Population Reduction: Globalist Endgame Begins?
Posted by Lev/Christopher on November 14, 2009 at 6:47am in Prophecy & End Times

First Published: Nov. 12, 2009 – Sky Watch Canada
On October 30th,”2009 editors of local papers in Kyiv, Ukraine received
a flood of phone calls from citizens reporting low flying aircraft
spraying an unknown aerosolized substance over L’viv, Ternopil and
other cities.
On October 27th”the Ukrainian media broke the story that on October
26th”in Ternopil an unknown flu had killed seven people , and that over
the past few days about 6 thousand people had sought out medical
attention in regards to flu like symptoms. From this first report
through to the 9th”of November over 1 million people inside the Ukraine
people have contracted some form of flu like illness.
This is almost double the number of ‘confirmed’ H1N1 cases worldwide in
all other countries. There have also been over 155 deaths reported due
to influenza during this time. This outbreak is unprecedented yet it
has received minimal coverage in the western media. It just seemed to
get lost amidst all of the swine flu coverage, and written off as just
more cases of H1N1 before any lab samples had been processed. In the
Ukrainian and”Russian media however the outbreak has been treated more
seriously and has been referred to as ‘pneumonic plague’.
On October 29th”a report came out of Ukraine describing the deaths of 6
young people in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. After the autopsies were
performed it was recorded that the cause of death in these individuals
was “severe hemorrhagic pneumonia”. Also unconfirmed reports from
bloggers in the Western Ukraine that doctors were seeing that this was
a new form a flu that killed much faster than the regular H1N1 virus.
“Soon Ukrainians started to panic, and the stores emptied of masks and
all forms of flu medication. Even onions, garlic, and lemons became
scarce in so me cities. As a countermeasure to this outbreak 9 Oblasts
(cities) were placed under quarantine by the government.
The WHO sent a team of experts to take samples of this new flu and send
them back to the Mill Hill lab in London to determine the gene
sequences of this flu, and to discover if this was in fact the same
Californian/Mexican A/H1N1 virus.
“On November 3rd”the WHO announced that the samples had been received
at Mill Hill, yet almost a week later there have been no reports issued
and no gene sequence data released. If these were typical samples it
seems that an announcement would have been made already. “The silence
is deafening. It should also be noted that rumors of the doctors being
told not to disseminate any information about the new flu cases that
would incite any panic, were later confirmed by statements made by the
Ukrainian government that police have been told to confiscate hospital
reports on patients who have recently contracted the flu.” All things
considered, it would not be a surprise if this unidentified virus
turned out to be far more serious than the mild A/H1N1 circulating the
Two unconfirmed reports, one in 2002 and one in 2009 by alleged
government insiders revealed that at some point that live 1918 Spanish
flu would be released on a large scale in the form of a vaccine, for
the purpose of mass genocide.
The August 2009 report by Joseph Moshe revealed that he was involved
with Baxter in a plan to release the 1918 virus in the Ukraine. Not
only was it confirmed that he was a microbiologist, his claim was also
substantiated by the current Ukrainian outbreak.
After a number of deaths in September the Ukrainian government”banned
the use of the H1N1 vaccine. This would make it quite difficult to
release the 1918 virus as described by Joseph Moshe.” It now seems as
though the vaccine ban will be lifted and h1n1 vaccines will be forced
on the people of Ukraine.
“On November 9th”the”Globe and Mail“published a story that revealed,
despite”previous claims“by the Ukrainian Government that they had not
authorized the use of aerosolized medication on the public as a
response to the outbreak, that they in fact “sprayed the city with the
necessary products”.” Was this in fact medication or disinfectant? If
so why would the government deny this? “Was the spraying in fact a
release of the mystery flu? Was the original intention to release it
via the vaccine? Was the aerosol release the plan B after the Ukrainian
government banned the use of the vaccine? A blog post from a Lviv
resident claimed that his mother who works for the city council
received a text message the night of Oct 29th from a colleague warning
her to keep her windows closed as something was to be sprayed.
The context wasn’t crystal clear. It could have been a warning
regarding a street disinfecting procedure as is often done during
typhoid outbreaks. The government’s denial is not irrefutable proof of
a bio-attack, but it is suspicious.
As reported by SkyWatch Canada on September 15th , the frequency of low
flying aircraft with unusual flight patterns have caught the attention
of Canadians living in the Nation’s Capital. Is there a chance that
Canadians are being acclimated to these types of flight patterns for a
future bio-release ? In 1994 such an event took place in the town of
Oakville, Washington where there were confirmed reports of a clear gel
like substance raining form the sky and making residents horribly ill.
Readers should also be reminded of the report given on the Power Hour
radio show in March 2009, about truckloads of “bird flu” being
delivered throughout America to underground missile silos orchestrated
by the department of homeland security. Several of those loads were
delivered into the back of a military C-130 (an aircraft often equipped
with an aerosol dispersal system). Was this multi-million dollar
operation conducted for the purpose of spreading the mild and basically
insignificant H1N1 demi-flu ? Or has the final phase of the operation
yet to occur? Has the event to justify the recent American National
Emergency yet to occur? Will the CDC finally make use of their scores
of mass graves and plastic caskets? Will the military be deployed to
put the country under pandemic lockdown, as we have seen in the Ukraine?
Far too much has been put into the H1N1 fiasco for it to amount to a
mere outbreak of the common cold. It seems like many pieces of a plan
have been put in place. Will the NWO put the people in check? Will the
virus ‘Mutate’? Is this the beginning of the Globalist Endgame of
population reduction ?
There are reports now coming from Romania, India, Bulgaria, Belarus,
Turkey, Norway that the rate on increase of flu is increasing rapidly.
In Norway foe example 300,000 residents contacted the flu in a single
week. Whatever disease has been released is moving across Europe fast.
This bug has spread too widely to be a Ukrainian election scam.
Readers should note that just before the outbreak in Ukraine, the
government was running pneumonic plague drills. In early November,
there were also pneumonic plague drills being run in Illinois. Connect
the dots. Notable there have also been reports of heavy supply and
personnel movement in and out of known D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground
Military Bases) very recently. According to an unconfirmed report the
parking lots of these bases are full and haven’t been this full since
just after 911. What is going on? Will this fast moving disease be
released in America? Listen for low flying aircraft. Shut your windows
at night. Stock up on colloidal silver, antibiotics and high quality
vitamins. Please watch the skies!
This page was created on 5 May 2010
Updated on 5 May 2010
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