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    The roots of communism: the socialist-communist reductions in Paraguay 1609-1767

    Posted by Richard on November 5, 2009 at 3:20am
    in Forum

    This chapter is most important as it will be proven that the Jesuits are the true
    authors of socialist-communism. The economic system of the Dark Ages was
    feudalism consisting of the few rich landowners and the many poor peasants. It was
    “a sin” to make a profit by anyone other than the feudal lords. Thus, if the world is to
    be returned to the Dark Ages, the White Protestant Middle Class must be destroyed.
    Socialist-Communism accomplishes this, which system includes the progressive
    income tax (wickedly taxing the common-law right to labor exercised by all wageearners), having yielded its bitter fruit in both Great Britain and the United States.

    The great deception is that the Jews are the authors of communism. (After all,
    is not Labor Zionism, as opposed to Revisionist Zionism, Jewish communism?)
    The facts are that the Jesuits used their Masonic Jews to introduce it in 1848 with the
    Second French Revolution (Marx), and again in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution
    (Lenin). Several years later, in 1933, the Order, in the person of Georgetown
    University Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh, then moved their 33rd Degree and Shriner
    Freemason, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), to recognize Russia’s bloody
    government. The Society then financed Russian communism with its Knights of
    Malta on Wall Street. This enabled Jesuit-trained and advised Josef Stalin, “the
    Grand Inquisitor,” to carry out the Great Terrorist Purges of the Thirties. Having
    deceived the world into believing communism was of Jewish origin, the Jesuits then
    used Hitler to implement “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” pursuant to the
    evil Council of Trent. The result was the mass-murder of European and Russian
    Jewry at the hands of the Order’s Teutonic Knights, the Nazi “Schutzstaffel” (SS).
    At the close of the Second Thirty Years’ War (1945) the Jesuits, with their Vatican
    Ratline, helped hundreds of top Nazis to escape to South America. And where in
    South America? To the old dominion where socialist-communism had been perfected
    by the Jesuit fathers—to the nation of Paraguay. For it was here that the socialist
    tenets of Roman Catholic “Saint” Sir Thomas More, an English traitor to his
    Protestant King Henry VIII, were revived and later used against Reformed nations.

    The Jesuits entered Paraguay in the early 1600s, sent by the kings of Spain and
    Portugal. They established their supremacy over the natives, called “Guarani
    Indians,” and did not allow them to mix with the Spanish or Portuguese. It was
    among this people the Jesuits established their communes called “Reductions.”
    Richard W. Thompson, a former Secretary of the American Navy, reveals:

    “The unsuspecting Indians were easily seduced by acts of kindness, and the
    result was that, in the course of a brief period, they succeeded in
    establishing a number of what were called Reductions—or, more properly
    speaking, villages—with multitudes of Indians assembled about them; the
    whole aggregating, in the end, several hundred thousand. These [fiftyseven
    Reductions] constituted the Jesuit State, and were all, by the mere
    ceremony of baptism [conferring Roman Papal citizenship with privileges
    and immunities], brought under Jesuit dominion.” {8} [Emphasis added]

    The “Commune” or “Reduction” was kept in order by a system of spying.

    “. . . each Reduction was governed by a Jesuit father, supported by a vicar
    and a curate as assistants, but whose chief duty was espionage.” {9}

    This is important, as Rome’s socialist-communist Reduction of the United States is
    also kept in order by a system of spying, carried out by the Federal Bureau of
    Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security
    Agency (NSA). (Vincent M. Cannistraro, the former CIA anti-terrorism chief under
    Knight of Malta William J. Casey, became the Vatican’s security advisor in 2002.)
    This system of spying has been greatly increased due to New York Archbishop
    Edward Cardinal Egan’s CFR/CIA September 11th attack on the World Trade Center
    and the Pentagon. As of December, 2004, we now have a National Intelligence Tzar.

    The Commune, called by the Jesuits a “republic,” gave the appearance that it
    was self-governing. It was a republic in form but a monarchy in power controlled by
    the Jesuit General in Rome. Every Reduction was a Commune.

    “At each Reduction the natives were allowed to select a secular magistry,
    with limited and unimportant powers over such temporal affairs as could be
    intrusted to them without impairing the theocratic feature of the
    Government. It was in everything pertaining to the management of public
    affairs an absolute monarchy, with all its powers centered in the General at
    Rome, whose authority was accepted as equal to that of God, and to whose
    command obedience was exacted from all.” {10} [Emphasis added]

    (This also is important, as the Protestant-Calvinist republic of George Washington,
    with express and limited powers delegated to the Federal government, the remaining
    powers being retained by the States, was an abomination to the Jesuit Order:

    “For the Vatican condemned the Declaration of Independence [based on the
    Presbyterian Mechlenberg Declaration of 1775, not on the writings of the
    Jesuit Robert Cardinal Bellarmine (1640)] as ‘wickedness’ . . . and called
    the Constitution of the United States ‘a Satanic document.’ ” {11}

    So the Order with its “Radical Red Republican party” forced the ratification of the
    Fourteenth Amendment in 1868. This converted Washington’s Calvinist republic
    into a Platonic, Jesuit republic—a republic in form but a monarchy in power.)

    The status of the natives was one of equality and the economic system was
    socialist-communism. And of course, each Reduction had a common treasury or
    central bank. We read:

    “. . . universal equality prevailed. The principles of socialism or
    communism—very much as now understood [1894] —governed all the
    Reductions. Everything necessary to the material comfort and prosperity of
    the Indians was in common. Each family had a portion of land set apart for
    cultivation. They also learned trades, and many of them, both men and
    women, became experts. But the earnings of the whole were deposited in
    common storehouses at each Reduction, and distributed by the Jesuits in
    such portions to each individual as necessity required. . . . Suffrage was
    universal, but ‘the sanction of the Jesuits was necessary to the validity of
    the election [as in the United States today].’ ” {12} [Emphasis added]

    (Dear truth-seeker, is this not how the people of the United States are governed today?
    Marx’s ten planks of The Communist Manifesto, having spawned over fifty
    revolutions in Europe, are in full force. We have a privately owned central bank
    called the “Federal Reserve Bank.” An annual income tax, never intended to be laid
    upon the “wages” of American laborers, is collected from “each according to his
    ability” and redistributed to “each according to his need,” thereby destroying the
    White Protestant Middle Class. The sanction of the Jesuits, in control of their
    Council on Foreign Relations, is necessary to the validity of our “elections.”
    Politically, women are equal with men and we are oppressed with “one man, one
    vote.” We have no “lawful money” which is real wealth, as President Roosevelt and
    President Johnson took our gold and silver coins out of circulation and created the
    supremacy of monopoly money—the bogus notes of the Federal Reserve Bank.)

    One last trait of the Jesuit republic must be noted. Through its police state the
    Jesuits destroyed true manhood.

    “In order to teach the confiding Indians that obedience to authority was
    their chiefest duty, they were subjected to rules of conduct and intercourse
    which were enforced with the strictest severity. They were watched in
    everything, the searching eyes of the Jesuits being continually upon them.
    They constituted, in fact, a state of society reaching the Jesuit ideal
    completely; that is, docile, tractable, submissive, obedient, without the least
    real semblance of manhood. Having thus completed their subjugation,
    energetic measures were adopted to render any change in their condition
    impossible.” {13} [Emphasis added]

    (Dear truth-seeker, I must comment! Is this not the America of 2006? As a nation,
    we no longer read the Bible of the Protestant Reformation—The Authorized King
    James Version of 1611, the edition of 1769. As a result, there are no longer any
    Calvinists who would use “the Sword of Just Defense” against a Jesuit-controlled
    tyranny. Therefore, we Americans live in a police state and are watched and tracked
    in everything we do through the use of the “date of birth” and “social security
    number.” The eyes of the FBI and CIA are continually upon us—like the KGB/FSB
    in Russia. And like the Guarani Indians, the vast majority of American men are
    submissive and obedient, docile and conquered, “without the least real semblance of
    manhood” thanks to the use of fluoride and amalgam fillings by the American Dental
    Association (ADA) along with synthetic estrogens, toxic chemicals and vaccinations
    by the American Medical Association (AMA) and cartel corporate farmers.)

    “The Jesuit Republic,” composed of fifty-seven Paraguayan Reductions, was in
    fact a vast, commercial empire in which over two hundred thousand slaves labored for
    their black-robed, corporate masters. E. Boyd Barrett, an Irish ex-Jesuit, tells us:

    “The Jesuits, as it is well known, held very large regions of Paraguay under
    missionary control from 1650 to 1750. More than a quarter million
    natives worked under their [absolutist] direction, and no payment was
    made directly to them [as in America where many corporate laborers have
    their checks automatically deposited into their bank accounts]. . . . They
    were educated, trained, housed, clothed, fed and, to some extent, amused,
    but what became of the surplus profits of their labours, and of the extensive
    trading that was carried on? Over two thousand boats are said to have been
    engaged in carrying merchandise and goods on the Parana River; and the
    economic value of the Reductions was beyond doubt very great: so great
    indeed as to have awakened the envy of Spanish and Portuguese traders.
    Robertson estimated that the reductions represented at least
    $25,000,000 capital for the Society.” {14} [Emphasis added]

    Further, the Order’s commercial empire extended north through Central America to
    include all of Mexico. Again, our ex-Jesuit writes:

    “The most dramatic testimony to Jesuit ‘avidity and eagerness for earthly
    goods’ is contained in a letter from the Venerable Bishop Palafox of Los
    Angeles [Mexico] to [Pope] Innocent X [who had fully approved of the
    Jesuits’ continuing Irish Massacre commenced in 1641] dated May 25,
    1647. It treats the wealth of the Mexican Jesuits of that time.

    ‘Most Holy Father:

    I found almost all the wealth, all immovables, and all the treasures of this
    Province of America in the hands of the Jesuits, who still possess them.
    Two of their colleges have 300,000 sheep, without counting the small
    flocks; and whilst almost all the Cathedral Churches and all the Orders
    together have hardly three sugar refineries, the Society has six of the
    largest. One of these refineries is valued at more than half a million thalers;
    and this single province of the Jesuits, which however only consists of ten
    colleges, possesses, as I have just said, six of these refineries, each of which
    brings in one hundred thousand thalers yearly. Besides this they have
    cornfields of enormous size. Also they have silver mines, and if they
    continue to increase their power and wealth as they have done up to now,
    the secular clergy will become their sacristans and the laymen their
    stewards, while the other Orders will be forced to collect alms at their
    doors. All this property and all these considerable revenues which might
    make a sovereign powerful, serve no other purpose than to maintain ten
    colleges [military fortresses]. . . . To this may be added the extraordinary
    skill with which they make use of and increase their super-abundant wealth.
    They maintain public warehouses, cattlefairs, butchers-stalls, and shops.
    They send part of their goods by way of the Philippine Islands to China.
    They lend out their money for usury, and thus cause the greatest loss and
    injury to others [as they do in the United States via their huge private
    banks, one of them being the Bank of America].’ ” {15} [Emphasis added]

    Dear truth-seeker, “the Jesuit Republic” of South America became the model
    for “the Jesuit Republic” of North America. The fifty-seven Reductions in Paraguay
    from 1609 to 1767 have become the model for the fifty States of Fourteenth
    Amendment America from 1868 to 2007 (the present). Both “republics” were
    established by super cartel-capitalists—the Jesuits—who then implemented the
    economic system of the Dark Ages—feudal socialist-communism. As always, fascist
    cartel-capitalists and socialist-communists work together! Like Paraguay, Fourteenth
    Amendment America functions as a vast commercial empire, the Jesuits controlling
    all the wealth and reaping all the profits from their multinational corporations. Like
    the Guarani Indians, we American people are slaves; for after being “educated,
    trained, housed, clothed, fed and amused,” we Americans have nothing left! Like
    Paraguay, the commercial power of Fourteenth Amendment America has been
    harnessed by the Jesuit Order and has been used to finance Great Wars furthering
    Loyola’s Counter-Reformation while destroying Luther’s Protestant Reformation!

    Should those of us who believe the Bible to be the final rule of faith and
    practice continue to be used to such evil ends? Should our preachers continue to
    remain mute in the face of such grand theft and Anti-Christian tyranny?

    Where are the Davids who would say: “Is there not a cause?”

    – I Samuel 17:29

    Where are the Nehemiahs who would say: “Should such a man as I flee?”

    – Nehemiah 6:11

    Finally, the Jesuits, in keeping the natives ignorant and enslaved, taught them
    to hate and kill White men and so keep the existence of the Reductions a secret from
    the sovereigns of Europe. Portugal issued the following statement of grievances:

    “That [the Jesuits] had under them thirty-one [in fact, 57] great populations,
    producing immense riches to the society, while the people themselves were
    kept in the most miserable slavery; that no Spaniard or Portuguese, were he
    even governor or bishop, was ever admitted into the Reductions; that ‘with
    strange deceit,’ the Spanish language was absolutely forbidden; that the
    Indians were trained to an unlimited, blind obedience, kept in the most
    ‘extraordinary ignorance,’ and the most insufferable slavery ever known,
    and under a complete despotism as to body and soul; that they did not know
    there was any other sovereign in the world than the fathers, and knew
    nothing of the king, or any other law than the will of the ‘holy fathers,’ that
    the Indians were taught that white laymen adored gold, had a devil in their
    bodies, were the enemies of the Indians, and of the images which they
    adored; that they were consequently taught to kill white men wherever
    they could find them, and to be careful to cut off their heads, lest they
    should come to life again.” {16} [Emphasis added]

    Taken from Vatican Assassins 3 by Eric Jon Phelps (pages 300-305)

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