New Warfare
Posted by Lev/Christopher on October 15, 2009 at 1:29am in Forum

History tells us that imperialist nations quite predictably invade
weaker nations on a regular basis... especially when those weaker
nations happen to be standing on valuable natural resources like oil or
uranium. Thanks to this desire for strategic control over territories,
the twentieth century was the bloodiest in human history, with more
people being lost to war, greed and conquest than during any single
century in recorded history (including the centuries spanning Greek and
Roman civilizations).
War remains as supported as ever today, and in fact, many nations
actually thirst for war. Just look at the pro-war coverage on Fox News
and the unending war games being played on computers and game consoles
by young men who find entertainment in war. (In fact, the U.S. Army is
actually recruiting young men now through a free, downloadable video
game that teaches young boys how to pick up a rifle and kill people
with it.)
Why some nations create war
The people of some nations actually create war (or support it) in their
quest to express a sense of nationalistic heroism. Failing nations need
heroes, and when those heroes are no longer found in the realms of
science, art, politics or global achievement, they will be fabricated
from the false victories of war.
The tearful American mom whose son dies in Iraq is, indeed, suffering a
tremendous personal loss, but her loss is a necessary part of feeding
the population's desire to proclaim there are heroes among them.
Through the sacrificing of young men who are killed in Iraq, the people
of America can find common connection, righteousness, and purpose where
none existed before. War gives meaning to empty lives, and it delivers
a masochistic form of entertainment to those who are too young, too old
or too wealthy to participate. This is precisely why, throughout human
history, the leaders of failing nations have habitually turned to
military imperialism as a method to distract the people from far more
serious problems at home. When the sons of a nation are returning home
in body bags, nobody pays much attention to failures in education or
the economy.
This is not to say that there are not some instances in which going to
war has genuine justification. When a nation is threatened by an
invading force, for example, going to war to defend your own land
against invading aggressors is not only necessary, it is also truly
heroic. Defending your own land is courageous; invading your neighbor's
land is cowardly. (Some people claim, by the way, that the only way to
protect America's land is to invade other countries first. This
concept, called "preemptive war" is based on mass distortions used to
falsely justify actions of war.)
In America today, the thirst for war remains as strong as ever. But the
real war being waged on the world right now by America is not merely
found in the limited military action in the Middle East. That's only
the blunt instrument of this war. The real American invasion is
happening through foods, medicines, personal care products,
international banking and intellectual property law. Through the
proliferation of fast food restaurants, pharmaceutical companies,
chemically-contaminated consumer products and similar items invented in
America, the world is being bombarded by systems of food, medicine and
distorted intellectual property claims that are producing far more
casualties than any bombs-and-bullets war.
How to control a nation
In World War II, the Germans attempted to steal natural resources from
neighboring nations by forcefully occupying and controlling the
targeted territories. Today, war is far more sophisticated: America
steals national resources by patenting seeds, genes, medicines and
ideas, then applying economic and political pressure against targeted
nations to forcefully take a cut of their productivity through the
application of intellectual property law. Only Thailand has offered any
sort of resistance in an attempt to protect its people from the
predatory, monopolistic drug pricing of Big Pharma, for example, but
most countries just go right along and pay tribute to the western world
through outrageous patent royalties on medicines that should belong to
the people.
If that's not enough to dominate the targeted nation's economy, America
sends in the World Bank. The World Bank makes predatory loans to
desperate nations, knowing full well they cannot pay them back. It then
uses the leverage of debt to invade those nations with western
financial institutions. Those banks and lending institutions
subsequently turn around and engage in predatory financial practices
that soak the people of the target nation, skimming off productivity
and exporting it back to the West where rich white men cash in billions
without a single honest day's work.
The World Trade Organization, for its part, makes sure that targeted
nations comply with imperialistic western trade practices. The huge
push of Big Tobacco into Asia, for example, is the result of support by
"world trade" proponents who threatened to impose trade sanctions
against Asian nations if they tried to ban cigarette advertising.
Today, more than a third of Chinese men are addicted to cigarettes,
generating billions in annual profits for Big Tobacco companies who are
right now producing more Chinese casualties than any war in China's
long history.
Western medicine is also invading the continents around the world,
bringing its expensive, heartless and corporate-controlled system of
medicine to nations who were actually far healthier, happier and more
financially solvent before America showed up with all its patented
chemicals. Chinese medicine, for example, is routinely discredited in
China by arrogant Chinese doctors who went to med school in America
then returned home to betray their own fellow citizens. Drug companies
see China's one billion people as nothing more than revenue-generating
patients, and convincing all those people to take more medicines will
require a well-planned, well-funded economic and philosophical assault
on Chinese medicine. Essentially, Big Pharma must find a way to
disconnect the Chinese from their heritage, turning them all into
depressed, diseased "white" consumers whose medical mythology worships
the falsehoods of western reductionism.
Consequences of the great American invasion
All around the world, America is invading nations through its foods,
medicines, consumer products, dangerous economic practices, synthetic
chemicals and intellectual property. And everywhere that American
products are adopted, widespread disease and death soon follows.
Small island nations in the South Pacific, for example, had never heard
of diabetes, heart disease or depression just two generations ago. But
then American-made processed food products invaded their islands,
edging out traditional foods like raw coconut, fresh fish, seaweed and
taro. Today, South Pacific populations are suffering from widespread
diabetes, depression, heart disease, learning disabilities, asthma and
much more -- all thanks to the "invasion" of American foods, medicines
and products.
America is the world's largest exporter of disease. Through our popular
soda products, cigarettes, fast food chains and manufactured foods, we
have caused more death and disease around the world than any nation in
human history (including Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot). And it all
remains perfectly legal. Our chemical companies even manufacture and
export pesticide chemicals that have been banned in the United States.
Poor agricultural nations openly use those deadly pesticides on their
crops, then ship the produce back to the U.S. where consumers buy it at
grocery stores. It's all perfectly legal and, in fact, encouraged by
U.S. political leaders.
Resistance is futile
It's actually more than legal: It's required! Any nation that says "no"
to western products and intellectual property is immediately branded an
enemy of world trade and is targeted for legal action by the WTO. Even
creating pro-consumer safety standards such as banning aspartame,
sodium nitrite or hydrogenated oils can be deemed a violation of
international trade agreements. Product sales, you see, are the No. 1
priority, even when nations are being decimated by the products
manufactured and exported by American companies.
Poor nations with undereducated populations suffer enormously under
western economic imperialism. It's easy to sell Pepsi, cigarettes and
lotto tickets to people in a country like Panama, for example, where
the education level remains low and people are easily tricked into
thinking that western products will make them happier. Pepsi, in fact,
is the dominant consumer product throughout most of Central and South
America. You can hardly travel anywhere south of the U.S. / Mexico
border without being inundated with Pepsi propaganda. The Pepsi logo is
more prominent than images of the Virgin Mary or the Pope, even though
many South and Central American populations are Catholic. (It's quite
clear what they actually worship!)
These international product invasions are important to the bottom line
of U.S. corporations, of course, who are expanding their propaganda
campaigns to non-U.S. countries following the wising up of American
consumers. Only uneducated, ignorant consumers drink soft drink
products in America these days. It's the same crowd that buys lotto
tickets, smokes cigarettes, watches TV infomercials and lives on frozen
dinners. Smart consumers in America switched to healthier drinks long
ago. That's why soda sales continue to fall each year, and that's why
U.S. soda corporations have to increasingly crank up their marketing
machines in countries that haven't yet caught on to the toxicity of
aspartame or the links between diabetes and high-fructose corn syrup.
The west is conquering the world
There's no more need to drop tanks, soldiers and bombs on nations in
order to conquer them. Countries can be controlled through economics,
intellectual property law, banking and finance systems. Consumers can
be controlled through advertising, publicity and corporate-fabricated
fake news.
The corporations, as always, rake in the profits while the consumers
pay the price all over the world. They eat their American hamburgers,
drink their American sodas, take their American medicines and think
they're cool, sophisticated consumers even while their internal organs
are beginning to fail from all the toxic chemicals. Soon, they will
suffer from American diseases: Cancer, diabetes, depression,
osteoporosis, heart disease, obesity and violent, psychotic behavior.
In fact, we're already seeing it: Countries like Thailand and Japan are
witnessing unprecedented obesity for the first time in history, and
diseases like diabetes and depression are only a few years away from
becoming pandemic throughout Asia. This is almost entirely from their
adoption of western diets and medical practices.
Those nations that continue to worship western culture are engaged in a
dangerous game of paying homage to precisely the wrong group.
Worshipping American foods, products and medicines will only destroy
the health and happiness of any nation, and mimicking American
financial markets will only spell economic suicide in the long run.
There is nothing good that can come of debt spending, intentional
disease proliferation (through ignoring disease prevention programs),
widespread chemical contamination and corporate dominance over the
people and the government. These are the things that will come to
destroy the world's nations, probably starting with America.
The last days of America as we know it
The era of American dominance in the world is nearly over. It will
likely be replaced by an era of Chinese dominance, in which western
medicine, western science, western debt spending and western culture
will ultimately be rejected by most world nations.
It's time for Americans to face up to the reality of the country
they're living in. Take the issue of health care as a rather important
example. Did you know that you can get better health care in Cuba than
America? Did you know that the life expectancy of a Cuban citizen is
the same as an American citizen, and yet Americans spend hundreds of
times more money per capita on disease care and sickness care than
Cubans? American medicine is an utter failure, and it's destroying the
economic viability of the entire country. Businesses are going bankrupt
or moving offshore because of health care costs, and even those that
can afford to operate on U.S. soil are faced with the reality that it's
almost impossible to hire employees who can actually think these days
thanks to the widespread use of brain-damaging prescription drugs.
Success stories like Google are increasingly rare.
I remember living in Taiwan in the 1990's, and I paid something like $4
/ month for health insurance coverage. A visit to the doctor cost me $2
out of pocket. Every person in Taiwan who has a job gets automatic
health insurance coverage, and the nation has prospered economically
over the last four decades in a way that the U.S. simply cannot match.
The Taiwan people are innovative, resourceful and hard working. Of
course, they're also hopelessly corrupt when it comes to politics, but
that seems to be a universal law: Power corrupts, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely.
America's reputation is in shambles
If you travel the world these days and ask about America, you might be
surprised at the negative answers you'll hear. This is not obvious to
people living in America because, of course, they only have access to
the controlled, pro-America news sources that dominate mainstream
thinking. But the world opinion of America has already suffered a
severe setback under the leaderhip of President Bush, and in time, the
world will reject American intellectual property, the American medicine
scam and the harmful effects of American foods and beverages.
History will reveal America to be a nation that burned itself out on
drugs, debt spending and junk foods, destroying the health its own
people until its population could hardly even reproduce without medical
intervention. Lacking any useful ideas, steeped in the defense of the
status quo and abandoning the true needs of its own people, American
political leaders have set our nation on a destructive course that may
prove impossible to reverse. And they seem to want to destroy as many
other nations as possible along the way -- as long as it generates more
profits for U.S. corporations in the short term. "Poison the world and
reap the profits!"
The future belongs to smart nations
Any nation that wishes to protect itself from the same fate America is
headed towards would be wise to reject American foods, medicines,
beverages, consumer products, intellectual property laws and financial
The nations that survive and prosper over the next hundred years will be:
• Those nations that save money and invest in their future (rather then spending it on war or underfunded entitlement program).
• Those nations that reject western foods and pass laws to protect
their populations from dangerous chemicals in foods, beverages and
consumer products.
• Those nations that reject American intellectual property guidelines
and ban corporations or private individuals from "owning" patents on
medicines, seeds and genes.
• Those nations that invest in education, energy efficiency and
environmental cleanup in order to create a better future for their
• Those nations that invest now in energy independence, teaching their
people to use less energy while switching to vehicles that can run on
electricity (which can be produced domestically in any country).
• Those nations that reject elite-controlled banking and money systems
and restore the power of the currency to the people, where open trade
can happen with zero inflation, creating enormous abundance for the
No nation will likely fully embrace all these points, but those that
manage to fulfill at least some of them will do far better than those
who don't. What's certain is that those nations attempting to mimic the
culture of America will suffer the same fate as America -- a fate that
will soon be obvious to even the most insistent deniers who claim that
environmental pollution, endless debt spending and the mass
contamination of food and medicines with deadly synthetic chemicals are
somehow sustainable practices. The end result of all this is not in
question by any serious thinker: Widespread bankruptcy, disease
pandemics, environmental collapse and a bursting of the food production
Papua New Guinea may ultimatey emerge as one of the few successful,
sustainable nations in the world. If you're not sure why, I urge you to
read Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, and then study the history
of human civilization from a geographic viewpoint. You will see that
the only nations with any sort of future are those that protect and
nurture the health of their people and their environment, taking a
long-term perspective rather than short-term economic gain. America has
no long-term vision other than controlling world oil resources. America
has no investment whatsoever in the health of its people and virtually
no effort to protect its environment. America is fixated on short-term
thinking and stop-gap measures, ignoring the greater concerns of
education, renewable energy, individual health and individual liberty.
And finally, America is a bankrupt nation by any honest accounting
method, and it is only by the grace of debt holders of Asia that
America can continue to sell debt at all.
No wise nation will follow America into this quagmire (and why should they, when they have their own quagmires to explore?).
The good news in all this, by the way, is that you don't have to follow
the fate of your nation. By protecting your own health, saving your own
wealth and investing in the future of yourself and your children
(through education, fertile land, etc.), you can avoid the worst of
what's coming and actually thrive during difficult times. That's why
taking charge of your own life right now is more important than ever.
Be independent from the mainstream. Learn how to protect your own
health and reject medical propaganda. Understand the basic laws of
economics and how debt is manufactured and sold. (A good book on that
is called the Concise Guide to Economics and it's available free at
). Teach yourself the basic principles of sustainable living, green
living and "hippie wisdom." These are the things that will get you
through the tough times ahead.
In terms of financial news, be sure to read the Daily Reckoning (
if you want to hear the truth about world financial news. Also check
out the book Empire of Debt, which earns my top recommendation for the
best book available on the coming financial collapse of America.
I haven't even mentioned peak oil yet, by the way. Ever wonder what
happens when the oil runs out? Check out this page on Wikipedia:
Reply by Kenneth Lee on October 17, 2009 at 5:27am
Reply by Lev/Christopher on October 17, 2009 at 5:43am
Reply by Rodney D Ready on October 27, 2009 at 5:14pm
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Updated on 3 January 2011
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