Mini-Study Guides, 1994-5
"More Than Conquerors"
20. The Basis of Certainty
You see, I have discovered a new basis of certainty. I would like to share with you what I have discovered.
The Christian life is the conquest of life by the Life, namely Jesus Christ (John 11:25; 14:6). To illustrate this, I would like to read from Paul's second letter to Timothy, chapter 1, from the Amplified Version. The apostle writes: "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity -- of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear -- but He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of calm and a well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control." (2 Tim.1:7, AmpV).
Here, then, is the basis of being "more than a conqueror" -- the whole organism is strengthened. The will, the emotion, and mind are renewed. There is power for the will, love for the emotions, and sound judgment for the mind. What more could we possibly want in order to cope with life?
My greatest struggle has been with the emotions. I was always a very emotional child, very sensitive, very easily hurt. I believe I retain that sensitivity. But now I have found the calming influence of the Holy Spirit taking charge of my feelings. In 95% of difficult situations I find myself in I am able to remain calm. I have started to lose my fear of external circumstances. I will not be so foolish to boast that I have lost all my fear -- I haven't. But, praise God, I am making good progress.
When the will, emotions, and mind are under the control of Christ, then all fear is banished. People try to overcome fear in many ways. Some see all fear as coming from an evil spirit and try to cast it out. Other see fear as psychological and try to educate it out. But I have discovered that fear finally departs only as it is displaced by some positive influence that possesses you, thereby making the fears absurd. The best "positive influence" is the one that comes from God -- the Holy Spirit working within the depths of our being.
I have discovered that the best cure for spiritual sickness is active service for the Kingdom. Pastoral ministry and missionary work are two of the most potent. I would go so far as to say that they the two poles of an active, balanced spiritual life. You don't have to be an ordained pastor or a full-time missionary to do these things -- you can be a support for people and you can go witnessing in your free time. My advice to you, if you have been called into this work, is to get baptised as quickly as possible, and throw yourself into Kingdom work. It is the most satisfying, spiritually healing and sanctifying work you will ever do.
There should be no fear in active discipleship. Discipleship is the cure to most problems. Do you suffer from fear of some sort? Do you want to be free of fear? Then I challenge you to get to work now.
The reasons for fear can be found in one or more of these roots:
- (1) being weak in the will;
- (2) a lack of love; and
- (3) a sense of being confused due to the mind lacking a sound and unified judgment.
If we can discover how to get power for the will, love for the motions, and sound judgment for the mind, we are on the way to real living.

This page was created on 16 May 1998
Updated on 16 May 1998
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