Mini-Study Guides, 1994-5
"More Than Conquerors"
15. Room To Grow Up In
Scripture Meditation: 1 Corinthians 15:12-28
To conclude our Mini-Study today, I would like to look in more detail at the Ten Horses of Evil which I referred to a little earlier. Let's take the first: "death". Paul puts this word first, for death is undoubtedly one of our greatest enemies.
Some people refuse to discuss the subject of death because it produces feelings in them they would rather not confront. A lawyer once said that one of the reasons why so many people avoid making a will is because they don't want to come face to face with the reality of their own finitude. An old but gracious Christians lady used to say: "I look forward to death and immortality for I want room to grow up in." She lived in the deathless One and she was therefore, in a sense, deathless. To be freed from the fear of death is freedom indeed, for it is one of the greatest personal fears. If I am honest with myself I can say that I am not afraid of death for my own sake but I am afraid to leave this world before I have done all I am supposed to do and before I have made all the provision I can for my children.
Then Paul takes something else that might separate us from the love of God: "life". Death may be remote, but life is always with us. Some welcome death because they see it as an escape from the circumstances that have to be faced at every moment. We need power not only to stand up to life, but to be more than a conqueror in it. This, also, we find in Christ. Ongoing life holds unnamed terrors for many people. Some rise in the morning saying to themselves drearily: "O Lord, another day." They begin the day defeated and end it in the same way. If you are like them then remember that life holds nothing which Christ has not conquered. So every morning when you wake up say in excited tones: "O Lord, another day!" Let us pray:
O Lord, I see that nothing can make me afraid. I am possessed by Life; what can life do to me? I can do anything that needs to be done through Your Spirit within me. Let life come on. In You I am ready for anything. Amen.
Over the next two or three months, brethren and sisters, we shall be looking at the remaining eight of The Ten Horses of Evil. Between now and then I'd like you to think about them carefully. To do so, find the scripture references and questions in your Program of Study for 1994-5.
Invitation to Baptism
Brethren and sisters, if there are any of you who have never received Christ as your personal Saviour, and would like to do so, I invite you to come and stand before the altar and make your request known, where you will be helped to make a prayer of commitment to Him. If there are any who have received Christ and who have been led by the Holy Spirit to unite themselves with this people, then I invite both them and those who are meeting Christ for the first time to receive water baptism at the soonest possible opportunity, as commanded by Scripture -- the first to be baptised into Christ, and all to be baptised into the New Covenant.
If there is anyone who would like to have private counsel first, they too are invited to come up to the stand. We will now have a few minutes of spiritual music to allow those who wish to commit themselves to come up to the altar...
Prayers of Commitment
Simple Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gift of eternal life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for my sins and rose again from the dead. I now put my complete trust in You alone for eternal life. Thank you for delivering me! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Special Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I want to be Your child and I want to be completely free. I confess that Jesus is Lord, I believe You raised Him from the dead and I confess my need for the new birth and freedom He alone can give. I want this. I renounce (the occult, drugs, rock music, sexual obsession, homosexuality, etc.) and all its lifestyle and activity. I renounce all things connected with (the occult, drugs, etc.) that have touched my life recently or have come into my life through my family or friends. I renounce it all, turn from it and ask you to forgive me, free and deliver me from all its consequences. I ask you to fill me with Your Holy Spirit and lead me in the way I should go. I count this done, and thank you for it, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

This page was created on 16 May 1998
Updated on 16 May 1998
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