For those who are saved and born-again Christians, there is now one
more big thing that you will have to do before you can start to get
Yahweh's best to start flowing into your life - which will include
getting His maximum protection on you and your life. And that is to be
willing to make a full and complete surrender of your entire being and
your entire life over to Yahweh the Father.
You have to be both saved and surrendered in order
to really be able to step from the dugout out onto the real playing
field where the real walk with Yahweh is at. Elohim is wanting you to
fully surrender four specific things to Him:
- Your body
- Your soul
- Your spirit
- Your entire life
The Bible tells us that we have three parts to our beings – body,
soul and spirit. Yahweh wants all three parts of our being completely
surrendered over to Him. The fourth thing that Yahweh will also want
from you is for you to fully surrender your entire life over to Him. And when I say entire life, I mean literally everything in your life.
If you are single, Yahweh will be choosing who your mate is going to
be in this life. He knows who is best for you, you do not. Yahweh will
be choosing what your call or calls are going to be in Him, as He knows
best what your true potential and capabilities are going to be for Him
in this life.
The Bible tells us that with the measure we use, will be the measure
that will be measured back to us. In other words, if you want Yahweh’s
best to flow into your life, then you will have to give Yahweh your
best - and your best is a complete and full surrender of everything in
your life over to Him. It’s "your all" for "His all."
This right here is where many Christians are really missing the
boat with Yahweh. They are saved, but they are not walking in this full
surrender with Yahweh the Father. As a result, He is not working full
force in their lives. The only way to get Him to start working full
force in your life is to come under a complete and full surrender with
Bottom line - Yahweh’s knowledge and wisdom is perfect on all
matters - yours is not! Yahweh can see into the future and knows
exactly what is going to happen to you - you cannot. Yahweh knows you
better than you can ever know yourself, and as a result, He knows what
your true potential and capabilities are going to be in this life - you
do not.
Your powers are limited, but Yahweh’s powers are not. The Bible
tells us that Yahweh is all-powerful and that there is nothing that He
cannot do or accomplish. Nothing is impossible with Yahweh.
After chewing on all of the above, who do you want running your
life? Yourself, with your limited powers, your limited wisdom, and your
limited knowledge - or Yahweh, who has maximum power and maximum
knowledge to do and accomplish whatever He wants to do?
This lack of a full surrender to Yahweh the Father is what
is getting so many Christians beat to a pulp in the playing field of
life. They do not have Yahweh’s full protection on them, and as a
result, they are coming under severe attacks from demons, other bad and
evil people, and just natural cause and effect with all of the
different kinds of accidents, catastrophes, mishaps and illnesses that
can hit anyone of us at anytime.
Without Yahweh’s maximum protection on you, anyone of us can
fall prey to anyone of these storm clouds. Only Yahweh’s protection can
keep you safe and out of harms way from some of these types of storm
clouds - and the only way to get Yahweh’s maximum protection on you and
your life is to come under this complete and full surrender with Him.
If you want to take this last and final step with the Master, then I
can give you a very short, but powerful prayer to go to Yahweh the
Father with to come into this full surrender with Him.
This prayer should be said at least once or twice a year after you
do it the first time. You need to show Yahweh that you mean serious
business with Him on this, and by continuing to recite this prayer back
to Him on a once or twice per year basis, you will be showing Him that
you are really serious about this full surrender, and that you will
continue to let Him have full control of your life for the rest of your
earthly life.
I will give you both parts of this prayer - the initial prayer that
you will go to Yahweh the Father with to make the initial full
surrender, and then the second part of this prayer that will continue
to keep you under this full surrender with the Master for the rest of
your earthly life.
A) The Full Surrender Prayer
In the name of Yah'shua, I now place my body, my soul, my
spirit and my entire life into Your hands. I now ask that You place me
into Your perfect will for my life. From this moment on, I will choose
to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life and will allow
You to lead and direct my life in the direction that You will want it
to go in.
Thank you Father.
Thank you Yah'shua."
B) To Stay in the Full Surrender
In the name of Yah'shua, I continue to place my body, my
soul, my spirit and my entire life in Your hands. I choose to stay
fully surrendered to You all the days of my life and ask that you
continue to keep me in Your perfect will for my life.
Thank you Father.
Thank you Yah'shua."
The above prayer is short, sweet and simple, but extremely powerful!
With this prayer, you have now just turned the reigns of your life over
to Yahweh the Father - and He will now start to lead, guide and direct
your life in the direction that He will want it to go in.
If you are willing to make this full surrender with Yahweh the
Father, then you are now ready for the next big step, and that is to
learn how to Plead the Blood of Yah'shua for His deliverance and
There are two ways that you will use the Pleading of His Blood. One is for protection – where you will Plead the Blood of Yah'shua on whatever you want protected before
any adversity could come your way. By Pleading the Blood of Yah'shua on
the things you want specifically protected, you will go a long way in
preventing a lot of needless attacks, mishaps and accidents from ever
coming your way in the first place. This is preventative medicine at its best.
The second way that you will use the Pleading of His Blood is for deliverance
– where you have already been hit by some kind of adversity, and you
will now need Yahweh's deliverance and/or healing power to help set you
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