Circumcision - Is It a Part of New Covenant Torah?
Posted by Lev/Christopher on July 24, 2008 at 4:26am in Torah Studies
Is it a Part of New Covenant Torah?

especially in the United States (where is is done routinely at birth
for hygenic reasons on about 70% of the male population), in some
nations of East Africa like Kenya and Tanzania (where it is a rite of
passage into adulthood), in Britain until 1949 and in the Islamic world
(in imitation of the Hebrews), circumcision is pretty common and not
necessarily connected to religious observance. Some of you may have
heard that there has been a huge campaign in South Africa to circumcise
males as it supposedly reduces the risk of AIDS. Circumcision, however,
predated both the Israelites under Moses and Abraham himself. It was
widespread not only amongst Semitic peoples generally but also in
ancient Egypt. However, the Egyptians eventually discontinued it, apart
from the priestly class. As New Covenant Christians we believe that the
physical act has been abolished in Yah'shua. Indeed, if this is a true
saying of Yah'shua, then this quotation from the Gospel of Thomas
certainly reflects our position:
disciples said to him, 'is circumcision useful or not?' He said to
them, 'If it were useful, their father would produce children already
circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in ruach
(spirit) has become profitable in every respect'" (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 53).
Almost all
Messianic Jews and Israelites would react in horror to such a position
and indeed this is perhaps one of the things that separates us from
them. I am sure many of you have heard their arguments as to why they
believe cicumcision is still necessary. I don't have time to go into
all of that today so I am going to cut a very long story short and look
at a key scripture that really settles the matter for us, a scripture
that most Messianics put through all kinds of acrobatics to get it to
say what they want it to say. So I am going to quote from what I
believe to be the most accurate translation of the New Testament
available today, based on the Aramaic texts - moreover, the translator
has been honest enough to leave it as it stands even though it
contradicts his own position on circumcision - for that I
respect him. I imagine you will have guessed which passage I am
referring to as it is used by antinomians to argue that all the Torah has been done away with. Here it is from the Aramaic:
"If a man was called [to New Covenant Israel] while circumcised, he should not return to un-circumcision
[what the Judahites did during the Greek period under Antiochus
Epiphanes by going through an operation to 'uncircumcise' themselves]. And if he was called in un-circumcision, he should not be circumcised [i.e. don't be circumcised if you were converted uncircumcised]. For circumcision is not anything, neither un-circumcision, but the observances of the commandments of Elohim" (1 Cor.7:18-19, HRV - comments added).
As we look
at the first of these two verses we see something interesting. Paul is
telling circumcised converts - that is, Judahites - not to bother
getting uncircumcised. And then he goes and tells uncircumcised
converts not to bother about getting circumcised either. He uses two
extreme behaviours to point out that circumcision in the New Covenant "is not anything" - it's now meaningless either way, and is no longer a commandment of Elohim.
that this passage of scripture was written in the first century AD, no
more than 100-150 years after the period of Seleucid Greek rule in
which Hellenised Judahites were going through a surgical operation to
get themselves 'uncircumcised' in order to appear like the
uncircumcised Greeks, presumably largely because of the very popular
and frequent sporting events: the Greeks always performed nude in
athletic events.
As recently as 1936 when the nazis hosted the Olympic Games in Berlin and made a film about it called Olympia,
they daringly portrayed nude athletes in the opening historical section
of the movie as they tried to recreate the 'spirit' of the original
Olympics. Had they won the war that came three years later it would not
have surprised me to find athletes performing nude as a matter of
course too - as the nazis idolised the classical Greek ideal in
architecture, sport and attitudes. And in the 2004 Olympics in Athens,
the Olympic choreographer, Dimitris Papaioannou, introduced a
bare-breasted actress playing the part of a pagan priestess based on a
Minoan statue holding snakes in both hands, with clear satanic
overtones, in the opening ceremony. Not only that, but they had male
nude actors, though the lower half of their bodies was censored in a
special film version for countries which might object to this. Expect a
lot more nudity to come.
King Herod,
when he was in power in Judea, and in imitation of the ways of the
Hellenists in the time of Antiochus IV, built all the customary
cultural institutions of a Hellenist city including a hippodrome,
amphitheatre and a theatre. If you have ever seen a model of Jerusalem
from the time Yah'shua lived, you may have noticed that right next to
the Antonia Fortress that overlooked the Temple was an amphitheatre,
and in that amphitheatre, Herod patronised olympic-style sports which
attracted the most renowned athletes from all over the Roma Empire. And
whilst the Romans did not race naked, there is absolutely no doubt that
a century and a half before the Hellenised Judahites did.
Anyway, the
thing is, there must have been some Greek converts to Judaism who then
became converts to Yah'shua who, learning that circumcision was not
important, thought to themselves: "Well, why not get uncircumcised as they did a century-and-a-half ago! Let's go back to the way we were".
These people are not mentioned anywhere else in the Scriptures but
their extremist rivals were, whom we have come to call the 'Judaizers',
who were insisting that all gentile converts get circumcised to become
a true part of Messianic Israel.
contemporary Messianics explain this using Avi ben Mordechai's theory
that the controversy was only about two kinds of circumcision -
circumcision according to Talmudic and Rabbinical tradition, and
circumcision according to Mosaic Torah alone (a Karaite position). However, this scripture shows that actually there were two extremes - a 'circumcise the Gentiles' party and an 'uncircumcise the Judahites' party, neither of which were correct! The debate as to what men should do with their male organ to be acceptable New Covenant Israelites was irrelevent because in Messiah it is irrelevent. "But", Paul adds, "keeping Elohim's commands is what counts"
(v.19, NIV). You would be amazed how modern Messianics twist that
phrase too to mean that circumcision as an Old Covenant commandment -
as one of the commandments given at Sinai - must be obeyed even though
that contradicts the first part of the sentence and the verse before
it. What Paul is saying is that in the New Covenant being circumcised
physically "isn't one of Elohim's commands" anymore than animal sacrifices are.
Baptism vs. Circumcision
The outer
sign of the entering the New Covenant today is baptism by immersion
which follows a change of heart - an inner circumcision of the heart
(Dt.30:6; Rom.2:29) - mediated by the Ruach haRishon. It leaves no
physical marks on the body because it is based on the testimony of
eye-witnesses rather than the cutting away of any flesh.
During the
Soviet era, the performing of baptisms was done by unregistered
Baptists in secret - I suspect that baptism by immersion will be one of
the ordinances forbidden by the end-time 'Antiochus Epiphanes' too just
as it was in communist Russia. I believe the 7th day Sabbath will be
made illegal as well making it impossible for Messianic employees to
ask for Saturday off. The Catholic Church has been putting a lot of
pressure on the European Union to make Sunday the official 'day of
rest' but has so far only succeeded in getting the seventh day
'changed' into the 'sixth' day of the week. So now in Europe Sunday is,
by human decree, the 'seventh' day and Monday the 'first' day of the
week. Not so to Yahweh and Messianic Israelites - the Seventh Day
remains Saturday, except between easterb Turkey and the manmade
International date Line.
was a 'huge' thing in the New Testament Messianic community and we see
history repeating itself with the resurrection of this controversy
today. We need to remind ourselves of what gives life and what doesn't.
Yah'shua said:
"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:16, NIV).
Or as the Aramaic-based HRV puts it:
"Whoever believes and is immersed will live, and whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Ibid., HRV).
Yah'shua nowhere says is that 'whoever believes and is circumcised will
be saved or live'. That baptism is given the prominence that it is in
the New Covenant scriptures, and in this case associated with life and
condemnation, indictates to me - in conjunction with what Paul has saud
- the passing of the highly visible sign of physical circumcision and
its replacement by an ordinance, though present as the mikvah
in the Old Covenant, which has to do with purification by fire - for
you will remember the ritual immerison by the priests in the bronze
laver in the Outer Court of the Tabernacle before they could enter the
Holy place.
The Judahites of first century Judea were very
hung up on circumcision much as Seventh Day Adventists today are over
the Sabbath (which forms part of their name), Baptists over baptism,
and charismatics over tongues, and so forth. The 'cutting away of sin'
has now been done by Yah'shua and replaces all the temple sacrifices
and circumcision, both of which involved blood-letting. The pain of sin
and blood-letting for the redemption of that sin has all been
done by Yah'shua the Messiah - there is no further need for this kind
of activity. When the various judgments of Yahweh come to us, the
'evidence' for judgment will be the state of our hearts and whether they are circumcised or not, not whether a foreskin on males is present or absent.
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For a more detailed study, also see
Does circumcision have any medical or health benefits? See