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    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Russian Revolution

    Posted by Richard on November 5, 2009 at 2:49am
    in Forum

    Here is an extract taken from Vatican Assassins 3 by Eric Jon Phelps (pages 783-786):

    Remembering the Jesuits were the authors of the French Revolution directing
    Jesuit-trained Francois Robespierre and its resultant military dictatorship of Gentile
    Napoleon Bonaparte I, we must now examine the Order’s Russian Revolution
    directing Jesuit-led Vladimir Lenin and its resultant military dictatorship of Gentile
    Josef Stalin. In doing so we shall examine key events before, during and after.

    The Tzars, although the protectors of the Knights of Malta, had become a
    problem for “the Company.” Alexander I expelled the Jesuits from Moscow and St.
    Petersburg in 1816; and, with a ukase in 1820, like Peter the Great, expelled them
    from Russia declaring that all their efforts:

    “. . . were directed merely to secure advantages for themselves and the
    extension of their power . . .” {19}

    Five years later, Tzar Alexander I, in good health, died suddenly. He, like Napoleon,
    had been poisoned, his sudden demise attributed to “apoplexy.”

    Upon the death of Alexander I’s successor—Tzar Nicholas I—Tzar
    Alexander II ascended the throne. He greatly outraged the Jesuits! Remembering
    that he was one of the key Monarchs obligated to enforce the policies of the Jesuits’
    “Holy Alliance,” Alexander II enacted many liberal reforms. He abolished espionage
    and emancipated the Serfs. As a result, the Jesuits incited the Polish rebellion for
    which the Tzar revoked his predecessor’s 1847 Concordat with Rome. The Tzar also
    broke diplomatic relations with Satan’s Papacy in 1866, and again in 1877, further
    outraging the Jesuits while fueling their conspiracy to ultimately overthrow Russia’s
    Romanov Dynasty. Finally in 1882—the very year the anti-Jesuit Triple Alliance
    was formed—Tzar Alexander II, in laying the capstone of his reforms, had attached
    his signature to the proposed Constitution of Russia. This the Jesuits would not
    tolerate! It violated the absolutism of the Holy Alliance and infringed on the
    Temporal Power of the Papal Caesar. If the Tzar’s absolute monarchy became a
    Constitutional monarchy with express limitations upon its powers, how could the
    Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope eventually rule Russia in accordance with the Council of
    Trent? Those limitations would restrain the Pope’s Temporal Power, disabling him
    from ruling the Russian people through the Romanovs. With a free Russia, the Jesuit
    General’s grand design of submitting the Orthodox Church to the Vicar of Christ
    would never come to pass.

    The Jesuits had to act quickly. As they had used Masonic Mazzini to punish
    Pope Pius IX for proposing a Constitution for Italy in 1846, so they would use the
    Masonic nihilists to punish the Tzar for nearly succeeding in establishing “liberal”
    government in Russia. Pius IX was forced to flee from the Vatican to Gaeta but
    Alexander II, who maintained liberty of conscience, would be assassinated. We read:

    “Alexander II had progressed well with his great reforms and had attached
    his signature to a Constitution to be adopted by Russia. The next day [later
    that same day] a bomb was thrown at his carriage, which killed and
    wounded a number of Cossacks, who accompanied the carriage. The
    Emperor in deep sympathy left the carriage to look at the dying men, when
    a second bomb blew him to pieces.” {20} [Emphasis added]

    Alexander III, in coming to power became a fierce absolutist. Though
    formally suppressed, the Jesuits used this tyrant to persecute the Jews with the Order’s several pogroms. Of one we read from the great Pierre van Paassen:

    “But more frequently the conversation turned to the persecutions that the
    Jews were undergoing in Russia. The Great War lay still in the future . . . I
    vividly recall that Sunday evening when a Russian Jew with a long white
    beard, who kept his hat on, ascended the pulpit and in broken German, told
    us the whole harrowing story of his people’s persecution. His own wife and
    children had perished in the bloody attack. Before her death, the woman
    had seen the mob throw her two children into a burning oven . . . he went
    on to say that thousands of young Jews all over Russia had begun to arm
    themselves with revolvers, determined to defend themselves if the attacks
    should be repeated.” {21} [Emphasis added]

    The pogroms produced the desired effect. The deceived Jews developed a
    great hatred for the Tzar—just like the Jesuits! And when the time arrived for the
    overthrow of Nicholas II and the purging persecutions of the Russian Orthodox
    Church, the Jews would rally to the cause in overthrowing Rome’s old enemies.
    (Remember Fiddler on the Roof ?) Little did they know they had been “framed” by
    the Sons of Loyola and would be blamed for the atrocities of Russia’s “Soviet
    Communism.” Part of the set-up was the 1905 publication of the Order’s Parisian authored The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion by Jesuit Coadjutor and agent of the Tzarist Okhrana, Orthodox priest Sergyei Nilus. Laying the blueprint for a world
    socialist-communist state, it was very much like the Order’s secret meetings at Chieri,
    Italy, exposed by Abate Leone’s The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order
    in 1848. Its authorship was attributed to the Jews but the true source was the Society
    of Jesus. We read the words of our ex-priest, Bible-believer and evangelist to the
    Roman Catholic people of New York City, Leo Lehmann:

    “Although first published in Russia in 1903, the Protocols of Zion had their
    origin in France and date from the Dreyfus Affair, of which the Jesuits were
    the chief instigators. . . . These Protocols of supposedly Jewish leaders are
    not the first documents of their kind fabricated by the Jesuits. For over a
    hundred years before these Protocols appeared, the Jesuits had continued to
    make use of a similar fraud called The Secrets of the Elders of Bourg-
    Fontaine against Jansenism—an anti-Jesuit French Catholic movement
    among the secular clergy [later outlawed by a papal Bull, Unigenitus].” {22}

    The late Alberto Rivera, a fearless preacher and a converted ex-Jesuit, agrees:

    “We were instructed that the Jesuits directed certain [Masonic] Jews who
    were loyal to the Pope, to write a document called The Protocols of Zion.
    When it was published the Europeans went wild.” {23}

    Additionally, in the little town of Fatima, Portugal three children, ages seven to
    fourteen, supposedly saw “Mary” appear six times between the spring and fall of
    1917. This unbiblical, Jesuit-contrived, “Lady of Fatima” Hoax, calling for the
    “conversion” of Tzarist Russia to Catholicism, was the religious propaganda used to
    incite and then unite the superstitious masses of Europe to attack Rome’s ancient
    Orthodox foe with fire and sword! As a result, from 1917 to 1989 Russia would be
    conquered and then reduced to obedience to the Jesuit General’s “infallible” Pope,
    using the Russian branch of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta! The Society of
    Jesus would launch the Bolshevik Revolution and brutal Civil War (1917-1920); it
    would then negotiate a secret Concordat (a treaty between Lenin and the Pope) and
    establish the Inquisition through its “Grand Inquisitor”—the thug—Josef Stalin,
    using his Jesuit-admiring hatchet man and head of the Cheka, Felix Admundovich
    Dzerzhinsky, whose father, Admund Dzerzhinsky was a Jesuit-controlled, Polish
    Roman Catholic priest. Stalin would purge the nation of its Protestant and Baptist
    churches and, near the end of his life in 1953, attempt to kill every Russian Jew. The
    Company, using the Lady of Fatima Hoax and Hitler, would also ignite a huge anti-
    Russian Orthodox/anti-“Russian Jewish Communist” Crusade called “Operation
    Barbarossa” (1941-1945; named after Germany’s Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick I
    Barbarossa (1152-1190), having led his armies through Orthodox Asia Minor during
    Rome’s Third Crusade against the Moslems in control of Jerusalem); and then, the
    Black Pope would create “the Cold War” (using CFR/CIA Knights of Malta)
    enabling his KGB to continue his Order’s Communist Inquisition in its new papal
    dominion, the “USSR” (1945-1989), won for its Roman Priest-King.

    Dear truth-seeker, all this heartbreak, desolation and mass-murder—imposed
    by the evil Council of Trent and Jesuit Oath—would be financed by the Jesuit
    General’s Federal Reserve Bank in New York City, the financial “altar boy” of “the
    American Pope,” Baltimore Archbishop James Cardinal Gibbons! And God help
    any American President who would dare to be a Daniel and put a stop to it! His life
    had better be pure while making his plan—bathed in prayer with strong crying and
    tears—guided by the Spirit of God through the Word of God. Constrained by a love
    for his endangered people and admonished by loyal advisors, he must be surrounded
    with fearless bodyguards, all these men being serious seekers of the risen Son of God!
    For on Jesus the Messiah they must fully trust, knowing that:

    He holds all political power, over all the kingdoms of men,
    And will invisibly intervene, for our Daniel and his friends.
    Yet in the fire none shall burn, yes, they have met Him on His terms.
    Their earnest prayers He has heard, for they have rested on His Words.
    Then known to all they shall be, as those who sought Him on their knees.
    Cromwell’s words will be their story,
    Indeed, “For thus I came to glory!”

    Extract taken from Vatican Assassins 3 by Eric Jon Phelps (pages 787-794):

    The parallels between the Jesuits’ French and Russian Revolutions are
    striking and must not be overlooked when seriously questioning the identity of that
    secret POWER behind the scenes. Those parallels are as follows:

    1. Both revolutions were based on communist writings of Freemasons—
    Voltaire and Marx. Did not the Jesuits, the authors of Scottish Rite
    Freemasonry, perfect communism on their reductions in Paraguay?

    2. Both revolutions plundered the state churches. Were not the Jesuits the
    enemies of the Roman Catholic Church in France and the Orthodox Church
    in Russia when the revolutions broke out?

    3. Both revolutions ended the monarchies. Were not the Jesuits enemies of
    both the Bourbon and the Romanov dynasties? Had not both monarchies
    expelled the Jesuits from their countries?

    4. Both revolutions produced Jesuit Republics—republics in form, but
    absolute monarchies in power. Are not the Jesuits absolutists?

    5. Both revolutions declared socialist atheism as the religion of the state.
    Evidenced by their deeds, are not the Jesuits truly socialist atheists?

    6. Both revolutions carried out a reign of terror by an inquisitional secret
    police. Are not the Jesuits the greatest of Inquisitors?

    7. Both revolutions resulted in military dictators who punished the enemies of
    the Jesuits. Did not the Jesuits benefit even though Napoleon and Stalin, in
    deceiving the nations, openly banned the Order from France and Russia?

    The Jesuits began the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 after their Russo-Japanese
    War of 1905. Having recruited Russian Jews aided by American Jews from New
    York, the Jesuits made the revolution to appear to be of Jewish origin. We read:

    “A short time after the U.S. Consul in Moscow had given his report, our
    Government instituted an investigation through the Overman Committee in
    1919 . . . Dr. George A. Simons, former superintendent of the Methodist
    Mission in Russia, was one of the chief witnesses before this committee . . .
    Dr. Simons gave some interesting information:

    ‘We were told that hundreds of agitators had followed in the trail of
    [Freemason] Trotzsky [Trotsky]-Bronstein, these men having come over
    from the lower east side of New York . . . and it soon became evident that
    more than half of the agitators in the so-called Bolshevik movement were
    Jews . . . I am not in sympathy with the anti-Semitic movement . . . I am
    against it. But I have a firm conviction that this thing is Yiddish, and that
    one of its bases is found in the east side of New York . . . I was impressed
    with this, Senator, that shortly after the great revolution of the winter of
    1917 there were scores of Jews standing on the benches and soap boxes,
    talking until their mouths frothed, and often remarked to my sister ‘well
    what are we coming to, anyway? This all looks so Yiddish.’ Up to that
    time we had very few Jews, because there was, as you may know, a
    restriction against having Jews in Petrograd; but after the revolution they
    swarmed in there and most of the agitators were Jews.

    I might mention this, that when the Bolsheviki came into power, all over
    Petrograd we at once had a predominance of Yiddish proclamations, big
    posters and everything in Yiddish.” {25} [Emphasis added]

    The Jesuits succeeded in making the Bolshevik Revolution appear to be of
    Jewish origin by using Jewish Freemasons whose masters (like Shriners Jacob H.
    Schiff, Otto H. Kahn—whose mansion was given to the Jesuits’ Order of the Sacred
    Heart—and Armand Hammer, the bosom friend of Hollywood actor Cary Grant
    and whose Occidental Petroleum, aided by the Pope’s Roman Hierarchy, owns the
    American coal industry) were loyal to the Jesuits through the House of Rothschild.
    This deception was so successful that most of the Europeans aided Hitler, the Friend
    of Islam, in the destruction of European Jewry. But the truth is in the details and often
    overlooked. The following details evidence the Jesuit “black hand” during the
    October Revolution, the Civil War, Stalin’s “Reign of Terror” and World War II.

    1. The Jesuits secretly participated in the Bolshevik Revolution. According to the
    Jesuit-trained, Irish Roman Catholic, John Loftus in his Unholy Trinity, a Hungarian
    Catholic priest was a player in the revolution.

    “Between 1932 and 1937 the top NKVD ‘illegal’ in England was Father
    Theodore Maly . . . ‘when the revolution broke out I joined the
    Bolsheviks’ Maly once told a friend, explaining how service with the Cheka
    and Red Army during the brutal civil war against the [Orthodox] Whites
    [White Russians] had hardened him.” {26} [Emphasis added]

    Dear truth-seeker, Maly fought against the Orthodox Whites; for he was a Professed
    Jesuit under Oath who perished by the very dictator he had helped to set up. Further,
    as a Jesuit with the Cheka and then the Russian Civilian Intelligence (NKVD), the
    Soviet Secret Police was in fact an arm of the Jesuits’ Holy Office of the Inquisition.
    The great Messianic Jewish believer on Messiah Jesus, Arno Gaebelein, tells us:

    “A police system was inaugurated, the Cheka, with the commission to
    torture, to kill without mercy . . . The bloody work of the Cheka was carried
    on in a certain large building. There the victims, men, women, and
    children, were cruelly tortured before a shot ended their misery. In order to
    drown the despairing cries of the unfortunates, the building was surrounded
    with a number of powerful motor trucks; their motors were started and for
    hours they were kept a going. Then night after night, week after week, for
    months, the almost countless hundreds of corpses were thrown into the
    trucks and carried away.” {27}

    2. The Bolsheviks deceptively expelled the Knights of Malta from Russia in 1917.
    Since this faked “revolution” was an open ruse of war secretly intended to be a Jesuit
    Inquisition as foretold by Dostoyevsky, the wealthy Knights in New York City and
    London covertly financed and built the USSR! Business continued as usual between
    American, German, English and Russian Knights. Of the interlock between the
    American and Russian joint venture known as “The Grace Russian Company,”
    Antony C. Sutton, in his Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, writes:

    “The American International Corp. (AIC) [now the American
    International Group (AIG) formerly headed by CFR Vice Chairman
    Maurice Greenberg] was organized in New York on November 22, 1915,
    by the J. P. Morgan interests, with major participation by Stillman’s
    National City Bank and the Rockefeller interests . . .

    Everybody coveted the AIC stock, [Knight of Malta] Joe Grace (of W. R.
    Grace & Co.) wanted $600,000 in addition to his interest in National City
    Bank . . . In January 1917 the Grace Russian Company was formed, the
    joint owners being W. R. Grace & Co. [of New York City] and the San Galli
    Trading Co. of Petrograd. American International Corp. had a substantial
    investment in the Grace Russian Company [with] an interlocking
    directorship . . . As the Bolshevik Revolution took hold in central Russia,
    Secretary of State Robert Lansing requested the views of American
    International Corp. on the policy to be pursued towards the Soviet regime.
    On January 16, 1918—barely two months after the takeover in Petrograd
    and Moscow, and before a fraction of Russia had come under Bolshevik
    control—William Franklin Sands, executive secretary of American
    International Corp., submitted the requested memorandum on the Russian
    political situation to Secretary Lansing . . .

    In brief, Sands, as executive secretary of a corporation whose directors were
    the most prestigious on Wall Street, provided an emphatic endorsement of
    the Bolsheviks and the Bolshevik Revolution, and within a matter of weeks
    after the revolution started. And as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank
    of New York, Sands had just contributed $1 million to the Bolsheviks
    [Wow!!!].” {28} [Emphasis added]

    Of the Irish Catholic Grace family more needs to be said between its
    connection to Rome’s Jesuits, the Knights of Malta in Russia and the Bolshevik
    Revolution. We read from the Executive Intelligence Review Special Report of 1987:

    “The Irish Catholic Grace family was overlord of the British royal house,
    driven out successively by Cromwell, then William [III] of Orange [Praise
    God!], joining the Stuart cause in exile. In 1850 William R. Grace arrived
    in Peru at age 18, where he acquired a British guano-trading firm as the
    lynchpin for future major acquisitions in shipping, rail, banking, minerals,
    sugar plantations, and so forth. Perhaps the greatest increase in Grace
    family holdings in Peru occurred after the War of the Pacific, where the
    Grace family had supplied material to both Chile and Peru. Then the Earl
    of Donoughmore, heading the Committee of Peruvian Bondholders, tapped
    William Grace to make a debt-for-equity settlement that led to foreign
    acquisition of most Peruvian agro-industry and infrastructure. Leaving a
    brother in Peru, [Jesuit Coadjutor] William R. Grace (1832-1904)
    relocated to New York, where he was mayor from 1880-1888 [and one of
    the powers behind Presidents Grover Cleveland and Theodore Roosevelt].

    In 1907, Joseph P. Grace joined the board of the First National City Bank
    [along with Cardinal Spellman’s benefactor Nicholas F. Brady]—then
    owned by Rockefeller-Stillman interests—and set up Grace National Bank
    in 1915. Joseph Grace became a member of the American International
    Corp., founded principally by Frank Vanderlip of City Bank, which traded
    extensively with Russia before and after the Bolshevik Revolution. It was
    located at 120 Broadway, the office of a complex of firms representing
    every major Wall Street financial group involved in similar dealings.” {29}
    [Emphasis added]

    Joe P. Grace and Nicholas F. Brady were both multimillionaires and Papal
    Knights of Malta. (In 1930 Brady financed the building of a costly Jesuit Novitiate
    in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. Childless upon his death, his wife Genevieve—
    America’s foremost Dame of Malta and Jesuit matron called “the Duchess”—
    donated their fabulous Long Island estate and mansion, Inisfada, to the Sons of
    Loyola.) Both continued to trade with companies owned by the Russian Branch of the
    Knights of Malta before and after the Bolshevik Revolution. Were the Masonic Jews
    responsible for that Inquisition or were they merely “attention-getting” foot soldiers
    for the Jesuits, the true culprits behind the plot? The Jesuits, as masters of New York,
    used Rome’s Knights of Malta, “the great merchants of the earth,” to finance the
    Bolshevik Revolution. To shroud this all-important secret with a “bodyguard of lies,”
    the Russian “Tongue” of the Knights of Malta was openly expelled by its Masonic
    “Jewish Bolsheviks;” Vladimir Lenin laid the foundation for the Pope’s Cold War!

    3. After the two-year Civil War (1918-1920) and Lenin’s induced famine, the
    Jesuits were given permission by the Bolsheviks to re-enter Russia after having been
    expelled for over a century. Catholic priest James J. Zatko, with grants from the
    Ford Foundation and the University of Notre Dame (both Roman Catholic institutions
    being affiliated with the Jesuits’ New York City-based Council on Foreign
    Relations) wrote in 1965 in his Descent Into Darkness, pages 111 and following:

    “An atmosphere of apparent good feeling having been established,
    Monsignor Pizzardo met Vladimir Vorovskii [in mid-1922] to define
    points of an accord between the Holy See and Russia for a papal mission in
    Russia . . . Still this informal meeting did not have any effect on the
    conference, and the only result was the accord for the papal relief mission.
    This accord provided for the work of three Catholic “orders” in Russia, the
    Redemptorists [secret Jesuits] to work in northern Russia, the Society of
    Jesus to work in central Russia, and the Society of the Divine Word
    [secret Jesuits] to work in southern Russia.” {30} [Emphasis added]

    (Dear truth-seeker, is it not a strange coincidence that the Society of Jesus was
    secretly permitted by Jesuit-trained Josef Stalin and his Bolsheviks to reside openly
    in central Russia which included Moscow and Petrograd? Did not the revolution
    originate in these cities from which proceeded the Cheka’s merciless inquisition?
    Indeed, all of Russia was now to be openly invaded by Professed Jesuits under
    Extreme Oath “to wage relentless war, against all heretics . . . to extirpate and
    exterminate them from the face of the whole earth . . . in order to annihilate forever
    their execrable race.” The Jesuits with their Bolsheviks, many of whom were
    Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists, must have truly had a “bloody good” ball! A
    few years later the Black Pope would again be aided by his Labor Zionists, such as
    Chaim Weizmann and America’s Reformed Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in carrying out
    the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” thus establishing Labor Zionist Israel!

    This is why Israel’s leaders of today, including Shimon Peres, NEVER EXPOSE
    the Vatican’s Jewish Holocaust but rather use it as an industry to support the Pope’s
    Zionists who in turn will use it as the ultimate agitation in creating worldwide anti-
    Jewish fury, driving millions of Jews to Israel!) Priest James J. Zatko continues:

    “In the communist strategy Catholic propaganda was to cause the whole
    Orthodox structure to crumble . . . The instruments of this new alliance
    between the Soviets and the Vatican were to be the Jesuits, described as the
    hereditary enemies of the Orthodox Church. Reportedly, there were, and
    had been for a considerable time, large numbers of representatives of the
    Jesuit Order in Moscow [during the revolution] including Bishop
    [Edward] Ropp. The Pope, [Pius XI] who is said to have left the Jesuit
    Order before being elected Pope, acted entirely on the instructions of [not]
    Count [but Wladimir] Ledochowski, the superior general of the Jesuit
    Order! According to the same report [in maintaining the illusion that the
    Order was not in full control of the Bolsheviks], the Vatican felt it could
    bring the Russian [Orthodox] Church under papal domination only if
    Tikhon [Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church] were eliminated, a
    condition which the Bolsheviks thought had been fulfilled. The Jesuits and
    the Vatican, on their part, promised that after a conclusion of a concordat [a
    Concordat!!!], they would do all in their power to put pressure on the
    governments of Italy, France, and Belgium to hasten their recognition of the
    Soviet government [which was done].” {31} [Emphasis added]

    Edmond Paris, one of France’s greatest authorities on the Jesuits, rightly concludes:

    “The Russian Revolution, by eliminating the Czar, protector of the
    Orthodox Church, had it not decapitated the great rival and helped the
    penetration of the Roman Church? We must strike while the iron is hot!
    The famous ‘Russicum’ [Russian College in Rome] is created [in 1929] and
    its clandestine missionaries will take the Good News to this schismatic
    country. One century after their expulsion by Czar Alexander the First,
    the Jesuits will again undertake the conquest of the Slav world [in seeking
    to fulfill the Lady of Fatima Hoax].” {32} [Emphasis added]

    Dear truth-seeker, the Jesuits were the secret masters of the Bolsheviks!
    They brought the Russian Orthodox Church under Papal domination, concluded a
    secret Concordat between the Papal Caesar and the Bolsheviks in the person of
    Jesuit-trained Josef Stalin—just like Napoleon! Then the Sons of Loyola conducted
    a massive Inquisition, partially financed by Armand Hammer, that Masonic Jewish
    Zionist and billionaire Director of Occidental Petroleum, speaking fluent Russian and
    having access to enter and exit the Soviet Empire whenever he wished. And thus,
    from 1917 to 1989 Satan’s Black Pope, in the name of “Communism,” used his
    “Holy Roman” American Empire in the West and his “Holy Roman” Soviet
    Empire in the East, “to liquidate” eighty-five to one hundred million “heretics and
    liberals” pursuant to the Jesuits’ evil Council of Trent!

    4. The Bolsheviks with the Cheka put two and one-half million “heretics” to
    death pursuant to the Jesuit Oath and Council of Trent. Of this mass-genocide our
    Messianic Bible-believing Jew, Arno Gaebelein, continues:

    “Among the 1,766,188 victims up to the beginning of 1922, figures
    obtained from the Soviet documents, nearly five thousand were priests,
    teachers, nuns, etc. of the Greek [Orthodox] Church . . . But soon the
    persecution extended to the millions of Lutheran, Reformed, Baptist,
    Methodist and especially Mennonite Christians . . . Nearly 100,000
    Lutherans live banished; in semi-starvation in Siberia . . . Perhaps the
    greatest sufferers as Christians have been the Mennonites. For many years
    they had in southern Russia prosperous settlements, they were law abiding
    and earnest believers . . .

    What horrible sufferings, torture and death, these good people have passed
    through! Whole villages were wiped out. And today [1933] hundreds of
    them are confined in miserable prison camps, suffering untold agonies.
    And in the wilds of Siberia, in the far north, hundreds of other banished
    ones are still living enslaved, deprived of all the needed simple comforts of
    life, degraded and half starved. The suffering of the thousands of women is
    simply indescribable [massive gang rape]. Thousands of churches of the
    different branches have been demolished and the work of destruction goes
    on, so that as stated before by 1937 not a single church building or meeting
    house is to be left . . . Needless to say, the printing of religious periodicals,
    the advertisement of religious books, the circulation of the Bible . . . is not
    only strictly forbidden, but punishable with exile.” [The Jesuits further
    benefited by using their Bolsheviks to execute Monsignor Budkiewicz
    against the wishes of President Warren G. Harding and the evil Federal
    Council of (Protestant) Churches ruled by Jesuit Coadjutors. This murder
    eliminated a serious enemy while uniting Catholics and Protestants against
    the Jews pursuant to the Order’s secret design.] {33} [Emphasis added]

    Dear truth-seeker, is this not exactly the same religious oppression that
    occurred in Spain during the Dark Ages and all throughout Europe with the
    dawn of the Reformation? Is this not the same persecution the French
    Huguenots suffered under King Louis XIV, guided by his Jesuit confessor,
    Pere La Chaise? In fact, this is the same scenario enacted by the Jesuits in
    the 1600s that caused the Thirty Years’ War in Germany of which
    Griesinger, in his greatest of Jesuit histories, describes:

    “. . . the Jesuits proceeded for five long years, and during that space of time
    they consigned to the flames more than forty thousand Lutheran Bibles,
    while they also occasionally, to make short work of it, converted a number
    of Protestant churches into ruins by means of cannon or by blowing them
    up into the air with gunpowder.” {34} [Emphasis added]

    The Jesuits, with their Masonic Jewish Bolsheviks financed by the Knights of
    Malta on Wall Street, restored the Temporal Power of the Pope in their “USSR” by
    means of a secret Concordat, enforced by the Russian arm of the Jesuits’ Holy
    Office of the Inquisition—the merciless Cheka. With it came the Dark Ages and a
    vast system of concentration camps called “the Gulag.” The Jesuits, with their
    infernal Inquisition under the name of “Communism,” were delightfully, in the loving
    spirit of “Saint” Ignatius Loyola, grinding their victims to dust

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