Learn the Hebrew Language
Classical Hebrew (and a related tongue, Aramaic) is the
language that Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, has revealed Himself to the
world in His Word, the Holy Bible. Having some sort of knowledge of it
is very beneficial to the student of Scripture who wants to better
understand the mindset of Divinity.
Learning the Hebrew Alphabet for Children
Learn the Hebrew alphabet through audio-visual song at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiCzoTs1AdE
Learn Hebrew Online
Learn Hebrew online withe the Israeli Republic's best teachers: www.HebrewOnline.com
and see a video with a demonstration at: http://www.hebrewonline.com/leads/?AffiliateWizID=83&utm_campai...
Free Hebrew Fonts
Get free Hebrew fonts for your PC at: http://www.sa-hebroots.com/free_hebrew_fonts.php