Mini-Study Guides, 1994-5
"More Than Conquerors"
22. The Great Destroyer
Scripture Meditation: Matthew 25:14-30
Last month we began a study of the problem of fear in a Christian's life. The text we looked at -- 2 Timothy 1:7 -- informed us that God has not given us the spirit of timidity. So where, then, does it come from?
At the beginning of this (20th) century many psychologists believed we came into the world with just two fears -- the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. But by the time we reach adulthood, they said, we have gathered dozens on the way. The modern-day science of prenatal psychology claims, however, that babies can come into the world with many fears -- fears picked up from mother as they lie in the womb. It must be said, also, that the devil is directly responsible for some fears. He either breathes them directly into the soul or exaggerates the fears already there.
A story from the Far East tells of a traveller who crossed a desert. As he did he met another traveller coming from the opposite direction who identified himself as Cholera. "Where have you come from?" asked the traveller. Cholera named the city which he had just left. The traveller said: "How many died?" "Eighty thousand," Cholera replied, "but I touched only twenty thousand." "And the rest?" "Oh, they died from fear."
The passage before us today informs us of a man whose efficiency and effectiveness was curbed because of fear: "So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground" (Matt.25:25). How many Christians, I wonder, still go out into the world today and fail to increase the spiritual investment which the Master, our Lord Jesus Christ, has deposited within them, due to some incapacitating fear? Fear paralyses us and paralyses our endeavours. We must gain the victory over such fear.
I must confess to you today that I am worried about this Church. I have been for the last seven years but more so today because we stand at the threshold of the fulfillment of great promises. I am worried not because the Church has buried its talent in the ground -- which I believe it has certainly done from time to time over the last few years -- but because I fear it will do something rash and destroy itself not because of inactivity but because of a sudden burst of misguided zeal [1].
No doubt you are wondering what I am talking about so listen attentively. Do you remember the incident where the Israelites in the days of Moses attacked the Amorites on the borders of the Promised Land and were soundly beaten? They had received reports of the Promised Land from the 12 spies -- one good report from Joshua and Caleb, and one negative report from the other ten. They believed the ten because they were crippled with fear when they heard about the giants living there. Because of their lack of faith they murmured and complained, and as a result the Lord cursed them, vowing that not one of them, save Joshua and Caleb, would enter the promised land but would die in the wilderness.
The effect of this startling revelation caused a false repentance to take place -- repentance not because of love but repentance because of the fear of losing God's choice blessings. So, without consulting the Lord, they launched upon their fateful attack on the Amorites. God told them not to do it but they wouldn't listen. The scripture says: "Then they returned and wept before the Lord, but he wouldn't listen. So they stayed there at Kadesh (Barnea) for a long time" (Deut.1:45, LB).
It is further written: "So it took us thirty-eight years to finally get across Zered Brook from Kadesh (Barnea)! For the Lord had decreed that this could not happen until all the men, who thirty-eight years earlier were old enough to bear arms, had died. Yes, the hand of the Lord was against them until finally all were dead" (Deut.2:14-17, LB).
So I give a prophetic warning to this people: rebel not against the Lord otherwise He will not give Kadesh Ephraim to you but to the next generation, and you will wander around in the world until all those of you are adults have passed away or your calls are given to the up and coming generation. Don't try to establish Kadesh Ephraim according to your own plans but do it the Lord's way. Take heed of what the Patriarchate tells you!
We are more than conquerors through Christ who died for us but we have not been given the right to do the Lord's work according to our own desires and expectations. Beware! For this people stands at a critical crossroads today not unlike that facing the Israelites on the borders of the Promised Land. Great temptations are going to be placed before you enter
Historical Footnotes
[1] One of many prophecies and hints of the coming "Third Rebellion" in December 1995. This talk was given in April 1995.

This page was created on 16 May 1998
Updated on 16 May 1998
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