The Star of the false Christ
Posted by Silvan on March 11, 2010 at 2:13am in Forum
I want to share with you something incredible. One year ago I had been wondering about the purpose of those Chemtrails. I first thought that the containing Aluminium and Barium are for producing famines, and illnesses/pestilences, and maybe for the holographic projections of Bluebeam.
But then the Lord gave me the opportunity to witness the main purpose: I saw a brilliant star, since summer 2009 til now 5 striking times.
He is for the eye about one tenth of the size of the sun, and I always spotted him about 30 degrees left from the sun and on the same height. I every time couldnt nearly believe it what I saw, but a friend of mine was with me one time and saw him too.
My thoughts were at that time - the Antichrist will take this star as his "Star of Bethlehem" -it is very likely the star of the recordings of the ancient civilisations (Nibiru, Marduk etc.) -the Alum. and Barium of the chemtrails are seeding clouds so that he first is visible for all mankind when the AC steps up to declare it would be "his" christ star, so that the surprise effect is huge...and also so that the people wont panic before, and also have no time to research on the internet about the truth (maybe the net will be already shut down at that time)
From my first sighting on, I recognized that the fake clouds until today are indeed only sawn widely around the sun (30 degree to the left, 50 to the right afternoon, and not above the sun -in Germany). Best to recognize at the dawn.. I also just only have been seeing that star when the fake clouds broke up a little bit exactly at that place (I know it was the Hand of YHWH).
Due to his ecliptic Nibiru is anyways not always visible to us, i guess he has principally a two weeks visibility, followed by some days of non-visibility (i think that because of the periods of non-chemtrailing).
A word about the appearence of the barium Clouds. They have mostly no natural appearence, no sharp borders, wishiwashi, like heavy fog... often at the borders still the lines of the trails observable, who are spreading out.. Sometimes they indeed look a little bit more natural like cumulus clouds, but then they are builduing perfect lines behind one another until the horizon, with blue sky between between the bands, like a standing army, very unnatural. When this is the case, they have often different colorization: white in front, a little purple/pink at the higher edges, also very unnatural.
Now, my former assumption has come true! B. Creme states:
The Star Sign
In the very near future a large, bright 'star'
will appear in the sky visible
to all throughout the world
Today, I checked his website and there are hundreds of pictures from around the world about.
There is especially one photo I could have taken my very self if I have had a camera:
Exactly what I witnessed! Note the trail through the sun, they obviously have been doing a bad job that day.
This page was created on 3 January 2011
Updated on 3 January 2011
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