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    Logo Copyright © 1995,2001 NCCG.ORG

    An Association of Autonomous Congregations under the
    Apostolic Leadership of the B'rit Chadashah Assemblies of Yahweh

    D. Application for Eventual Full Congregational Membership
    Version #2-201310

    §1. This form should be completed by the Pastor/Overseer of the congregation (or Bishop/Senior Pastor if a family of congregations) which desires association over the next three years leading to full membership. There is no "affiliate" or "associate" status after the three year tenure is over. 'Full membership' means accepting and implementing all our doctrines and practices after the agreed three-year period of study and adjustment. It is the responsibility of the Pastor and Elders to accurately determine what our doctrine and practice is through careful study of our publications and website, and maintain regular and searching contact with the Apostolate before making such an application. The Pastor should also have consulted with the Elders and Deacons of his local assembly or church to obtain their blessing and support in making further enquiries here.

    §2. Full membership is not automatic and begins with a probationary membership of at least three years as an associate congregation during which time the congregation is required to make full and complete adjustments in doctrine and practice to harmonise with our doctrines and practices on a voluntary and non-compulsive basis. Any attempt to fake this will result in immediate cancellation of the probationary status. A timetable for implementation can be worked out between the Apostolate and the local leadership once the local leadership and the congregation are agreed on this course of action and once the Apostolate is satisfied that the applicant congregation meets our requirements. The Pastor will be required to make biannual (twice-yearly) written reports by regular mail (NCAY mailing address) to the Apostolate at Pesach and Sukkot indicating progress, problem areas, questions, etc. after full and open consulation with his elders, deacons and members. Unless there are mitigating circumstances, failure to make these reports will be interpreted by us to mean that application for full membership is no longer being sought and the association will be terminated.

    §3. If these adjustments are not made within the three year period (or before, if so determined by the Apostolate and agreed to by the applicant congregation), associate status will automatically terminate. The targets for each year must be met before authorisation is given to renew the probationary period for the next year.

    §4. Congregational membership, full or associate, does not give the applicant congregation any 'rights' to economic assistance (there are no salaried staff or ministers at NCAY) and it is to be clearly understood that application for membership is purely a response of the Ruach (Spirit) to be obedient to Yahweh's calling and Torah, and that no requirements beyond apostolic leadership and instruction devolve upon the Apostolate. The only obligation of the Apostles and other appointee ministers is to teach, reveal, witness, pray, intercede, guide, instruct, expound, preach, exhort, admonish, correct, appeal, chasten, edify, love, fellowship and direct by whatever means are currently available to them (e.g. Internet, email, publications, visiting, etc.) as they are led by - and only by - the Ruach (Spirit) "in accordance with sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1)

    §5. Associate status is a temporary, preparatory period leading to full membership and congregational accountability. Probationary membership is best likened to an engagement that shows sincerity of intent which leads, after three years, to a betrothal and full marriage with 'wifely' stewardship obligations on the part of the local congregation with the Apostolate as 'husband'.

    §6. This form must be completed fully and emailed to us for your application to be considered. Include any other information not included in the questions which you feel will be helpful to us in considering your application. Photographs of the officers and congregation are always welcome both to build fellowship as well as to aid us in getting to know you better as well as to give you a page to advertise your work on our website and/or in a separate NCAY discussion group for your ministry. A passport-size photograph of the Pastor is a minimum requirement. At some point we would like to see the pastor on webcam too. You are encouraged to be as full and open as possible. If deception is discovered by us at any time during the processing of the information supplied by the Pastor, the application will be automatically terminated, or the responsible priesthood officer released from his calling if the rest of the Eldership and congregation wishes to pursue registration. Scams and all dishonest practices are fully exposed on our website and in our newsletters.

    §7. This form will be updated and new information and questions added as deemed important or necessary by the Apostolate. The questions listed here are not necessarily all the questions that we wish to ask of an applicant congregation and the latter is obliged to furnish whatever other information the Apostolate subsequently deems important for the processing of the application either before or after the application has been submitted.

    §8. It is fully understood by the applicant congregation that the only reason this application has been submitted is because of a direct revelation, commandment or Word by Yahweh directing the Pastor and Elders to do so in response on their part to a sincere desire to be fully obedient to all the commandments of Yahweh and to become joined to that part of the Body of Messiah to which they have undoubtedly been called. Membership here is never casual but, like marriage, implies total life-long committment and accountability.


    A. Present Congregational Status

    §A1. Full name of (central) congregation:

    §A2. Full address of central meeting place:

    §A3. Total number of baptised members:

    §A4. Offficial offices/address of congregation:

    §A5. Date Congregation was organised/formed:

    B. Present Pastoral Status

    §B1. Full name of current Pastor/Overseer:

    §B2. Full name of current Pastor/Overseer's wife:

    §B3. Full address of current Pastor/Overseer:

    §B4. Current telephone number of Pastor/Overseer:

    §B5. Current email address of Pastor/Overseer:

    §B6. Length of time Pastor/Overseer has held office (years):

    §B7. Date Pastor/Overseer was ordained:

    §B8. Who ordained the Pastor (Name and denomination):

    §B9. If a certification of ordination was made, send one copy (check here )

    §B10. Who and/or what ministry trained you:

    §B11. Is the Pastor/Overseer paid a regular salary:

    §B12. If YES to above, how much is he paid annually:

    §B13. Does the Pastor/Overseer support himself financially in any way:

    §B14. Does he get assistance from freewill offerings:

    §B15. Send any certification of theological training:

    §B16. Send any certification of professional training:

    §B17. Any other remarks:

    C. Status of Other Congregations Linked to the Central Congregation

    If application is being made on behalf of a group of congregations under the overall leadership of a single Presiding Pastor/Overseer or governing committee of Elders, please go to the end of this document and print as many copies of this section as you need and list all congregations, giving full details as above (>> go to Supplement #1):

    D. Current Denominational Affiliation

    The Apostolate needs to know full details of present and past denominational associations, affiliations or membership, whether the congregation(s) is funded by these bodies, whether funding is conditional upon membership of these bodies, or whether funding is unconditional. We cannot admit any congregation that is associated, affiliated, or a member of any other denomination or ministry. We also need to understand how you have spiritually and theologically develloped to assist us in your training. If you are currently associated, affiliated with, or a member of, another denomination, ministry or group, we require evidence that this has been terminated before admission here is granted (e.g. copy of a letter of resignation). Congregations which attempt, or engage in multiple membership in one or more denominations, ministries or groups simultaneously with us will be expelled, their names published or their officers released. Congregations are free to seek financial donations from other bodies provided that no doctrinal or denominational claims of loyalty to those bodies are made by them. Full details must be given! Start with the current association(s) and then list previous one(s) -

    §D1. Current denomination(s) or ministy(s) to which you are attached or owe allegiance (e.g. Methodist, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Seventh-day Adventist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Messianic Jewish, Nazarene, Independent, Lighthouse Ministries, Messianic Israel Alliance, etc.

    §D2. Name of Group:

    §D3. Name of contact person:

    §D4. Telephone Number:

    §D5. Fax Number:

    §D6. Email address:

    §D7. Webpage URL:

    §D8. Full address of Group:

    §D9. Date you were admitted by the group:

    §D10. Were you trained and/or ordained by this group:

    §D11. Why did you cease membership of this group:

    §D12. Are you being financially supported by this group:

    §D13. How much (on average) are you being paid annually:

    §D14. On what date do you intend to formally end association/affiliation/membership:

    §D15. Any other remarks:

    (repeat for previous denominational/ministerial ties)

    E. Current Denominational Practices and Teachings

    Please attach to this form a detailed Statement of Belief and Practice such as is acknowledged by this congregation (if you are independent) or refer us to the website URL of the supporting denomination. This needs to be as full as possible so that an organised transition can be made from your current teachings and practices to that of this ministry during your 3 year association period. Areas that should be covered should include statements on:

    §E1. Salvation:

    §E2. The nature of the Godhead:

    §E3. Spiritual gifts (including prophecy, tongues, etc.):

    §E4. Financial stewardship (tithing, offerings, accountability):

    §E5. Selection and appointment of ministers (Pastors, Elders, Deacons):

    §E6. Marriage:

    §E7. Evangelism:

    §E8. Commandment/Torah-keeping:

    §E9. The Bible:

    §E10. Creed(s):

    §E11. In addition to the above, are there any items of belief or practice of your congregation that do not currently agree with any of our teachings (please list below):

    F. Current National/State Registration

    Many countries require registration of churches/assemblies by their national or regional authorities. We require copies of any such registrations both during the association hase and afterwards when in full membership.

    §F1. Are you registered with any national/state/provincial authority (Y/N):

    §F2. If Yes, include a copy with this application, and indicate here:

    §F3. Do you propose to (re)register your congregation after being accepted by us (Y/N):

    G. Leadership and Congregational Mandates

    The transfer of a whole congregation to this ministry must have the approval of the local Pastorate, Eldership, Deaconate and Membership as a whole. Congregations cannot be admitted to us without the full approval of the whole body of members. Changing denominational allegiance can be divisive and harmful if done in the wrong way, and this should be avoided if at all possible. If a division is likely to occur, then every attempt must be made to ensure that the split is done in a spirit of love and acceptance, and without the use of compulsion. Those who decide to join us should assist those who do not, for love's sake, to continue in some sort of body-fellowship and retain good relations between the two.

    Full membership here is not automatically granted until there is harmony in Ruach (Spirit) as to the change in direction. This will require the rebaptism of all members (if not done properly) and the reordination of all priesthood officers under the direction of one of our Evangelists or Apostles over a 3 year probationary period in three phases.

      Phase 1: The current Bishops, Pastors and Elders should be rebaptised by end of the first year of the probationary associate period after complete instruction has been given to them. In a group of congregations, rebaptism of the Bishops should be performed by an Apostle or Evangelist, the rebaptism of the Pastors by the rebaptised Bishop, and the rebaptism of Elders by rebaptised Pastors. Where there is no group of congregations (i.e. no Bishopric), the Apostle or Evangelist will rebaptise the Pastors directly. .

      Phase 2: The current Deacons should be rebaptised by the end of the second year of the association/probationary period after complete instruction has been given to them. The rebaptism of Deacons should be performed by the rebaptised Elders.

      Phase 3: Finally, the ordinary membership should be rebaptised by the end of the third year of the association/probationary period after complete instruction has been given.

    Baptismal Formula

      (Full name of candidate): "Having been commissioned by Yah'shua the Messiah, I baptise you into the Messiah and into the New Covenant of Messianic Israel in the Name of the Father, Yahweh, and of the Son, Yah'shua, and of the Sevenfold Ruach haQodesh. Amen."

    Former ordinations are usually left untouched during the association/probationary period unless there is a cultic background requiring the breaking of priestly and other demonic strongholds first. Once the rebaptising has been completed of the whole membership at the end of the third year of the association/probationary period, the Apostolate will direct the reordination of all officers. All former ordinations will terminate at the end of the third year. The Apostolate will then issue calls to Bishops and Pastors not in a Bishopic, authorise and perform the ordinations. It is the responsibility of the Bishops to call and ordain all pastors under their authority and leadership after prayerfully consulting the people. Pastors shall call and ordain all new Elders and Deacons, the Elders ordaining the Deacons, after prayerful consultation with the people.

    To join, a majority (>50%) of Elders must approve the changeover after the first year of probationary membership as an associate congregation. Once the Eldership has approved, a majority (>50%) of Deacons must likewise approve after the second year of probationary membership as an associate congregation. Once the Deaconate has approved, a majority of fully baptised congregational members must approve at the end of the third year of probationary membership asn an associate congregation. We will not admit a congregation, or group of congregations, unless a majority mandate (>50%) has been given by the members. Only if there is a unanimous vote of the whole congregation will the Apostolate consider an earlier vote.

    After lengthy discussion and prayerful consideration, in which a full exposition of our beliefs and practices should be given (see above), the following ballots should therefore be undertaken and the results recorded in this application.

    §G1. Ballot of current Elders: For ( ); Against ( ); Percentage For ( ___) - must be over 50% [end of Year 1] - leave blank for now

    §G2. Ballot of current Deacons: For ( ); Against ( ); Percentage For (___) - must be over 50% [end of Year 2] - leave blank for now

    §G3. Ballot of current Baptised Members: For ( ); Against ( ); Percentage For (___) - must be over 50% [end of Year 3] - leave blank for now

    §G4. Total vote of officers and members together: For ( ); Against ( ); Percentage For (___) - must be over 50% [end of Year 1] - leave blank for now

    Supplement #1 (see Section C)

    1. Name of Congregation:

    2. Total number of members:

    3. Full Address of meeting place:

    4. Date congregation was organised:

    5. Full Name of Pastor:

    6. Full name of Pastor's wife:

    7. Full Address of Pastor:

    8. Telephone No. of Pastor (if available):

    9. Email address of Pastor (if available):

    10. Length of time current Pastor has held office:

    11. Date current Pastor was installed:

    12. Who ordained the current Pastor:

    13. Is the Pastor paid a regular salary:

    14. Does he support himself in any way:

    15. Does he get assistance from freewill offerings:

    (please copy and paste the above and repeat for every congregation)

    Today's Date ______________________________________

    Signed (Pastor) _____________________________________

    Location/Place ______________________________________

    Please send the completed form and other attachments to headquarters

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    This page was created on 3 February 2004
    Last updated on 20 November 2015

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