HPV Vaccine Texas Tyranny
Posted by Lev/Christopher on October 15, 2009 at 2:03am in Is That Kosher? Health and Wellness

On Friday, Feb. 2, Texas governor Rick Perry issued an executive order that bypassed the will of the people and the entire Texas legislature, mandating the vaccination of young girls with the HPV vaccine sold by Merck -- the same drug company that reportedly gave thousands to Perry's campaign efforts. The vaccine is absolutely worthless as a medical treatment according to top docs in the alternative health field, and in my opinion, the so-called "science" supporting the vaccine as the only prevention for cervical cancer is an outright fraud.
But the story gets even more interesting when you start connecting the dots. A key Merck lobbyist, a man named Mike Toomey, actually served as the governor's chief of staff. In other words, a former top power person for the governor now works for Merck, the drug company that gave money to the campaign of the governor who essentially used dictatorial power to mandate, without any public debate whatsoever, the mass vaccination of young girls with a drug that will earn tens of millions of dollars in profits for Merck. Sound suspicious? It should.
The "dirty money connection" seems obvious to many readers who have been following this story, including one who posted, "Only a man, Rick Perry especially, would sign an executive order, bypassing legislation, to inject girls with chemicals made by one of his contributors even though most parents have never seen sufficient information about this vaccine. Perry should be impeached as a threat to the safety of our children." (See
The humanitarian cover story
Drug companies are experts at framing their profit pursuits as public health initiatives. "We have to protect the little girls!" they insist, but what's really going on behind closed doors is a far less altruistic push -- the push for profits. Requiring millions of young girls to get these new vaccines just happens to generate enormous profits for Merck. But Merck officials, and even the governor of Texas, would have you believe that has nothing to do with this. Apparently, the fact that Merck will earn obscene profits from this initiative never entered their minds.
Nonsense. If Merck really wants to help these teenage girls, why don't they pledge to give away all their vaccines free of charge? In fact, if they're such a humanitarian organization, why don't they give away all their drugs, and release third world countries from patent protection at the same time? The answer, of course, is because this is all about money, not public health. If Merck was really about "patients first," they should convert to a 501(c)3 non-profit, stop paying their CEOs $10+ million salaries, and give all their drugs away for free as a gift to humankind, shouldn't they?
That will never happen, of course, because it really is about the money. The sick care industry is a for-profit industry, and the more people drug companies can target as being sick today -- or even possibly someday being sick at some future date that "justifies" treatment right now -- the more money they can sock away in the bank. When it comes to money, it seems drug companies will stop at nothing to get more of it, including influencing state officials to mandate vaccine consumption policies that have nothing whatsoever to do with evidence-based medicine or genuine compassion for the health and lives of human beings.
What's happening in Texas right now is a form of medical tyranny, and it's only the beginning of what may prove to be a monumental battle between personal freedoms vs. the corporate-controlled State.
We must stop the medical tyranny
If we let Texas get away with this medical tyranny, forcing all young girls to undergo these HPV vaccinations even against their parents' wishes, more states will follow suit. Merck is right now lobbying hard to pass similar measures in over twenty other states, and if we don't put a stop to the Texas situation, Merck will feel emboldened and likely urge other governors to make the same declarations in their states, calling it a "public health" measure but actually pocketing the profits from massive sales of these vaccines.
What can you do?
I say we fight the tyranny by exposing it. You can take action to spread the word on this issue. POST this cartoon to your website and LINK to our articles on this topic. We give you full permission to reprint this cartoon and forward it to your friends. Expose this medical madness before we all end up prisoners under a system of medical tyranny that turns the bodies of teenage girls into profit centers for Big Pharma! And unlike Merck, we don't care about the intellectual property royalties on this comic. Make as many copies as you want. Print up T-shirts. Add it to your book. Use it as you wish, and you don't owe me a dime. Why? Because I actually do care about my fellow human beings and I'm here to help stop the medical madness sweeping America today.
Speak up now or surrender your health freedoms forever
You see, if we don't stand up to this kind of medical tyranny, it will only get worse. This debate is not merely about one vaccine, it's about surrendering your health freedom to a medical system that is owned and controlled by Big Pharma. Drug companies practically run the FDA, the EPA and even control the FTC (when was the last time the FTC investigated and prosecuted drug company monopolies?). Drug companies influence the DEA to keep their own drugs legal while the exact same "street" drugs are illegal. They own our elected officials, almost all of which accepted at least some money from drug companies in their last election campaign. Drug companies also own the mainstream media by propping up television networks, cable networks, newspapers, magazines and websites with literally billions of dollars in advertising. On top of that, drug companies heavily influence the medical journals and medical schools, and have effectively limited the entire conventional medical industry to a "drugs and surgery" approach to health, practically censoring nutritional knowledge out of existence.
Given this environment, is anyone supposed to believe we will see anything resembling honest debate or genuine science about this HPV vaccine? The entire industry, including drug companies, doctors, medical journals and the mainstream media, is twisting the facts to create the illusion that these vaccines are both safe and effective when, in reality, they are probably neither. Nor are they necessary. Cervical cancer is prevented in a hundred other ways, including adequate sunlight exposure and vitamin D consumption, supplementation with probiotics, adequate intake of selenium and zinc, increased consumption of trace minerals and iodine, regular physical exercise and many other safe, natural, non-patented strategies.
America is being hoodwinked over the HPV vaccine. To call this anything resembling genuine public health policy is an absolute joke. It's really just a grand moneymaking scheme that exploits the bodies of young girls, marketed to look like compassionate health care. Supporters of this policy are shameless, ignorant and devious in framing their nonsensical arguments using carefully-chosen words and phrases that make them seem like they're delivering a cancer cure from God. But in reality, mandatory HPV vaccines are a deal with the devil.
Consider this: With all the drugs being prescribed, all the toxic chemicals being consumed, and all the diseases now ravaging America -- a country with the highest rates of degenerative disease in the world -- does anybody really thing that injecting one more drug is the answer? You'd have to be crazy to think so.
Reply by Lev/Christopher on October 15, 2009 at 2:05am
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