Month 10:15, Week 2:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5939:281 AM
2Exodus 1/40
Gregorian Calendar: Monday 5 January 2015
The Anti-Paulists
Continued from Part 3
It cannot be an accident that the Anti-Paulist messianics have been swarming around me like bees the last few months in a bid to convert me to their heresy. Indeed, one of the reasons I have been once more persuaded to take up my defence of the apostle was the shocking discovery a few days ago to find a minister I have known for many years, who started as regular pentecostal, has taken up the Ebionite banner with such vehemence and hatred that it shocked me profoundly. I have never seen so much self-righteousness, arrogance and venom flying off her tongue save in the anti-Messianic Jewish community whose spirit they are undoubtedly beginning to share more and more. Moreover, not a few who have rejected Paul have ended up rejecting Yah'shua (Jesus) also, or have otherwise redefined Him beyond recognition. In this they are finding fellowship not only with certain anti-messianic Jews who are willing to embrace Yah'shua (Jesus) as a good teacher, or with Muslims who regard Him as a navi (Prophet), or with Gnostics who believe salvation is through knowledge, but with liberals, agnostics and atheists too who, like most anti-messianic Jews, only pay lip-service to Yah'shua (Jesus) in order to get believer to deny Messiah's Deity.
I cannot tell you how heavy this made my heart, to the point of tears, not only because of what I have come to learn and love about Paul's teachings but also because Yahweh personally told me in a revelation, years ago, that Paul was a true apostle and was today in glory with Him, and this long before I know anything about the so-called Pauline controversies. So serious is this heresy, so destructive of the salvation of souls, that the Ruach (Spirit) bore unmistakable witness to me two days ago that those who preach this doctrine will be amongst the many who will be coming under a terrible judgment over the next few months. And before any Ebionite accuses me of resorting to scare tactics, I will say this, and most emphatically: it is the emet (truth), and even though they may continue to deny it, they will not be able to deny the judgment when it comes. My witness will be vindicated as clearly as all prophecies from Yahweh that I have been called to utter. It will not go well for them unless they make teshuvah (repent).