The End-Time Gathering of New Covenant Apostles for the Final Labour of Separating the Wheat from the Tares of Christendom
10. The Patient Bride
NCAY has passed through a very drawn-out, painful but blessed conception and pregnancy and stands ready for its long awaited birth. That is why you are reading this article now. And that is why New Covenant Ministries was originally birthed on 1 February 2001 as a forerunner. 16 years have passed and the purging still continues. Each time we thought we were ready we learned that we were not surrendered enough. We have all grown older, many of us are now in the autumnal years of our lives and waiting to hand on the batton to the Final generation since learning that we would not be the ones to complete this work. Some of us have died and passed on to the other side. Some have sat on the fence, many have run away, many have betrayed us, some have sought to destroy us (of which some have perished), and very few have remained true. But new blood has always come along. The Enemy has never succeeded in extinguishing us. We have had to patiently wait as Abraham and Sarah waited for the promised seed.
Most of the elect are by no means ready to be gathered yet. These are still early days even if now we are in the Day of Penultimate Judgment. There is still far too much false doctrine and too many false spirits around around but that will be purged out in the hardships to come.
We hold fellowship with all kinds of believers at different stages in their journey. They sense this is home but they wrestle with difficult doctrines or are as yet not ready to let go of pet idols. So many - individuals, congregations and groups of congregations - have come and gone in 30 years from across the whole world. Few make it to seven years, most considerably less. The fire is simply too hot or the waiting to unbearable - they are too impatient. There are those who wish to implement parts of this end-time program but not all of it. Yahweh is merciful and knows that it takes time to make big transitions, and especially to one as major as the Millennial Theocracy that is to come.
The rest, who know of us, view us with contempt and have not been slow to declare us anathema. We accept those who seek to draw close to us where they are. They come, go and sometimes come back again. Even those who do not return do not leave empty-handed. They carry seeds of emet (truth) to sow and multiply with harvests that eventually return.
It is our heart to maintain friendly links with all believers, whoever they may be and no matter whether we agree with them 100 per cent or not. We are at least agreed on the basics of salvation and for that reason we strive for harmony. Sadly the reverse is not often accorded to us, but we learned to accept that long ago.
Some years ago we were directed to establish the New Covenant House Church Fellowship to allow congregations drawn to us to commence the process of aligning themselves with this apostolic work. We understood that a minimum transition time of three years was required both to allow the many thousands of new members to adjust their understanding and lifestyle as well as to sift out those coming for impure and ungodly motives. Over 100 congregations have come and gone in Asia (principally in India) and Africa (Benin, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania) over the years, proving the wisdom in establishing this proceedure. Many are called but few are chosen. The seed does not always find good ground to grow in. When ferocious persecution attended us from 2005-2007, vast numbers departed, resulting in even more refining and pruning. Those coming to this work should expect persecution at some time or another. Most naïvely assume it will not. And when it does, most these days are unwilling to endure it.
We are, as of 2017, nearly 30 years old since the time we were formally organised in Oxford, England, having been called by the Voice of El Elyon (the Most High) in 1984. There is much that lies ahead that we look forward to with great anticipation.
We hope this brief introduction to this work has been helpful. Before you lies a giant web page with thousands of articles that will delight, shock, challenge and bless you. Who ever you are, we would enjoy hearing from you. Please get in contact viâ our discussion groups..
May Yahweh our Heavenly Father, the Elohim (God) of Messianic Israel, bless you through His Son Yah'shua (Jesus) as you you study these pages. Amen.

This page was created on 2 February 2001
Last updated on 12 February 2017
Copyright © 1987-2017 NCAY