Charismatic Delusion

A Return to Ishtar Worship
Both the Old and New Testaments teach that in
the very last days before Messiah returns there will only be a tiny
remnant to true believers. Anyone who teaches you that the end-time
Church will consist of millions of souls (whether raptured or not) is
not, therefore, telling the truth. Yah'shua taught us to pray, "may
Your Kingdom come" (to start the Millennium and end the present evil
world system) and not "Kingdom-Now" as vast numbers of
charismatic evangelicals teach. It is our belief that the whole
charismatic movement, begining at Azuza Street and coming to fruition
in the 'Third Wave' (not to be confused with MLT's Third Wave) or
'Latter Rain Charismatic Movement' is nothing more than pagan Ishtar
goddess worship dressed up in a veneer of Christianity. It is our
belief that the big leaders at the top of the charismatic movement know
exactly what they are doing and are intimately tied into the
Illuminati. The masses, though, have been duped. The whole business of
tongues, Toronto, Pensacola, holy laughter, slain in the spirit, and
the music that has come out of this movement and spread into
non-charismatic churches, is all inspired, controlled and directed by
demonic forces.
The following extract from an article written by (we suppose) moderate Wiccans, entitled, Goddess, makes these observations:
Third-Wave/Latter-Rain Charismatic Movement
We've also run across Ishtar doctrines now developing in such
Charismatic organizations as The Toronto Blessing, the Brownsville
Revival and similar movements in Great Britain. We've seen it beginning
to develop in those groups while using their term "cross-pollination."
The term seems to have blossomed under the guidance of Carol Arnott
(Toronto) and Brenda Kilpatrick (Brownsville).
They have been among those leading the charge for a "New Apostolic
Reformation" within the Charismatic and Liberal Mainline Denominations
as well as within (they're hoping) the Catholic Church to a certain
extent. These two women are "alleged" apostolic sisters cut of the same
doctrinal cloth and have had significant impacts within the "KEYS TO
FREEDOM" and special Women's conferences in the last few years. A
dilemma supposedly developed with these women at the beginning of their
"ministry" involving the need for a transferable anointing or so it was
advised by male counterparts. It was felt that for them to have such a
special ministry in the movement, such obligation required that the two
women needed to take a transferable anointing back to their own
churches and "cross-pollinate." The idea of "cross-pollinating" would
allegedly bring unity to the churches and end denominationalism. In
their way of thinking, denominationalism is evil. The idea itself
carries sexual overtones very similar to instances by Toronto blessing
churches in Great Britain where women have had their genitals
"anointed" with oil by ministers. There have even been allegations of
at least one minister engaging in sexual intercourse with women to give
them an "internal anointing." There have been reports of "holy
orgasms," nudity and other allegations of lewd, sexual misconduct
within what is called "Third Wave" churches where women are urged to
"cross-pollinate" for the sake of revival, renewal and the gospel.
>In these
movements we have read of sexual promiscuity being part of a worship
service or even worse, the inclusion of sexual relations as part of an
anointing process or processes along with the "laying on of hands" in
order to gain special spiritual blessings or spiritual "power" or
healing or forgiveness of sins.
C. Peter Wagner, a
leader in the Third Wave Movement has reportedly promoted occultic,
shamanistic native dances including of all things, "belly dancing."
This last element, the
forgiveness of sins is the most key element of all, and yet until now
the most hidden part of the Ishtar agenda was her salvation doctrines
which involve the notion of sexual relations with a temple priestess in
which the goddess possesses the body of the priestess (or priest) and
the worshipper then engages in sexual relations with the priestess in
order to "become one with the goddess." That "becoming one" supposedly
enables the worshipper to have their sins "washed away" ("purified")
because they become "one" with the goddess and her divine nature can
not only wash away the sins but also "enlighten" the worshipper to new
insights of life.
This Ishtar doctrine of
salvation, we believe will eventually be pushed to the forefront. We
suspect Ishtarism will be adopted like a wildfire (in a
drought-stricken prairie and forest) and will spread rapidly throughout
the USA especially in supposedly "Christian churches." Combine this
with a future government "admission" that there are UFOs and aliens and
that the aliens gave us our religions to help civilize our species. In
other words, Jesus, the Christ is no different than Ishtar of Babylon
or Baal or Allah, or Krishna or Buddha and any other pagan deity you
care to think of. Such a revelation by the government with key
government scientists providing detailed data-points will (I
hypothesize) tend to destabilize much of the population's views
regarding established religious beliefs.
By virtue of Ishtar's
various doctrines including that of "Liberty/Freedom" and by reality of
her other "sensual" doctrinal appeals and the seeming irrelevance of
Judeo-Christian values, I think we can see the distinct possibility
that a complete collapse of traditional Judeo-Christian values would
soon ensue? We think so. Among many mainline liberal, Protestant
denominations the trend is already moving towards the concepts of
Ishtarism. It wouldn't take much to push those denominations over the
edge and into outright apostasy.
>There is a group that
has formed recently that is setting up an ultra-liberal Christian
church group in which non-monagamous Christianity will be practiced.
Now you may wonder what is meant by "non-monagamous Christianity." It
is essentially the notion that married couples or singles can and
should engage in sexual activities without regard to the concept of
marriage. Some would refer to this notion as "swinging" while most
would regard it as just plain old adultery and fornication. I believe
this group will be growing in numbers sooner rather than later and will
be ripe for conversion to Ishtaristic – Christianity in which someday
there will be sexual acts performed in a church at an altar in front of
the Preacher's podium. Don't be surprised if it isn't performed much
like the ritual of communion or a baptism. All in all, I suspect these
developments will make the Church of Corinth look like extremely mature
believers. Remember they also had their share of sexual problems within
their membership, including cases of incest and homosexuality just to
name a couple of issues there.
Now this new group that
I mentioned is called "Liberated for Christ" (also known as
"") and their website is so potentially offensive,
outlandish and outrageous that for this rare instance I cannot in good
conscience give out the URL for this group to prove my points. You'll
either have to accept my word for it, or use a search engine to figure
it out. Not only is their website rather offensive but it links to
another related site that promotes Church nudity and especially church
nudity of women parishioners. A link to that sight would be a link to a
pornographic website and we just can't in good conscience post such a
site's URL. We can only state that we were shocked at such developments
and yet we shouldn't have been. We've been expecting it, but I figured
we'd first hear about it in the media and not stumble onto it ourselves
by a forum link posting. If some reader just absolutely has to have a
link to this site they can email us at lettertoeditor at
and ask for the link and we'll give it out privately but only if the
reader specifically asks for it.
(Extracted with thanks from Warning! This is not a Christian website and contains offensive pictures).

Someone allegedly 'slain in the spirit' - more likely demon control
"And the spirits of the prophets are subject to (under the control of) the prophets. For Elohim is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the assembles (churches) of the set-apart ones (saints)" (1 Cor 14:32-33, NKJV)
Please listen to this excellent and vitally important lecture on tongues at:
Select > AUDIO, scroll down and download > GIFT OF LANGUAGES
Difficult Question for Tongue-Speakers
If speaking in tongues is a sign that
someone has been baptised in the Holy Spirit, and if everyone must
speak in tongues (however you view them), does this mean that dumb
people (those who are mute/can't talk) who do not recover their speech
lack the faith to be fully annointed? Does this mean they are
unrepentant sinners? Or are they a special exception?