The Newborn Baby Fish
Posted by Lev/Christopher on October 15, 2009 at 1:35am in Science & Technology

Looking for a quick and easy way to pollute the environment and
destroys huge populations of fish and ocean creatures? It's simple:
Just take more pharmaceuticals and urinate!
Prescription drugs are now used in such large numbers that they have
become an environmental hazard. When you take drugs, they aren't simply
"used up" by the body; they pass through and get funneled into water
treatment systems. The bad news is that water treatment facilities
don't remove pharmaceuticals, so they get flushed downstream where they
destroy aquatic ecosystems while contaminating the water supplies of
farms and cities that happen to be downstream.
There's actually Prozac in the public water supply! (Perhaps municipal
water companies will now be charged with practicing medicine without a
license for distributing prescription drugs to citizens without a
Huh? What environmental problem?
Drug companies try to pretend this problem doesn't exist, and the
mainstream media has largely ignored it, too. Meanwhile, fish are being
born with double sets of reproductive organs, and fish infertility
rates are skyrocketing. The humans who eat those fish are, likewise,
expressing unprecedented rates of hormone-related health disorders such
as breast cancer, prostate cancer, infertility and much more.
Those disease, in turn, get treated with yet more prescription drugs!
Then those drugs are urinated back into the groundwater supply where
the density of synthetic chemicals continues to increase. Sound insane?
It is.
Today, the fish are mutants. Tomorrow, it will be the human population.
The widespread abuse and marketing of pharmaceuticals is threatening
the health of not just today's ecosytems, but the health of humans, too.
Pro pharma = anti-environment
You cannot be pro-environment while taking prescription drugs. Taking
drugs while claiming to be in favor of environmental protection is like
driving a Hummer while claiming to support renewable energy. Or
drinking vodka while leading the local AA meeting. Consuming
pharmaceuticals puts you directly in conflict with the philosophy of
preserving the environment, protecting life, and ensuring the safety of
our global water supplies.
If you're currently taking prescription drugs, I encourage you to
carefully consider all this. The drugs you take today become the
poisons of all creatures living downstream tomorrow (fish, animals,
humans, etc.).
By eliminating prescription drugs and switching to natural, plant-based
medicines, you can protect your health and protect the environment at
the same time! When you pee away the waste products from eating
rainforest herbs, the excess nutrients actually HELP living systems
downstream. The more pure and natural the medicine you consume, the
more pure and natural your urine and feces will be. And that's a big
deal because if you combine all the urine and feces of all the
consumers currently taking prescription drugs, you end up with a
mountain of toxic waste that, quite frankly, wouldn't pass EPA
regulations if it were produced by a factory.
It is this mountain of toxic feces, by the way, that gets recycled into
biomass products that are spread on our crops as fertilizer. You heard
me right: Human waste contaminated with Big Pharma's top-selling
chemicals is being routinely spread on the crops you consume right now.
(Yet another reason to buy organic...) And it's not just
pharmaceuticals in the waste, it's also rocket fuel, PCBs, mercury from
fillings, cancer chemicals from personal care products, flame retardant
chemicals and much more.
Pharmaceuticals are not merely a health hazard, you see: they're also
an environmental hazard. But will the EPA regulate them? Of course not.
Big Pharma has too much influence over Washington. In fact, Big Pharma
RUNS Washington. There's nothing that happens in the U.S. Capitol that
isn't ultimately sanctioned by the wealthiest corporations in the
world: drug companies.
The coming generation of mutants (and I don't mean the X-Men)
Future generations of human beings will be born as mutants, and they
will live out their lives suffering from mutant disorders that were
directly caused by toxic chemicals in their food, water and
environment. Drug companies are accelerating this problem by expanding
their marketing of these toxic chemicals, hoping to drug pets, infants,
babies and senior citizens with as many chemicals as possible in order
to maximize their own profits.
Almost nobody is considering the environmental ramifications of
widespread pharmaceutical consumption. Think about all the vaccines,
antibiotics, HRT drugs, psychotropic drugs and blood thinners made from
rat poison -- all of which are being dumped into sewage treatment
systems with absolutely no safety concerns. When you combine all these
toxic substances and dump them into the global environment, what do you
think is going to happen?
I'll tell you what: Massive mutations in living creatures. Babies born
with two heads, six fingers and missing one testicle. Brain damage,
tumors, and widespread mental retardation. A catastrophic decline in
biodiversity and complex ecosystems. The honeybees are already
collapsing in population for mysterious reasons that are undoubtedly
due to exposure to synthetic chemicals, and that's just the first sign
of things to come. Basically, we're looking at the future world
described in the movie Idiocracy (click here to read my review of this
must-see parody about the future of human civilization).
And as all this is happening, pharmaceutical companies don't give a
crap. Crap, however, does contain pharmaceuticals, and in fact, the
crap is better for the environment than the pharmaceuticals, which
means that anyone who really gave a crap would stop crapping drugs into
the environment.
This page was created on 5 May 2010
Updated on 5 May 2010
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