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    A10. Asserting Your Identity in Christ

    The gift to be a free agent - to make choices for yourself without compulsion - is absolutely guaranteed by Yahweh-Elohim, the Creator of the Universe. This is not to say that we can do absolutely anything we like. We are often born into what many would consider "disadvantageous" circumstances - situations that limit some kinds of freedom. Our outer circumstances can, at times, seem like a prison. Joseph, the son of Jacob, often wondered how Yahweh could permit him - a righteous man - to be a victim of a fraternal conspiracy to sell him into slavery. He must have wondered why Yahweh permitted him to be locked up in Pharaoh's dungeon for endless years ... until, on the other side of these dark days, he found himself the virtual Master of Egypt under Yahweh's extraordinarily gracious and generous providence.

    You, who are reading this article, may likewise find yourself in dark circumstances with no immediately obvious way of escape. However, be reassured, that whatever your limiting circumstances may be, Yahweh has a plan for you if you will but trust Him. We may have little or no control sometimes over our outer circumstances, and when this is so, it is usually for a purpose. This should not, however, make us cease to importune Heaven for change - we have the right to ask for better days. The image of God (you and me) was not created for imprisonment but for freedom - not any kind of freedom, but the kind of freedom which brings glory to the Most High and meaning to us, His creatures.

    This article is not, however, primarily about the outer world of physical reality, but the inner one which is invisible to nearly everyone else except ourselves and our Maker. Satan is in the business of imprisoning you in both worlds, but more so inside. Please understand that - unlike the outer world - nothing on the inside is inevitable. There is, in the inner world of thoughts, feelings, and will, FAR more freedom than you may at first realise. And Satan will do everything in his power to convinue you otherwise. He wishes us to believe that the inner dungeons of the soul are inevitable - that we can do nothing about them. He wants us to believe that the inner is no different from the outer. He wants us to believe that when we are trapped in a vice over which his demons have control, that there is no escape. And if you happen to be a victim of abuse - particularly Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) - he wants you to believe that you have no choices in your life whatsoever, that you were created by him to perform an evil mission over which you have absolutely no control, that you have an irresistable destiny of servitude and slavery to him, that you cannot say "No!" to.

    Every man and woman was created with a God-shaped vacuum in his soul. The soul can know no ultimate peace and joy until that vacuum has been filled completely by the Ruach haQodesh - the Holy Spirit or Sacred Breath of the Elohim (God). Man tries substitutes, both by invasion and by invitation. Satan gains his first entrance when we take the decision to give Self precendence over Yahweh. Self is the back on which demons ride Trojan horses into your soul. And that is why Satanism may be said to be ultimate self-worship. However, self cannot fill that vacuum - self already has its own 'space' in the soul - that vacuum must either be occupied by Yahweh-Elohim or by other supernatural agencies, because it is a space designed for the supernatural - that which is above and beyond ourselves.

    When we feel a sense of "emptiness" is is because that space is not being occupied. When we feel purpose and direction in our lives, and a power in our lives that is not our own, it is because either Yahweh or Satan has entered it and is empowering it. Satan is not, however, the natural resident; he is a squatter, and you all know what squatters can do to homes when they take over. I once entered a house that squatters had taken over for several months - it was the most squalid, putrid place I had ever seen. Because the house didn't belong to them, they didn't care about taking care of it. And that is Satan's attitude to the space which he occupies too. He knows he isn't the natural owner of our souls, because Yahweh is. He did not make us. In fact, he has utter contempt for them. He may at times make things look nice on the outside so as to remain undetected, but inside the work of subversion and destruction goes apace. Like most parasites, the unnatural occupier not only steals but leaves poisonous waste behind in the form of toxins too. When Satan occupies the space designed for Yahweh alone, he goes beyond, into those areas of the soul over which Yahweh gave us sovereignty - the sovereignty to will, think and feel for ourselves, something that Satan cannot permit because these things inevitably lead to his detection and a desire on the part of the enslaved soul to be rid of the invader. Satan not only wants the throne room of your soul but your thoughts, feelings, and personality too.

    When the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) enters you and Yahweh is enthroned in your heart through His Son Yah'shua (Jesus), it is there by invitation - and invitation only. We can expell Him whenever we want to. The Spirit of Christ is by attraction, not compulsion. When Satan and his demons are inside, however, they will absolutely never leave if you ask them, anymore than someone with a tapeworm in his gut will leave of its own free will. Satan is just an intelligent tapeworm. Like the tapeworm which burries deep hooks into the wall of your intestine, Satan buries himself into your inner being and must be expelled by often violent means. Satan never leaves peacefully - he has to be driven out.

    The purpose of this website is to help you do that either by yourself or - as is often necessary - with the help of experienced ministers. Today I want to address your personal identity - what constitutes 'you' and how to repossess it following satanic invasion. For as we have seen, Satan not only occupies Yahweh's space in your soul when you sin, but thereafter, like a cancer virus, seeks to subvert your mind and heart also. He wants to think for you and feel for you too, and to do that, he must deprive you of your own thoughts by reprogramming your mind, and numbing your feelings so that you no longer have a conscience left. By defiling mind and heart he is able to remove the last of your free agency away. Today we will see what we can do to reclaim that.

    I am sure you know what a 'hacker' is. A hacker breaks into a system and subverts it. When I was at school, a friend and I 'hacked' into one of the teacher's telephone lines in order to have some fun, as his phone line passed through our study room. By adding another telephone circuit in parallel we could not only listen into the conversations he was having but also disrupt them by, for example, making rude remarks, particularly if he was talking to a parent. This would, of course, cause consternation because the parent though that it was the teacher being rude! (I hasten to add that we only did this once, for fear of being detected and punished!).

    Demons hack into your brain circuit when they are inside you. That is how those with demons inside hear "voices in their head", and often your own. But they are not usually so unobvious - at least at first - as we were in our schoolboyish prank. Their first object is to convince you - especially if you are a believer - that their voices (which they will carefully mask) is the voice of God Himself. That is very common. Or if you are not - and in any case - they will want you to believre that they are you. Through this rewiring of our neurones, they are able to convince us that they are a part of the human personality and will encourage you to accept and integrate them. By this means they integrate themselves in, and they do it so thoroughly and often to such deep levels of the subconscious, that we are led to believe that to exclude them would result in our whole mental system - and therefore - sanity, crashing. By numerous techniques and devices, all threatening, they create the illusion that you are totally dependent on them, both before and after detection.

    Anyone who has seen mouldy bread knows that it is hard to get rid of mould. You may have to cut a large chunk off. A bit like cancer. To get rid of the cancer, you need to cut out large chunks of the body to be rid of it. And once the mould or cancer has spread so far, it is too late. You can't cut off the whole slice of bread or surgically remove the whole body that has been completely invaded by cancer. Satan knows this which is why the longer a demonic problem remains unchecked, the harder it becomes to solve the problem by purely natural means. In fact, I think it is true to say, that it is nigh impossible to get rid of any demon problem by mere human effort. Me may be able to contain demons to a certain degree through shere will-power but never expell them.

    We all know that once a body has decomposed, bringing it back to life is impossible. Sometimes people die and "wake up" a few days later, but this is before decomposition has set in. Demonic powers are able to perform 'miracles' - Satan can heal broken bones and heal certain illnesses, all through demonic agencies within, but always to his advantage. There are some things which he absolutely cannot do: he cannot give you eternal life (immortality) or the ability to love unconditionally - guaranteed - and he cannot, to my knowkedge, restore a decomposed body.

    An evangelist in Africa once confronted some demonised witchdoctors. These shamans put on a display of their satanic power in an attempt to retain control over their tribespeople. One of their tricks was to cause a Bible to spontaneously combust and burn into ashes. When the evangelist called upon Yahweh to demonstrate the pitiful and limited powers of the devil, the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) took those ashes and rebuilt that Bible again! That was not something the shamans could do. Even though Satan can do apparent miracles, it is always at a cost. The satanist I heard of who had a broken bone repaired instantly in a coven meeting paid dearly for the 'gift' - he was more demonised than ever before afterwards because the healing was demon-mediated. Moreover, the 'healing' was done not as a result of Satan giving anything of himself, but from stolen human psychic energy. It's rather like the Pakistani drug baron I heard of who built a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in Karachi - the money he used was the money paid for with the lives of drug-addicts.

    To be free of mental and emotional interference from demons in your mind and heart requires your cooperative effort. Whilst Yah'shua (Jesus) is the Healer, you have to "prepare the way" rather like John the Baptist in the wilderness. In order to be able to give your 'self' to Christ, you have first got to reclaim your self for yourself. To do that, you need to come to a basic knowledge of what your 'self' - your ego - is by making biblical declarations as to who you are in order to counter the demonic programming in your head. What Yahweh says in His Word is true and anything that contradicts it is a lie. If the demons in your head say that you belong to Satan and that there isn't anything you can do about it, you have to dig your heels in, declare this to be a lie in the Name of Yah'shua (Jesus), and then "announce" to your whole system exactly who you are and Who you want to belong to. That's your part. The actual transference of authority and sovereignty of your life must be accomplished supernaturally by Christ: but once you have consciously given Him that authority of your own free will, He then has the right to step in and to start the "dehacking" process, which can either be gradual or instantaneous ... depending on your willingness to trust Him. Remember, that the "hackers" will fight to remain - you have to stand your ground until they have been expelled.

    How do you know He can do this? Because of what He did - to cite but one example - to the dead Lazarus. The body of Lazarus was, the account tells us, "stinking" because it was already in an advanced state of decomposition. And yet Yah'shua (Jesus) demonstrated His Power and Authority by what He next did: instantly, He REBUILT the body of Lazarus from the mass of toxic, stinking, decomposing tissue, and gave it LIFE again! This is what He can do!

    As a deliverance minister I have seen with my own two eyes Yah'shua (Jesus) give people their minds and hearts back again. I have seen the demons instantly expelled and the whole circuitry rewired to where it should be. I have seen the transformation of personality in victims previously without hope. I have seen them glow and radiate a love they never before knew existed. Nearly all transformations, however, are not instant like this, but they can - and do - occur in big quantum leaps. Sometimes full healing is delayed by sin issues that have not been confronted and dealt with, often before they are not aware of them. There is no such thing as becoming instantly angelic and perfect. Sanctification may progress in a saved and delivered soul as in all of us. But we do not need to languish in an internal demons' prison. Yahweh wants us out of that as soon as possible.

    Sometimes matters are complicated by generational curses where this demonic 'hacking' has been going on for long periods of time, often centuries, causing us to inherit the mental and emotional tampering of previous generations. Again, all that is needed is our permission for Yah'shua (Jesus) to undo it. Generational curses CAN be undone instantly - this I have also seen. What Satan has invested in for centuries, Yahweh can undo in seconds. You just cannot compare the power of the two.

    Declarations of Identity

    A lot of deliverance ministers believe that they should leap into demon expulsion without doing proper groundwork first. If they have the authority to do so, and have received an uniquivocal revelation from Yahweh to so act, sometimes (but usually very rarely) a minister may simply declare a person delivered, expell all the demons en masse, and invoke the power of Yah'shua (Jesus) to completely repair the soul. Yah'shua (Jesus) Himself certainly had this power and there is reason to suppose that the apostles had it at sundry times too. The danger in our day is to suppose that contemporary ministers have this same authority by virtue of their faith is too simple. NEVER MAKE PRESUMPTUOUS ASSUMPTIONS. Ministers rushing forward in vain confidence have done untold damage - they have lacked authority, knowledge, and ... not infrequently ... love, and have left those they sought to serve even more damaged that before. Whilst there are always exceptions, and for reasons we cannot easily understand sometimes (which means we should never be so presumptuous as to bottle Yahweh up by expecting Him to act according to a fixed formula), they are not the rule. Not everyone was converted as the apostle Paul was. Most of us come to salvation through a process. When Yahweh sovereignly intervened in the apostle Paul's life, He had His own reasons. Neither are all of us full of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) in the womb as John the Baptist was. We should follow the processes outlined in Scripture but be prepared for Yahweh to spring a few surprises on us. Springing surprises is what an anointed minister must occasionally do too - presumably to outwit Satan.

    What follows is one of many suggestions - it is not an ironclad system. It can be mutated to suit individual needs. For those of you who have demon problems - and especially the core alters of SRA victims - this is undoubtedly the best place to start in most cases.

    The heart of the following exercise is "I declare". These are declarations of your essential self. No matter what demons may be present, no matter how they may have hacked into your mental system, no matter now much they may have messed with your feelings, you can now open a door for Christ to enter in and start putting things right. Look upon it as internal redesign and redecoration. Look upon it as a total overhall of your inner house.

    Now I don't know if you have ever redecorated inside your home, but one thing is certain: to begin with, there is nothing but MESS! The changes that you give Yah'shua (Jesus) permission to effect in you will mean, to begin with, 'apparent chaos'. I use the word 'apparent' purposefully because it is just a part of an ordering process. When chaotic thoughts and feelings suddenly intrude, try to mentally picture a house being redesigned and redecorated. Old wallpaper is being ripped off, walls are being knocked down, floors ripped up, old plumbing disconnected and pulled out, old electricity cables replaced. There is dust and mess everywhere. Bit by bit the rubbish is carried out of the house and at length inside seems very bare and stark.

    At this stage you will feel very empty and helpless. It will feel as though you have been stripped naked. But this is all a part of the rebirthing process. This is the 'cleaning out' stage, and it can seem a bit drastic, if not traumatic in and of itself. Demons will try to panic you by saying that only permanent chaos and destruction can result. They're lying to you. Rebuke them and tell them to shut up in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name, and throw them out. Remember, you are stripping these parasites of their cover and authority. They're the woodworm and rats in the house, and Yah'shua's (Jesus) the Interior Rebuilder, Redecorator and Vermin Exterminator, is going to get rid of them. All He needs is your permission and invitation to do so. Once the stripping and cleaning has been done, the new woodwork, plumbing, wallpapering, electricity cabes, fittings, and painting can take place. Let Yah'shua (Jesus) sort it all out. He knows what is best for you. You can safely trust Him.

    I recommend that the following declarations be made daily both before and after deliverance - more often if you need to. It takes times to settle into a new house. Give yourself time after deliverance too. You must keep a constant vigil for the rest of your life. This applies to all of us and should become a clarion call:

      "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of Yahweh (God), that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the Elohim (God) of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus), after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen" (1 Peter 5:6-11, NKJV).

    You could even make this a daily personal declaration:

    Declaration #1

  • a. I therefore humble myself under the mighty hand of Yahweh, that I may in due course be exalted.
  • b. I cast ALL my care upon Him, for I know that He cares for me.
  • c. I will be sober, I will be vigilant, because I know that Satan wants to devour me.
  • d. I will resist the devil and his demons, I will be steadfast in my faith, and I will accept that whatever suffering I must experience in order to do this is in reality no different from the suffering all my brothers and sisters have to go through in this life.
  • e. May my Heavenly Father, Yahweh-Elohim, the God of all grace, who called me personally to His eternal glory through Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), My Saviour, after I have suffered a little while, bring me to perfection, establish me on the rock of Christ, stengthen me, and settle me so that I have His Peace. Amen."

  • This declaration is very pragmatic. It states the case as it really is. It pulls no punches. It is a declaration not only of intent but also of reality. It reminds us that it isn't necessarily going to be a primrose path, but is most assuredly promises us that it will all be worth it. It teaches sobering truths:

      1. Humility preceeds exaltation and glory;
      2. Deliverance is deadly serious - it sobers us up;
      3. Deliverance requires vigilance - there is no room for carelessness or laziness;
      4. It acknowledges that Satan won't just accept defeat - he wants control again;
      5. Suffering is a part of life - we won't suddenly stop suffering after deliverance;
      6. Everybody in this life suffers, including believers;
      7. We have been called by Yahweh Himself to deliverance, salvation and exaltation;
      8. Deliverance is through Yah'shua (Jesus) alone;
      9. Our suffering is brief in the eternal perspecitive but purposeful;
      10. Christ perfects us;
      11. Christ establishes us on His Rock of security;
      12. Christ strengthens us;
      13. Christ removes our restlessness; and
      14. Christ gives us His Shalom - His Peace.

    SRA victims in particular must understand that the suffering caused by being servants of Satan and the suffering inflicted by the same demons on Believers is not the same. One is meaningless, the other is purposeful. One edifies, the other destroys. In Christ, you may have peace inside while the outside world is chaos; in demonic bondage, the inside is even more chaotic than outside. In Christ, your essential Self is safe, protected, comforted, nourished, and loved. In Satan you live in fear, you are constantly vulnerable to punishment, there is no comfort, spiritual starvation, and self-destructive hatred.

    The following list of Declarations will help you pinpoint issues as well as ensure that the door to healing and deliverance remains open. They will counter demonic lies. Say them when you are challenged by demons or feel confused. If you have any other suggestions, please write in so that we can add to the list. This list we have used a great deal, even with people who have Alzheimer's disease (leading to a loss of memory, often demon-mediated), and noticed startling results.

    All these declarations must be made in true faith, nothing doubting. If you are struggling, ask Yah'shua (Jesus) to help take away your unbelief and make your faith strong. He will help you. Do not just rush through them like a liturgy - spend time meditating on them to make sure that these declararations are truly the intent of your whole soul, asking Yah'shua (Jesus) to assist you accomplish this:

    Declaration #2

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), born of the virgin Mary 2,000 years ago in Nazareth, who was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of Yahweh-Elohim, the Father, is my one and only Lord (Master) and Saviour (Deliverer) - Hallulu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #3

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that I am made clean in my thoughts, feelings, and deeds through the power of the Blood of Yah'shua (Jesus) and His Word in the Scriptures and what the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) speaks to me - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #4

  • I declare that and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Satan (Lucifer, Haylel, the Devil) and his angels (demons) have been defeated by the blood of Yah'shua (Jesus) and therefore have no power over me when I am under its covering, through faith - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #5

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that every area of my life is under the protection of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #6

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that all my memories are under the protection of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #7

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that I will only remember what Yah'shua (Jesus) wants me to remember, and when He wants me to remember. When I remember what Yah'shua (Jesus) wants me to remember, I am safe and will live - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #8

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over all my muscles and body memories - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #9

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that when Yah'shua (Jesus) has control as I relax my muscles or have body memories, that I am safe and will live - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #10

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over my identity and personality - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #11

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that I have the identity and personality that Yah'shua (Jesus) wants me to have, and I am secure and will live in this - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #12

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over those I love, and I will love those whom Yah'shua (Jesus) wants me to love - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #13

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that in this love I am safe and will live - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #14

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over what I say, and I will say whatever He wants me to say - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #15

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that in so speaking, I am safe and will live - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #16

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over what I eat, I will eat whatever Yah'shua (Jesus) wants me to eat, and He has control over when and how often I shall eat - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #17

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua (Jesus) will bless and purify my food, that He will bless and purify it as He has promised, because Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over my eating, and I am safe and will live - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #18

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over my sleep - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #19

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that I will sleep when Yah'shua (Jesus) wants me to sleep, as often as He wants me to sleep - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!);

    Declaration #20

  • I declare and acknowledge before Yahweh my Elohim (God) and His Malakim (angels), and all men and women, and before Satan and demons, that as long as Yah'shua (Jesus) has control over my sleep, I am safe and will live - Hallelu-Yah! (Praise Yahweh!) Amen.

  • This page was created on 16 November 2003
    Last updated on 16 November 2003

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