The Root Cause of the Scattering of Yisrael
Personal blog posted by Rodney D Ready on December 31, 2009 at 9:30am

Yahuweh by His Outstretched Arm Made Everything That Exists by His
Breath of Life of Light of Pure Love and is the Center of and is the
Absolute Secure Root of All Things, the Righteous BRANCH, the Creator
of All Having His Breath of Life of Light of Pure Love. Life Unto Life,
Yahushua Is Our Salvation.
The Root Cause of the Scattering of Yisrael
A short thought on meditation of Deuteronomy 4 of what is the root
cause of the scattering of Yisrael, and we are in the latter days to
understand this thing.
YHWH has no other altar to offer up sacrifices on but where He has
foretold and that is all found in our Living Righteous Branch (Y), Yahushua!
(Deuteronomy 4 and the trouble of Numbers 22-25, Balak’s attempted
curse and Balaam’s foolish inquiry to YHWH at the prompting of Balak.)
The reason for the start of our troubles we have experienced, our
forefathers, even of this day of December 31, 2009, and in the end of
the scattering, in the latter days, it will be more fully understood
and have run it’s course.
Those prepared of Redeemed Yisrael will come to understand the root
cause of the scattering and will come to the day of re-gathering of the
Elect Servant of all who are a part of His Body, the Saints, the
Redeemed Yisrael, Grafted into The Tree of Life, Yahushua the Righteous
Branch Y! who is remission of sin where we walk in Spirit and Truth
getting that OIL for our Lamps!
The plagues upon ‘Egypt’ this round will be severe and are led by
Yahushua who has become as the first born and will inherit the blessing
foretold, but we see that body we are dwelling within, seen beyond
flesh and blood, and Yahushua will perform all things foretold of
Himself and we are as Echad/One body if we are baptized into His Life!
There is no other sacrifice given to cleanse the altar of the Living
Temple we are of. Yahushua is the Aleph-Taw of it all and once that is
fully understood in Spirit and Truth, anything done, said, or told is
for a witness of Him!
He is the Living Eternal Shabbat that is the One foretold of all of the
Commandments, the Life of the Spirit making dead words come alive
within. The Moadim/Feasts, the Path of Life as a Living Torah of the
Spirit of Life of All Having Breath of Life , telling the awesome story
in living man even He is the Light of all Mankind who ever lived or
live today or ever will.
That is the Great I Am Being All Things Made to the Light of All Mankind. The Aleph-Taw.
As a name of a ‘deity’ of the root cause of the scattering foretold in the name Peor.

Pey – Mouth (Blow, Scatter, Edge)
Ayin – Eye (Watch, Know, Shade)
Waw - Tent Peg (Add, Secure, Hook)
Resh – Head (First, Top, Beginning)
Peor – The reason for the Beginning of the Scattering, Y to absolutely and surely cause by His Blowing to all who cling to that Baal-Peor.
And we see that there is only One Root of the opposite of the Scattering and it is All in the Name of the Righteous Branch (Y),
Yahushua who is being the salvation of YHWH by His Outstretched Arm of
great mighty power unshaken and unmoved making our Righteous Branch (Y) Yahushua!
And YHWH by His Living Word Yahushua is in charge of all things, evil
or good, as He has Always Been, and we discover How He Is Being Always.
He was before we were and what Love there is in His Heart for all who
would seek Him Out, As He Is Being, As He Has Always Been!
We are not to add nor take away from the Life of the Word, the Living
Torah of The Path of Life, of the Righteous Branch (Y), Yahushua, of
the Awesome and Great things He Is Being for Remission of Sin and to
Have Fellowship with Him and our Father YHWH!
Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you,
neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the
commandments of YHWH your Elohim which I command you.
And just who is that Word? (John 1)
Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may
have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into
the city.
Rev 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the
prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, YHWH
Elohim shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this
prophecy, YHWH Elohim shall take away his part out of the book of life,
and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this
Now, Who is That Book?
Dead Words?
The Spirit of Life of our Righteous Branch Y?
This page was created on 2 January 2011
Updated on 2 January 2011
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