Mini-Study Guides, 1994-5
"More Than Conquerors"
27. "Listen to Him!"
Scripture Meditation: Matthew 17:1-13
There can be no conquest of fear unless there is an undivided loyalty to Christ. And there can be no undivided loyalty to Christ unless there is an undivided loyalty to each other and the covenants we have taken. This is vividly brought home to us in the transfiguration scene. The Jewish heart of Peter was divided in its loyalty -- wanting to keep Moses representing the old Law, Elijah representing the old prophets, and Jesus representing the new revelation of the Law and the prophets. He wanted them all to be on the same level. But they aren't. Peter said: "If you wish, I will put up three shelters, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah" (v.4). This was a serious mistake, for the whole future was bound up with the question of whether Jesus was final, and whether supreme allegiance should be given to Him.
It is interesting to note that while he was uttering these words, a cloud overshadowed them and God's voice announced from the heavens: "This is My Son, whom I love...Listen to Him!" (v.5). The Almighty could not let them get away with the idea that Jesus was on the same level as Moses and Elijah, so He made clear from His cloudy pulpit that the Son was in a class all by Himself. Jesus said: "Don't be afraid" (v.8). The disciples had fallen face down to the ground, terrified. Obviously their fear was brought about by the fact that they had heard God's voice, but I think also there was the fear that comes from inner division. When Jesus is not central then fear rises -- inevitably.
God's voice has been speaking to us all our lives, and especially at this time when we have sought an answer which for us is most pertinent, and that voice has been saying: "This is My Son, whom I love...LISTEN TO HIM." Well, have we listened to Him? Have our fears for Zion and the future departed, because if those fears haven't departed, then in reality we haven't listened to Him at all! If there is fear in our souls then the voice of Christ cannot break through -- it will be the voice of our inner fear that we hear. Not until Christ is truly the Lord of our lives in every area will we hear Him and believe Him.

This page was created on 16 May 1998
Updated on 16 May 1998
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