UN to produce bullion coins as world currency
Posted by Lev/Christopher on December 28, 2009 at 12:22am in Money Matters

The announcement by the United Nations this week that it will license
the minting of silver and gold bullion coins bearing the UN logo may be
the button that launches metal prices into orbit.
In its wide-ranging report this fall, the UN Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) stated that the system of currencies and
international banking practices within today’s economies were
inadequate, and responsible for the present economic crisis. The report
advocates that the present monetary system, wherein the dollar acts as
the global reserve currency be re-examined “with urgency”.
The UNCTAD Report was the first time a major multinational institution
had forwarded such a suggestion or measure, although a number of
countries, including Russia and Brazil have supported replacing the
dollar as the world’s reserve currency. China’s central bank chief Zhou
Xiaochuan has mentioned that the dollar could become a basket of
currencies instead.
The UN commission dismissed such a widening, saying a multiple-country system “may be equally unstable, and not transparent.”
The panel is seeking more monetary balance for developing countries,
and a means for them to retain their reserves and domestic savings
independent of foreign agencies and arrangements.
Panel Chair US economist Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel economics laureate,
has made plain that there was “a growing consensus that there are
problems with the dollar reserve system. Developing countries are
lending the United States trillions dollars at almost zero interest
rates when they have huge needs themselves,” Stiglitz stated.
“It’s indicative of the nature of the problem. It’s a net transfer, in a sense, to the United States, a form of foreign aid.”
A report contributor, Detlef Koffe, concluded that “Replacing the
dollar with a bullion currency would solve some of the problems related
to the potential of countries running large deficits and would help
US Fed spokesperson Patrick Paulsen acknowledged that there could be
some strong reaction in the US to the global currency, and that it
would “…be viewed as a step toward a New World Order. But those same
people have probably lost patience with the money-changers as well.”
He clarified that he would “…nonetheless anticipate that the western
currencies will continue to depreciate, given Asia’s ascendancy in
trade and manufacturing, to find their own value and enable their
economies to compete. This is a UN perogrative we cannot and should not
control, it’s returning to what we had with Bretton-Woods.”
The UN decided to provide a “public option” savings currency, whereby
currency mints will be licensed to mint two kinds of bullion coins the
size of the 1€ coin – the Uno (silver ~$5) and the Oro (gold, ~$500).
The names were adopted from the book “The Humanist”, which foresees the
UN being better funded by 2015 via its licensing fees, expected to be
The coins have a marker chemical in them that enables their
authentication and processing by modified retail ATM and exchange
machines in Europe, which will be distributed globally. Any licensee,
public or private, can produce such bullion coinage under contract. The
United Nations is doing no more than what most countries do already,
except that the value of its coins will reflect their bullion weight.
Armand Dufour of the European Bank welcomes their introduction. “People
have enough Fiat currency options, government and banks cannot intrude
on bullion coins – they will have their own inviolable value.”
He does have one concern, however. “If we see a dismounting from the US
dollar, as is inevitable in the main view, there will be a strong move
to the Oro, which may drive its price up to the point where governments
will not allow its circulation; they will try to isolate it.”
“That’s when the fun begins.” he said.
Source: Before It’s News
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MSM: UN calls for new reserve currency
The Currency Cabal – Campaign for Liberty
Video: Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed – Global Currency, New World Order
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Updated on 5 May 2010
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