The End-Time Gathering of New Covenant Apostles for the Final Labour of Separating the Wheat from the Tares of Christendom
3. The Apostles & Evangelists - Part 1
The immediate priority is finding and gathering the 12 apostles and evangelists (sub-apostles) who shall lead this work and bring it to its conclusion.
There have always been men in the Body of Christ claiming to be "apostles". Around 1999 a number of organisations started forming in the United States claiming to be "gathering" these "apostles". What was clear from these gatherings, two of which - one on the US West Coast and one on the East - were prominent - was that there was complete and utter confusion as to true biblical doctrine and practice. Satan infiltrated these well-meant gatherings from the beginning and neutralised the East Coast group, introducing pernicious heresies and making it into a cult. The West Coast group is beset by doctrinal controversy and disagreement.
In addition to these there are others who claim to be apostles who are holding themselves aloof and biding there time. Amongst them there are some genuine apostles awaiting their call. Others would be better described as evangelists or sub-apostles.
To gather the end-time apostles there must be complete unity of doctrine and practice, something the existing churches have failed to achieve. The true apostles have "one Master (Lord), one emunah (faith), and one baptism".
To understand how the true end-time apostles are to be gathered one must go back to the biblical gathering process, and the best illustration of this is the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark.
Firstly, it is clear that Yah'shua (Jesus) is the gatherer, and that when He gathered His first apostles, He did so with an authority that was unmistakable. Since Messiah is no longer in the flesh with us, He must obviously call out His apostles through one or more human agents. These agents must be completely united in doctrine and practice, and their doctrine must square up with the Bible 100 per cent.
During His ministry, Christ called three presiding or chief apostles: Peter, James and John. Understanding their presidential calling and their individual rôles in the Kingdom is therefore essential. Almost no-one in Christendom understands what these rôles were or how they changed as these three men matured in their discipleship.
If you believe you have been called to be an apostle, we invite you to begin your search by reading the article on Peter and the four articles on John below. They will challenge you to your very spiritual foundations. Return to this page when you have completed them by clicking on the back-arrows on your browser:
If the Ruach (Spirit) has born witness to you that the content of these articles is true, then you may possibly be amongst those whom we are looking for. If you are, then we invite you to read further.

This page was created on 2 February 2001
Last updated on 12 February 2017
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