2. Rick Ross of the
'Rick Ross Institute'
The credibility of any witness in court hangs on whether he is honest or not and what kind of character he has. When ministers or a ministry are accused of being a "dangerous cult" it is always wise to examine the accusers themselves to see what kind of people they are.
Of our two primary accusers, one has refused to make himself public and so be scrutinised (he uses the pseudonymn 'NCCG-Concern') and the other, Derek, who for a while viewed Judaism and Christianity, the Bible, and God Himself as "dangerous cults" or "cultists" has now returned to faith in Yah'shua the Messiah.
What links these two atheistic critics and their allies is an almost religious-like devotion to the philosophy of a so-called secular (and equally atheistic and anti-Christian) "cult-deprogrammer" called Rick Ross who has garnered considerable media attention and is regarded as an "expert" by the media and those who have not bothered to check him up. He has certainly collected an impressive (and arguably useful) database of information from the media (newspaper and internet articles for the most part). However, his credentials and morality - not to mention his methods and criminal record (which includes charges of violent kidnapping and abuse of human rights) deserve to - and should - be critically examined in the light of what he is doing. And whilst we at NCCG do not for one minute deny that Ross reports what could arguably be called genuine "cults" (though that does rather depend on how you define them), perhaps the more shocking truth that emerges from a serious study of these "saviours of society" is that they themselves are probably the worst cultists and abusers of them all. They are certainly not the ones who should be monitoring others but need monitoring themselves. However, this is something that you must judge for yourself based on the facts which are not always easy to come by because the websites exposing their mailpractice often 'disappear'. I have observed this happen on Swedish websites that (for example) report psychiatric malpractice.
Fortunately, though, websites that disappear (for whatever reasons) are, if they are visited enough, preserved by robot archives, and it's usually possible top recover most of the material, depending on traffic (images tend to get lopped off, though). For the most detailed and factually accurate material on Rick Ross and the many other "cult deprogrammers" and their brainwashing techniques (you'll be appalled by what they get up to and the sort of people they often are - either financial opportunists trying to make money from scared parents or psychopaths who enjoy torturing people), please see:
Religious Freedom Watch on Rick Ross Website or

Please also see the following website (which is now only an archive) for other information:
Rick Ross: Guardian of the Truth
or Garner of Attention? (Archive)
Finally, please also see:
Rick Ross, "Cult Deprogrammer", Kidnapper and Convicted Criminal
Just in case those who don't want the truth to come out resort to dirty tricks to get the robot archives erased, we have taken the precaution of making our own archive and distributing the material around the internet on "sleeping websites" contaning the material zipped up for future release.
Be advised that robot archives have limited bandwidth and so if they are viewed a lot, it may be impossible at times to access the site. If this happens, we will ask for one of the "sleeping websites" to be activated so that you can read the material undisturbed. Please let us know if you can't access the material.
Rick Ross Comments on
NCCG Concern Exposed
"Swedish church leader Christopher Warren rants about a link to a critical Web site about him and his organization "New Covenant Church of God" called "NCCG Concern." Warren also doesn't appreciate people posting critical comments about him on the message board. The preacher goes on and on and on making bizarre claims like "Wikipedia appears as a cult" at the Ross Institute database, which it does not. Though a Wikipedia entry did rate a Flaming Websites award. Rev. Chris wants his readers to know that I have made "MANY blunders" and he is also miffed by the "so-called superiority of many Jews, when their cultural or ethnic traditions are challenged." Warren has fueled his attack with information from Scientology sites and though not original, deserves at least two flames, which is double what Wikipedia won. Note: This award winning link has gone dead and the author's work is no longer available through a known Internet address." (Rick Ross, commenting on NCCG Concern Exposed website).
In actual fact, this website has been online continuously since 2006 at two addresses - Geocities Site (which will disappear later in 2009 when Geocities ceases giving free websites) and on the main NCCG.ORG website here. I am not sure why Ross has lied about this other than to speculate that he fears the materials on this website constitute the most robust critique of his and 'Mister Concern's' methodology, so naturally he wouldn't want it listed on his 'Flaming Awards' page.
So we are honoured to receive Mr.Ross' 'Flaming Website Award' (3 flames, no less) knowing full well that he will be judged even as he has judged, and that he will receive his just reward unless he repents.
This page was created on 9 April 2008
Last updated on 26 July 2009
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