World War ended and the next postscript to this article may well be one avout the Third World War. All that remains now is to preach the Besorah (Gospel) with even greater urgency and to begin to gather in the Remnant.

This page was created on 31 December 1997
Updated on 24 December 2016
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