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    SRA10. I Will Not Leave You Orphans

    Ritual abuse of children by parents is standard practice in Satanism and has been going on for centuries. It destroys one of the most sacred human bonds - the safety of godly parenting. Children need the protective covering of their parents in order to grow up and mature into whole and harmonious individuals. Parents are supposed to protect their children from evil by being their shield against the predators of the world. But in Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), parents become predators themselves, traumatising their children and denying them one of the most basic human needs - to be loved and shielded. The father, whom God designed to be the overall family protector by virtue of his strength and divine positioning, thus becomes the primary abuser, sexually molesting and torturing his own son or daughter. Instead of blessing, he curses. Instead of protecting, he exposes his child to the cruelties of the coven, exploiting her natural inbuilt trust. He becomes, in short, the most despicable coward in the universe - a literal good-for-nothing.

    Worse, a father is given certain legalistic rights by Yahweh-God. In addition to being a protector, it is his responsibility to guide his son or daughter into marriage and be her matchmaker. While she is a minor, he has the right, as her head, to enter into agreements for her, a blessing that Satanism perverts in a most horrible and despicable manner. A satanist father will almost without exception, then, not only dedicate his unborn child in the womb to Satan but abuse her from the moment she is born. He will also effect a wicked betrothal with another SRA child, binding them together in a diabolical compact and establishing one of the most powerful and intimate soul-ties there is, years before a child is capable to choosing a husband for herself in an adult and responsible manner. Not only does he orphan his own child and expose her to torture and sexual abuse by mutliple men and women, but he dedicates her to a satanic marriage not of her own choice or wanting and psychically binds her to a complete stranger. As both children grow up biologically, the unholy bond will grow and the girl become a slave of the young man. The demonic presence, established through violation of Yahweh's Torah, will grow stronger as both victims are manipulated by the coven into performing more and more devilish acts to increase the power of the coven.

    We were not, as I said, designed to be orphans. Everyone, without exception, needs parenting to grow up. It surprises SRA victims who get delivered to discover how small they feel. Not untypically, a mature woman in her 40's or 50's will feel like the little girl she was supposed to be before she was raped and traumatised. The outside world has little or no comprehension of this, finding it hard to believe that a small child can live in an adult body. But it is true. Moreover, it is important that that inner child is allowed to be her spiritual age and to grow at her own pace. A newly delivered SRA victim needs, moreover, parental protection in order to thus grow because she will need covering against the enemy, guidance in marriage (and protection from those who view her through carnal eyes), and guidance in the ways of being human and godly.

    It is the practice in NCCG to assign a spiritual parent to everyone coming into the New Covenant of Yah'shua. The covenants can be lifelong or open-ended (usually the latter), allowing either party to terminate the covenant when they want to. As the fathering side is particularly important, it is essential that the spiritual coverer is a married man with his own family into which the SRA survivor can be adopted. Ideally, he should be an Elder or a Deacon with proven family stability. Former victims need the family protectiveness of both the biological family as well as the spiritual family which is the Messianic Community (Church) as everyone coming to Christ does and therefore these two spiritual pillars should be provided.

    During my ministry I have formally adopted two survivors and offered them my covering and protection and will probably do so again in the future, as Yahweh leads. In one very interestring case I discovered, through some genealogical research, that one of my spiritual daughters was actually in a blood-line to me. We were relatives. And whilst we are all related viâ Adam, the closer the line, the stronger the legal rights. This fact was particularly invaluable to her deliverance as it gave me an extra club against the demonic. Like Ruth seeking the protection of her kinsman Boaz, so my client was able to claim a kinship right to become my daughter. After we had entered a covenant, it gave me authority to undo a number of satanic contracts which from that moment on became illegal, including and especially the satanic betrothal. Indeed, once she had formally renounced her biological parental ties and given herself to me as my daughter and ward, it became possible to automaticaly dissolve every anti-Torah act that her father and mother had ever performed on her, thus saving a considerable amount of time and distress.

    Yah'shua (Jesus) made this wonderful promise to all those who will trust in Him:

      "If you love Me, keep My commandments [obey Torah]. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper [Comforter], that He may abide with you forever, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:15-18, NKJV).

    The Helper or Comforter is the Ruach haQodesh or Holy Spirit, our Heavenly Mother. Our earthly mothers are our first intimate nurturers and as we mature they give us to our fathers for upbringing. But from the moment of conception our natural fathers are our covering. When we accept Yah'shua (Jesus) as our Messiah, the Ruach (Spirit) enters us and comforts us, linking us to the Heavenly Father, Yahweh-Elohim, who covers us through the atoning blood of His Son, Yah'shua (Jesus). However, every human child needs a human parent - that dependency is built into us. All that entails being fully human is learned through parenting, whether by physical parents, spiritual teachers like Pastors and Gospel Teachers, or other adult figures. We learn, as is well known, by imitating others. Satanists exploit this to the full and by various arts of trickery coupled to trauma, get children to grow up in the image of demons and their human dupes. Thus someone coming out of SRA must re-learn what it is to be fully human, which is what salvation is Yah'shua (Jesus) is really all about. Satanism dehumanises.

    Once delivered - and it can only really properly start once the demons are gone and Yah'shua (Jesus) is dwelling in the heart - an SRA survivor can begin to be parented. I cannot underline and stress this enough. What he or she should not be doing is romancing because she will be totally unprepared for marriage. The length of parenting will vary from individual to individual but if the survivor is already biologically mature, she will usually develop quite fast. She will also need the guidance of her adoptive parents in choosing who to marry for she will initially be possessed of an innocence and a naïvity as the young child within grows. Potential suitors will need to be vetted and, as necessary, guided by the father to make sure that she is properly protected. She may already have a bona fide husband from whom she is separated or divorced, as is quite common, as SRA victims (who are usually MPD as well) make potentially unstable spouses. Only the spiritually strongest and most loving of men can usually deal with multiple personalities as characteristics from all age groups manifest to baffle and confuse - infant, pre-teen, teen, youth and (occasionally) older.

    When should spiritual adoption take place? That has to be determined by Yahweh Himself. Furthermore, it should not normally take place until deliverance had reached an advanced stage so as not to open up the adoptive father to unnecessary oppression from the residual demonic host. This means that the primary and most important part of parenthood is already firmly underway by the Godhead itself - the core personality and, preferably, a majority of the alters, must already be trusting in Yah'shua (Jesus) and be in a personal relationship with Him, and they must be expressing a willingness to obey the commandments. Once thus related, they will be in a better position to obey their adoptive father - disobedience, being a violation of Torah, will simply open them up to further oppression.

    Finally, the prayers. The following are merely suggestions - they have, however, been successfully used. Ministers must allow the Ruach (Spirit) guide them in the content and choice of words.

    1. Dissolving Satanic Paternal Bonds

      In the name of Yah'shua the Messiah and by the power of His blood, I [the SRA survivor] hereby dissolve, nullify, break, destroy and renounce the ungoldly soul-ties that exist between myself and my biological father and mother [give their names], and all satanic surrogate parents [give their names if known - often other relatives like uncles 'raise' SRA children], because of their abuse of me, their disobedience to and perversion of Torah, and totally renounce any and all paternal rights that may have enjoyed over me. I declare myself an orphan. They are no longer my parents. I also expell all demons that they have introduced into me as a result of these evil ties.

      I declare that Yahweh is my Heavenly Father and the Ruach haQodesh [Holy Spirit] is my Heavenly Mother. Therefore I am no longer a spiritual orphan. I declare that this is so because of the promise of their Only Begotten Son, and my Redeemer, Yah'shua the Messiah, who has promised me: "I will not leave you orphans". I thank You, Holy Father Yahweh-Elohim, for this, and bless Your Name. Amen.

    2. Adoption by a Spiritual Parent

    Before adoption takes place, the nature of the adoption must first be discussed and agreed to. If the survivor is multiple with many alters (subpersonalities), time must be allowed for all these persons to discuss amongst themselves what they desire. In the one SRA survivor I adopted, every person but one was agreed, and I in my turn obtained permission from Yahweh. That it was His will was vindicated by the events which followed. The one alter who would not agree, who was under deep demonic bondage, and was mentally very young, was taken aside by some of Yahweh's Malakim (angels) (this has happened before in deliverance that I have conducted) whilst the deliverance of a key person took place. Once completed, this person acted as spokeswoman for all the others having consulted with them and obtained their agreement, and the renunciation of biological parenthood took place (see #1 above) and we entered into mutual covenants. Here is a suggested joint-prayer for adoption:

      Dear Father Yahweh, we come before You in the Name of Your Beloved Son, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), to enter into a father-daughter covenant. This coverant, we have agreed, may be unilaterally revoked by either of us at any time, and is therefore conditional. I [adoptive parent] covenant to be [the survivor's] spiritual father, with all the rights and privilages of that apppointment granted to me by Torah through Yah'shua (Jesus), to guide, nouish and protect her, and formally adopt her into my family in the Name of, and with the agreement of, my local assembly (church).

      She, in her turn, agrees to be adopted as my daughter, with all the rights and privileges of that calling, promising to be subject and obedient to me as her head until such a time as she is married and my headship over her terminates, or if either of us terminates the covenant.

      We enter this agreement of our own free will, in the presence of [a minumum of] two witnesses [preferably family members, one of which must be a wife, and from the same assembly], in the Name of Yah'shua the Messiah. Amen.

    3. Exercercising Paternal Rights in Further Deliverance

    Once this covenant has been entered into, the father may then dissolve all ungoldly and anti-Torah covenants entered into by the ex-father and ex-mother. This I did with both my adoptive spiritual daughters. Since there are so many possible things that can be done under this umbrella, the following prayer is only one of many:

      Dear Father Yahweh-Elohim, I come before You in the Name of Yah'shua the Messiah as the adoptive parent of [SRA survivor] who is now my daughter [or son] with all the rights and privileges given to me by Your Holy Torah.

      I hereby declare illegal and annull the satanic betrothal that [name of SRA survivor] was entered into by her ex-father [name] with [name of satanic 'husband'] under the authoriy of his father [name if known], and dissolve all ungdoly soul-ties between the two for ever. I bind together all demons that entered as a result of this satanic contract, then and thereafter, and cast them out in Yah'shua's Name and by the power of His Blood.

      I hereby declare illegal and annull all other satanic contracts entered into by her ex-father, cut all ungodly bonds created as a result thereof, and expell all associated demons. I undo all curses committed by him or under his authority by his wife or other coven members.

      I declare my covering over all those parts of her who have entered this covenant and stand ready to receive any others upon proper repentance, deliverance, and confession who have not, in Yah'shua's Name. Amen.

    4. Giving a New Name to an Adopted Child

    One of the rights and duties of a father is to give his child a name. This is true of adoptive parents too. One of the first things I did with my first adopted daughter was to rename her with a Biblical name which Yahweh inspired. In the case of those suffering from MPD, whose alters or subpersonalities are named by their satanic controllers, it is often desirable to rename these too, since these are often occultic (e.g. Apollo, Astarte), demeaning (e.g. Nobody, Whore, etc.) or named after an abusing satanist.

    A simple prayer of dedication like this will do:

      Having authority given me of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and with the consent of my adopted daughter/son, I erase in the blood of Yah'shua (Jesus) the name [cult name] give to you by [father/mother/coven etc.] and all its shame. I rename you [New Name] and dedicate you in this name to Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) as His child for all time and eternity and as my ward. Amen.


    No human being can come to maturity without proper parental raising on two levels: (1) The Divine (by our Heavenly Parents), and (2) Biological (by human agents). In deliverance of SRA victims, the counterfeit Satanic, demonic host is expelled and Yah'shua (Jesus) is invited in as Lord of Mind, Heart and Body - the whole soul. But though that might seem enough, it isn't - humans, unlike other creatures, learn only by example. So if our biological parents have failed us, it is important that we find substitutes. Sometimes (and preferably) an adoptive parent will be enough but often we are 'raised' by many, like Pastors and others we hold in high regard. The important thing is that those who raise us are subject to the same Heavenly Parents. The idea will always, then, be a combination of Heavenly and earthly parents. Yah'shua (Jesus) is the Deliverer both directly (from sin) and viâ parents in raising us in the correct pattern in love and truth.

    Copyright © 2002, Charli, SRA Survivor

    This page was created on 18 January 2005
    Last updated on 18 January 2005

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