Month 10:12, Week 2:4 (Revee/Shavu'ot), Year:Day 5941:278 AM
2Exodus 4/40
Gregorian Calendar: Saturday 30 December 2017
Feeling is Believing?
Dealing With Doubt in Salvation
A Feeling-Based Society
We're a very feeling-based society now - one might even say to an extreme extent - to the point that we are becoming deranged. Just go onto an American or European college campus and you'll see what I mean. The KGB/Gestapo is being raised from the dead there.
The Modern Religion of Social Constructionism
We have moved away from rational thinking and into the realm of emotions to find, as we suppose, our security. And it's not working very well, is it? These days, centuries of rational thinking are being dismissed as mere 'social constructs', something we've just made-up as part of some white male conspiracy.
Mind vs. Feelings?
The battle is - and never was - a mind vs. feelings affair. The bottom line is always spiritual but that isn't something we can always 'feel', let alone 'rationalise'. One messianic minister I know of has fallen spectacularly. Going on 'logic' alone, he has dismissed the New Testament as a fairy tale. Tragic.
Not a Balancing Act Exactly
And it isn't even a question of balancing mind and heart, rationality and feelings, male and female - that is an occultic notion. Our thoughts and feelings are second-level reality - neither of them are what one might call 'spiritual' even if they are both designed to operate in the Ruach (Spirit). Man chooses to employ them in the flesh.
When We Question Our Salvation
Very often we question our salvation, complaining that we don't feel anything so something has to be wrong. Well, yes, something may be wrong if your heart is shut down (or the opposite if it has gone wild) but it doesn't necessarily mean you have stopped being saved if you have already authentically been rejuvenated or born again.
Prisoners of Our Emotions
Too often we become prisoners of our feelings and have greater faith in them than in the Davar Elohim (God's Word). That's called existentialism and always ends up with self-worship (satanism) if you pursue it far enough, no matter how much religious language you use.
If Surrendered...
If your feelings have shut down or gone wild, if you you don't know whether you are coming or going, and you start doubting your salvation, remember this: once we have surrendered to Yah'shua (Jesus), and continue to choose to be surrendered no matter how much turmoil we are may be in, He says this about us:
"I give them eternal chayim (life), and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand" (John 10:28, NIV).
Fully Believe
So what's the solution for dealing with feelings and doubts?
"The only condition is that you fully believe (pro-actively) in the emet (truth), standing in it steadfast and firm, strong in [Yah'shua/Jesus], convinced the Besorah (Gospel/Good News) that Yah'shua (Jesus) died for you, and never shifting from trusting Him to save (deliver) you. This is the wonderful news that came to each of you and is now spreading all over the world. And I, Paul, have the simcha (joy) in telling it to others" (Col.1:23, LB).
Standing Firm on the Word
So what are we commanded to do when doubts and feelings come to attack our emunahy (faith)? Stand firmly on the Davar Elohim (Word of God).
Too Simple?
It's really that simple...but too simple for those who want a complicated, works-based 'gospel' of salvation that they can boast about.
Asking Satan's Questions
One of Satan's most common tactics is to get you to ask questions such as: 'Did Yahweh really hear my prayer when I accepted Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) as my Saviour (Deliverer)?' Well, the Scriptures give us the answer:
"And this is the boldness ('confidence' - RSV) we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of Him" (1 Jn.5:14-15, NRSV).
Does Yahweh Wants Us Saved?
So the only question that remains is whether Yahweh wants us to be saved or not?
"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of Elohim (God) our Saviour (Deliverer), who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the emet (truth)" (1 Tim.2:3-4, NKJV).
Question answered.
In Agreement with Elohim
Since being saved is absolutely according to His will, and we have sincerely asked to be saved, and have elected to surrender our will to His and to trust Him, then you're saved because your request was in agreement with His Plan for your life. By this means you can know you are accepted by Yahweh because you have accepted His Son Yah'shua (Jesus) as your Saviour (Deliverer).
What to Do With the Doubt
Whenever you feel guilty over a sin you have already confessed and renounced before Yahweh, whenever the temptation to doubt comes to doubt you were forgiven, know it's the Enemy or your flesh speaking. Then say this to yourself:
"If we confess our sins to Him, He can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. (And it is perfectly proper for Elohim (God) to do this for us because Messiah died to wash away our sins)" (1 Jn.1:9, LB).
The Done Deal
Our emunah (faith) is built on Elohim's (God's) FACT or REALITY, not on our feeling. But - and this is crucial - Yahweh's promise is that we will experience (existentially) more and more of His simcha (joy) and shalom (peace) in our lives as we go along living the saved life out. Rejoice when that happens but also rejoice when you feel dry and empty, because your salvation is a done deal for the trusting.
The Switch of Willpoweer
Merlin Carothers puts it this way:
"Through the switch of your willpower in Elohim's (God's) direction and say, 'I will to believe, Elohim (God). I stand on Your Davar (Word)'" [1].
Relinquishing Dependence on Feelings for Truth
As you do this you will discover that your old dependence on feeling will gradually fade away and instead you'll be tuned in to the Ruach (Spirit). You will then not only be free to believe but, as one who knows he is saved, you will also be freed to obey the mitzvot (commandments) and do so the Ruach (Spirit).
"Then you will know the emet (truth), and the emet (truth) will set you free" (John 8:32, NIV).
Accept and Be Delivered
So just accept the Davar Elohim (Word of God) as emet (truth) and you'll be delivered of your doubt.
[1] Merlin R.Carothers, Power in Praise (Coverdale, Eastbourne, England: 1972), p.41